Friday, September 27, 2024

Dominatrixes & Hookers Dominate the UN Assembly. :)


 So, the 2024 UN Assembly roles to a close. What was accomplished? Apparently, fuck all nothing. However...out of the 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations, by the time you add the politicians, representatives, their support staff, security, press, extra staff for hotels, parking, restaurants, extra staff at airports for all those private planes and so on, it's 10,000s of thousands of people. And who is the busiest? Hookers, Strippers and ProDoms.


 They rake in the money. Think about it, millionaires, billionaires, most of the attendees are men, most are from conservative countries, most are (or claim to be) deeply devout in their very conservative religions, so this means..they're going to get their perverted, kinky, freaky, fetishy freak on. 


The diplomats are meeting world leaders by day and high-end hookers by night. High-priced escorts are flocking to the city from as far away as Las Vegas and Europe to meet the increased demand, plus all the "local" talent already there. Business goes up 20% to 25%, according to the women that conduct such lofty and hard work (and by lofty and hard, I mean, erections that are stiff). 

The insiders added of the erotic aides and their international clients,“They go to hotels because they can’t go to the residences or the embassies,” pointing out that the luxe ladies of the evening “make $3,000 to $5,000” per session. The source said “diplomats go crazy because they’re so repressed where they are . . . they don’t have these girls.” Conventional wisdom dictates when the demand for sex workers goes up, so does attendance at local strip clubs. A different source says diplomats who do dip into strip clubs get private rooms.“VIP rooms are booked, and they spend anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 in a night. You look around and it’s not the usual crowd of regulars."

And I would posit, the same would apply to ProDoms, and probably Pro-Subs as well. So, while nothing is getting done on global warming, wars, poverty, crime, pollution and pesky little trivial things of that nature, pussies are being pumped, tits are being ravaged, booty is being kissed, abnormal sexual acts are being enacted, balls are being emptied, no doubt the alcohol is flowing, Vigra is being used, heavily, drugs (legal and illegal) are being taken, sniffed, snorted, injected, money is flowing and a grand time is being all.



This ends Vanessa's Intenational Politics, Tits and Ass Special Late Breaking News Report. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Is "Incel" A Fetish?

Setting aside, for the moment, all the negative attributes and accusations for those males deemed as being "Incels" (as some might be true, most are probably false) I found myself wondering earlier if for some guys it's something more akin to a celibate, blue balls, tease and denial, being denied sort of fetish? 


What I mean is, we all know there are millions of guys that are aroused by being denied, in chastity, have orgasms ruined, just being of "service", compersion and other descriptors of that nature. So, do some of them make little to no effort at finding a girlfriend, in the conventional sense, so they revel in their semi-self-imposed blue balled "misery"?  Or maybe I am totally confused and my mind is just making this up, not sure. 

We know the human brain is very complex, as is human sexuality, and the confluence of the two make up a very bizarre and confusing aspect of our "being" and nature. I can see, in theory at least, a situation where men of a certain "type" would sort of enter into a mindset where they are perpetually aroused, maybe have secret "crushes" on female coworkers, neighbors, watching porn, whatever, and yet still make no effort to couple with anyone, so they're always horny, but "denied" so are therefore seen as being an Incel, but are in truth turned on by the whole thing? (That was one looooong run on sentence, lol.) No idea really...maybe I should get a more productive hobby, but my brain won't shut up.   :) 

Lastly...for all those lovely, wonderful people that have purchased my products and books over the years, thank you. There has recently been a substantial increase in people buying my books and it is appreciated, plus I am happy to know that people are enjoying them.   :) 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

What the Bleep Can I Eat?! :)



Ah yes, food. The food thing. Food stuff. You

Increasingly a lot of people are having food allergies, reactions, some very bad, some uncomfortable, some that are just unhealthy. There are a lot of preservatives, antibiotics, steroids, dyes and junk additives in our food. Some peoples bodies are tolerant to this, others are not. So, for those that are not, the link below has a plethora of information on food allergies, sensitivities, options, suggestions and alternatives. It can be very confusing, but for many people the quality of life can be substantially better by avoiding foods that trigger ill health and bad reactions.

I like eating. As you can tell, I'm always hunting and foraging in the kitchen. 

Submissive cuckolds need to eat as well.
However, regarding mine, he can....Eat This.

Failure to do so correctly, results in...this. 

Which then leads to a more compliant and eager submissive tongue slave. 



Yeah, I need help. I make my mannequins have orgies.  :) 


I forgot about this lovely snarky photo. Are women still doing the "FinDom" thing? Ever since I closed most of my social media accounts and left Fetlife years ago, I don't see much about it. But yeah, I created this to make fun of the 47 thousand billion women that were trying to do the "FinDom" thing...I mean, get a job. If you have health problems and are disabled, apply for SSI and whatever government programs exist that are (rightfully) there for people that need assistance. But stop pretending or assuming just because you have a vagina, men are supposed to pay your bills your whole life. That's not feminism, that's just being an entitled lazy lame ass. 


And back to food, from the standpoint of health, eating clean and working out will make a huge difference in body size, shape, weight, mass and overall health. And yes, it is indeed a touchy subject for some people, but I'm not sure why. Anyone, all of us, every single one of us, if we didn't move much and ate unhealthy food, and/or too much of it, would end up overweight, every single one of us, so it's not something to be defensive about. Just change it. It's hard, but it's not. Burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight, period. This applies to people, male or female, and any animal on the planet. It's just science and biology. 

By a weird fluke, my husband took the photo of me (below/right) some time back at random, and then I realized I'd seen a similar type photo and body type and pose before. So, turns out it was of a marble statue of The Venus Callipyge, also known as the Aphrodite Kallipygos or the Callipygian Venus. This was created around 1st Century BC, and is a reproduction of one that was dated about 200 years earlier, so it's somewhere in the vicinity of 2100 to 2300 years old. The point being, is that (yes, genetics is a factor with some people) overall, the human body has not changed much in thousands of years, minus junk food and a more "leisurely" lifestyle. Side note, the word "callipygian" obviously stems from The Venus Callipyge so, I guess her having a word created in honor of her ass, is a compliment.  :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

9 in 10 Porn Creators Concerned About Political Attacks on Industry.


“We see it in the harassment online, the banking closures, the social media censorship, the content restrictions dictated by credit card companies and the overall loss of business. We are motivated to protect our businesses and our rights. Politicians should realize that there are millions of creators, with hundreds of millions of fans, and we’re ready to mobilize."

Guess we're going to war again...over freedom of speech. 

Is this new? Nope. Is it a novel idea? Nope. Is it old, pedestrian, tired and worn out? Yep.
How long have silly little politicians and power thirsty wanna be theocrats been doing this? 

In 443 BCE, Rome established the office of censor, who was responsible for conducting the census and regulating the morals of the citizens. The term "censorship" comes from the Latin word censere, which means "to give as one's opinion, to assess."

That, ladies and gentlemen and "peoples" of alternate persuasions and a long damn time ago. All I know is, it won't work, not gonna happen. Sure, in some countries the masses are controlled as to what they can say, read, write, view and create, and I truly have sympathy for them. May they rise up and overthrow their evil overlords, and decapitate every single one of them. But here in the USA and the West, we have rights and Constitutions and attitudes and guns and...well my sentiment can be encapsulated with the meme below, regarding telling me what I can read, write and create. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Kamala Harris helped shut down Sex workers feel fallout.

“Unfortunately, Kamala Harris is just one of many, many politicians to conflate adult, consensual prostitution with horrific, violent, gender-based violence,” said Kaytlin Bailey, host of “The Oldest Profession Podcast” and founder of Old Pros, which advocates for the decriminalization of sex work.

Some advocates on the left see Harris’ approach to Backpage — and to sex work more broadly — as overly punitive. Before the site was shuttered, they say, it primarily served as a place where sex workers safely connected with — and vetted — adult clients for consensual services. They say that Backpage cooperated with authorities to identify sex trafficking and that, by driving the market for consensual sex-related services to more obscure corners of the internet (or back into the streets), the shutdown of the site hampered efforts to investigate underage or coerced prostitution. 

I'm sure some people don't want to see this, as right now Kamala is the darling of the left. However, she is not my darling, never has been, nor ever will be. Beyond this, which was just a virtue signaling effort at getting publicity for politicians, she also spent some of her career locking up people for smoking weed, often young black males who are usually targeted and prosecuted more stringently than others. Prosecutors have some discretion on which types of cases they go after, they set the tone and the agenda of the office they represent. All of them go after rapists, serial killers and pedophiles, for good reason. But then some go more for white collar criminals, which is difficult as those people tend to be campaign donors, and some tend to go after whatever will grab headlines...which is what Kamala did. 

This case stretched out over about 7 years, cost taxpayers millions and millions and millions of dollars, and for what? The main convictions were laundering, which is what pretty much all politicians, churches, Wall Street, bankers, Big Pharma, Trump, and corporate America does. It's not good, but all the rest of them get a free pass on it, but anything sex related and...OH MY GOD!!! Prosecute, go after them, spend half a billion dollars, it might take pushing 10 years, but get those headlines right? Fucking jackasses.   

Sex trafficking is horrible. 

What is the main source of human trafficking? Mass displacement, conflict, extreme poverty, lack of access to education and job opportunities, violence and harmful social norms like child marriage are all factors that push individuals into situations of trafficking.

And yes, no doubt there is some promotion of it online. But if you want to end that, you'd have to close down all websites, the entire Internet, end immigration, international travel, tourism and have "monitors" in every home, school, church, bar and business on the planet to try to catch those that are involved in it. That has nothing to do with people, mostly women, advertising sex services on some website wherein they are doing it consensually, exchanging money for a service, and there is no victim.  

 Does that mean you, I, or anyone should vote for Trump? Fuck no! But those that think Kamala is some wonderful woman fighting for women's rights, freedom, truth, justice and the American way (and all that jingoistic garbage) might want to think again. She's just another opportunistic politician, promoting herself and her career, and not much else. I am for small government, meaning protect the borders from war mongering invaders, protect the environment, safeguard the food we eat and the meds we take, provide the services we pay for (roads, schools, etc) and then...stay out of my life. Stay out of my library, stay out of my computer and stay the fuck out of my bedroom.  

In other political news...

She's got my vote! 
(Joking of course.) 

 A staffer injured himself so badly giving oral sex to a state senator that he ended up in a wheelchair, a lawsuit claims. Chad Condit claims that California state Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil had to push his wheelchair around a casino after he gave her oral sex in a cramped car seat. She continued to make sexual comments as she pushed him around the casino, he claims. Condit has since recovered the use of his legs and is suing Alvarado-Gil for sexual harassment, retaliation and violation of California labor law.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Sade's First New Song in Six Years Included in Album Supporting Transgender Awareness.


  I have always loved, loved, loved her. However, I also like some of what J.K. Rowling says on this topic. I'm not sure why some people think there has to be a for/against dynamic with everything. People can support an overall agenda without supporting every aspect of it. Promoting trans rights should not mean diminishing women's rights. Promoting equality should not mean one demographic getting preferential treatment. Advocating for egalitarianism does not, should not, and can not, mean the elevation of one group over another. That defies and negates the definition and the whole point of the word and concept. 

Anyway...hope everyone has a lovely weekend.   :) 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cuckold Life: Wet Options...



This book is a continuation of my life, of me, cuckolding my submissive husband. My previous books have entailed the start, my training methods, details and suggestions, and this one follows with those expanding efforts and developments of his serving me and his humilation. Graphic, blunt, and oh so much fun....for me. :)

Side note...this was originally published as "Cuckold Journal" but Amazon blocked it. However, numerous copies (both e-book and paperback) were sold prior to their doing that. So, I reedited it, removing parts their censors found "objectionable" and republished it. No idea if the "censor bots" will block it again. We now live in a world run by bots, not human beings, which is just stupid. Just mentioning it in the event someone had previously purchased "Cuckold Journal", it is essentially the same book. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Shake Your Booty!!! :)


Feeling a bit...retro today. 

And along the same line...modern day technology is fantastic in many ways, but there was a simplicity and many benefits from previous eras. Things were cheaper, calmer, simpler and easier in some ways (but not all) and sometimes I miss that time.  :) 


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What the Fuck Are We Doing People? :)

Quick note, see, there was a party, there was alcohol, nudity, frivolity, salaciousness, might have been some sex, and medical exams, which I am not qualified to give but...I did anyway. :)


 Anyway, let's talk beauty and fashion for a moment. Yes, it is all arbitrary and subjective. It's not agreed upon nor ubiquitous. It's up to the individual to decide what they want to wear, how they want to dress and "bedeck and bedazzle" themselves. At the same time...can anyone really state what transpires now improvement? Seriously? How could we compare the beauty of human beings in their (mostly) natural state, with what is done by plastic surgeons, drugs, makeup, filters, and overdoing some or all of it? I just don't get it. I leave home, go out in public, wondering if there is a freak show or a circus in town.
Men then...


And men now... 




Yes, bodybuilders do steroids, on top of a huge amount of working out. 

Now people inject synthol oil into body parts, avoid working out with the hope that it will make them look muscular. It does not work. It's tragic, dangerous, stupid and ugly. 


A photo of normal human bodies, circa the 1970s. Notice, no tattoos, no obesity, no piercings, no implants, no filters, no Botox, pubic hair, just normal natural young healthy human bodies.


Women (celebrities) of the...maybe 1970s and 1980s. 

Women (celebrities???) of the current era. 


In 1965 the average woman was about 5' 2" and weighed about 120 pounds.

In 2024 the average woman is about 5' 2" and weighs about 175 pounds. 

And yes, the average guy is fat, has a pot belly, saggy ass, no muscle's not just women. Equality is happening here...and it's not good, for anyone. 

A little mascera, some blush, lipstick, sure, it enhances and contours a womans facial features and adds to it. Couple that with a complimentary hairstyle...something that works, stunning. 

But, what the fuck is this? 


Jeans on a guys butt can look fantastic and sexy. 


Jeans on a womans butt can look fantastic and sexy. 

Gettting BBLs to get huge ass, or to fit jeans...again, it's tragic, dangerous, stupid and ugly. 

So, I reiterate my original question in the title...What the Fuck Are We Doing People?

People are spending a fortune, going into debt, going broke, getting sick and harming themselves, and in some cases dying (BBL procedures are considered “the most dangerous plastic surgeries.” The gluteal area is full of major blood vessels. If a surgeon goes too deep with the insertion, fat can enter the bloodstream and block the heart (fat embolism) or the lungs (pulmonary embolism), potentially resulting in death.) to look like...freaks? I mean, stating an opinion here, and others can disagree, but these people look like...freaks. They are not attractive. I would not and could not find any of them sexy, appealing, hot or attractive. Might just be me....but maybe, just maybe, people should stop being influenced by the media, by social media, by TikTok, by "influencers" and...clean up their diet, bathe, groom, wear sensibly priced complementary clothes, go to the gym, be healthier and longer and have more money. Yeah, I know, I am very opinionated...and don't give a fuck. 

And yes, I realize that my not giving a fuck about this, should translate to others not giving a fuck about what fucks I give about what the fuck they wear or do with their own fucking bodies. I just think there is a difference in not giving a fuck, versus if you spend a gazillion dollars seeking the attention and approval of others, which means you do give a fuck. If you go to all that trouble, all that effort, all that surgery and "work" to be attractive to others, then you can not say you don't give a fuck, because you fucking did all fucking that so others would give a fuck about the fucks you give. You get my fucking point?  :) 

The greatest thing in life, the greatest freedom, is when you don't give a fuck what people think anymore, that's real freedom. ~Dorian Yates


Speaking of not giving a fuck...