Wednesday, September 18, 2024

9 in 10 Porn Creators Concerned About Political Attacks on Industry.


“We see it in the harassment online, the banking closures, the social media censorship, the content restrictions dictated by credit card companies and the overall loss of business. We are motivated to protect our businesses and our rights. Politicians should realize that there are millions of creators, with hundreds of millions of fans, and we’re ready to mobilize."

Guess we're going to war again...over freedom of speech. 

Is this new? Nope. Is it a novel idea? Nope. Is it old, pedestrian, tired and worn out? Yep.
How long have silly little politicians and power thirsty wanna be theocrats been doing this? 

In 443 BCE, Rome established the office of censor, who was responsible for conducting the census and regulating the morals of the citizens. The term "censorship" comes from the Latin word censere, which means "to give as one's opinion, to assess."

That, ladies and gentlemen and "peoples" of alternate persuasions and a long damn time ago. All I know is, it won't work, not gonna happen. Sure, in some countries the masses are controlled as to what they can say, read, write, view and create, and I truly have sympathy for them. May they rise up and overthrow their evil overlords, and decapitate every single one of them. But here in the USA and the West, we have rights and Constitutions and attitudes and guns and...well my sentiment can be encapsulated with the meme below, regarding telling me what I can read, write and create. 

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