Friday, September 27, 2024

Dominatrixes & Hookers Dominate the UN Assembly. :)


 So, the 2024 UN Assembly roles to a close. What was accomplished? Apparently, fuck all nothing. However...out of the 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations, by the time you add the politicians, representatives, their support staff, security, press, extra staff for hotels, parking, restaurants, extra staff at airports for all those private planes and so on, it's 10,000s of thousands of people. And who is the busiest? Hookers, Strippers and ProDoms.


 They rake in the money. Think about it, millionaires, billionaires, most of the attendees are men, most are from conservative countries, most are (or claim to be) deeply devout in their very conservative religions, so this means..they're going to get their perverted, kinky, freaky, fetishy freak on. 


The diplomats are meeting world leaders by day and high-end hookers by night. High-priced escorts are flocking to the city from as far away as Las Vegas and Europe to meet the increased demand, plus all the "local" talent already there. Business goes up 20% to 25%, according to the women that conduct such lofty and hard work (and by lofty and hard, I mean, erections that are stiff). 

The insiders added of the erotic aides and their international clients,“They go to hotels because they can’t go to the residences or the embassies,” pointing out that the luxe ladies of the evening “make $3,000 to $5,000” per session. The source said “diplomats go crazy because they’re so repressed where they are . . . they don’t have these girls.” Conventional wisdom dictates when the demand for sex workers goes up, so does attendance at local strip clubs. A different source says diplomats who do dip into strip clubs get private rooms.“VIP rooms are booked, and they spend anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 in a night. You look around and it’s not the usual crowd of regulars."

And I would posit, the same would apply to ProDoms, and probably Pro-Subs as well. So, while nothing is getting done on global warming, wars, poverty, crime, pollution and pesky little trivial things of that nature, pussies are being pumped, tits are being ravaged, booty is being kissed, abnormal sexual acts are being enacted, balls are being emptied, no doubt the alcohol is flowing, Vigra is being used, heavily, drugs (legal and illegal) are being taken, sniffed, snorted, injected, money is flowing and a grand time is being all.



This ends Vanessa's Intenational Politics, Tits and Ass Special Late Breaking News Report. 

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