Thursday, September 26, 2024

Is "Incel" A Fetish?

Setting aside, for the moment, all the negative attributes and accusations for those males deemed as being "Incels" (as some might be true, most are probably false) I found myself wondering earlier if for some guys it's something more akin to a celibate, blue balls, tease and denial, being denied sort of fetish? 


What I mean is, we all know there are millions of guys that are aroused by being denied, in chastity, have orgasms ruined, just being of "service", compersion and other descriptors of that nature. So, do some of them make little to no effort at finding a girlfriend, in the conventional sense, so they revel in their semi-self-imposed blue balled "misery"?  Or maybe I am totally confused and my mind is just making this up, not sure. 

We know the human brain is very complex, as is human sexuality, and the confluence of the two make up a very bizarre and confusing aspect of our "being" and nature. I can see, in theory at least, a situation where men of a certain "type" would sort of enter into a mindset where they are perpetually aroused, maybe have secret "crushes" on female coworkers, neighbors, watching porn, whatever, and yet still make no effort to couple with anyone, so they're always horny, but "denied" so are therefore seen as being an Incel, but are in truth turned on by the whole thing? (That was one looooong run on sentence, lol.) No idea really...maybe I should get a more productive hobby, but my brain won't shut up.   :) 

Lastly...for all those lovely, wonderful people that have purchased my products and books over the years, thank you. There has recently been a substantial increase in people buying my books and it is appreciated, plus I am happy to know that people are enjoying them.   :) 


  1. yes your books are great, they read as an honest assessment of what you write about. sissy Bella

  2. Hello miss Chaland,

    I don't know about these incels, but I can tell you that, 10 days before miss Lindsay and I visit our BDSM room, I stop with having an orgasm.
    Even when we have sex, I will deny myself an orgasm.
    Miss Lindsay can tease me, but no relief until 'BDSM-day'.
    And on the day itself, a 'ruined orgasm' is just king (or queen) for me.

    Kind regards,

    Marco (from miss Lindsay).

    1. Sort of along the lines or what I was wondering and speculating Marco. :)
