Sunday, June 23, 2024

Dancing Naked (Almost). :)

For me, these two clips are not so much about the erotic aspect (while that does exist), but more about being impressive from the standpoint of strength, control, power, grace, style and composure. Sure, there is some flesh, some gyrating and undulating, young firm bodies, so yes, erotic from that standpoint, but the vision to create these "dances" and the emotion and passion behind them...that's what caught my attention. The portion on the second clip where the guy lays flat and holds her while she extends towards the floor, the core strength of both of them, when you watch it and think about it...not an easy feat. Anyway...  :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Andrea Bocelli - Chris Botti - Italia.


I can think of no other song that is so serene, soothing, pleasant, soulfully transportive, calming and lovely. And the ending where they both "hold" their notes for about half a impressive.  :)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Fun Freaky Fucking Facts. :)

Due to lies, sex scandals, lies about sex scandals, lies about election fraud, actual fraud committed by pathological liar Trump, the GOP and fake news channel Fox, several billion dollars have been paid in judgements, fines, fees over the last couple of years. The following is just a brief overview. There have been many, many, many other cases, judgements, fees and fines levied against the most corrupt politician and political party, ever known to the USA. 

$130,000 hush money paid from pathological liar Trump to Stormy Daniels for fucking her while his 3rd wife was giving birth to his 5 child. Pathological liar Trumpie has a lot of baby mommas, and 2 out of 3 are/were illegal immigrants...not sure why his bigoted voters overlook that.  

 $382,000:  Pathological liar Trump paid in fines after losing a lawsuit against Orbis Business Intelligence over the dossier alleging Trump conspired with Russia to win the 2016 election.  

$454.2 million: New York Judge ordered pathological liar Trump to pay in penalties and pre-judgment interest for fraudulently misstating the value of assets on financial statement.     

$83.3 million:  Pathological liar Trump paid to E. Jean Carroll for defamation after he attacked her and said she wasn’t “my type” when she accused him of sexually assaulting her.  

$392,638:  Pathological liar Trump ordered to pay in legal fees to New York Times after a court tossed his lawsuit taking issue with the newspaper publishing his tax records.  

$5 million: A jury ordered pathological liar Trump to pay Carroll $5 million in a separate trial, which found him liable for sexual assault and defamation.   

 $937,989.39:  Pathological liar Trump and attorney were jointly ordered to pay in sanctions over the ex-president’s lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, which a judge ruled was “inadequate in nearly every respect” and “unsupported by any legal authority”.

  $1.6 million: The Trump Organization sentenced to pay after being found guilty for criminal tax fraud after evading taxes using gifts and other off-the-books compensation.

 Pathological liar Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York.

 Pathological liar Trump has filed for bankruptcy 6 times...he almost never pays his bills.

 Pathological liar Trump has been impeached...twice. The only POTUS to "accomplish" that.

 Pathological liar Trump faced 91 felony counts after being indicted four times within one year.

Trump appeared on the talk show “The View” with Ivanka and said, “If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn't that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?"

 Aides said Trump talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that led [former Chief of Staff] John Kelly to remind Trump that Ivanka was his daughter.


Pathological liar Alex Jones owes $1.5 billion in damages to the families of the Sandy Hook massacre where 20 students and six adults -- were shot and killed. 


Fox News (owned by pathological liar Rupert Murdoch, 93 years old, just married his 5th wife) paid $787.5 Million for a Defamation Suit for pushing election lies and conspiracies.


(Geriatric Old Perverts?)
Party of "Family Values"?
Party of Ethics, Law and Order?



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Fucking My Cuckold Home Movie. :)

I have to give him credit..he tries so hard. I mean he thrusts, gyrates, tries to tease and taunt, and I love it. I only allow him access maybe, 2 or 3 times a year, so he really tries to make an impression, which I adore. You can tell by my breathing and moans...but still, he's a cuckold so, still gotta find and fuck that superior cock when I can.  

On this clip you can sort of hear a bit of SPH type commentary from me, but it's not real clear.

The thing is...I film stuff at home sometimes, but have no desire to do "porn". So the video, angles, the audio, background noise, lighting, editing, mostly nonexistent as...this is for my own amusement and "home library". If it appeals to others, great, if not, oh well.  

Friday, June 7, 2024

Annnd Start the Hero Worship. :)


People like this guy, just everyday normal people, living an average life, job, income, existence, who persevere and press on, are admirable.   :) 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

STOP the Hero Worship. :)


People need to remember, the biggest porn star in the world is Kim Kardasian. She was Paris Hiltons closet organizer (literally, that was her paid job) until her porn tape came out, interest grew, she got tit/ass implants, lip filler, Botox, she and her sisters started banging entire sports teams, married, divorced, married, divorced, gold digging, started selling products from 3rd World sweatshops. 

Their getting a lifetime of fame, good salaries, comfort, notoriety, private security, is not based on...intelligence, ethics, education, integrity, honor, honesty, brilliance or anything's a fucking high school popularity contest, and not worthy of praise, adulation or worship. 

Social Media Influencers.

The so called "influencers" have been proven, almost all of them, to be using staged photos (posing in front of cars, homes, mansions, private jets, boats, yachts, ranches, property) they don't own and are either just using for a photo shoot, or rented for a few hours. 

Private Jet Studio, created a unique business by renting out a private jet for Instagram photoshoots, but there’s a catch. People can experience what stepping onto a luxury private jet feels like, however they won’t actually be travelling anywhere, with the plane remaining firmly on the ground. The cost is $220 for two hours on the jet with a photographer, or $170 without. However, Private Jet Studio is a mocked-up aircraft in a studio. The interior appears to be a hybrid of several aircraft models. And the vast majority of photographs on Private Jet Studio’s Instagram page are collected from other sources on the web (one was the cover for a 2010 Hawker Beechcraft magazine).

Most "Influencers" are just pimping OnlyFans accounts through Instagram. And according to various personal finance websites, the typical OnlyFans creator earns about $180 per month, or roughly $140 after taxes. Yes, $35 dollars a week. They lie a lot...about everything. 


SCOTUS, the Supreme Court, are nominated by whichever POTUS is in office and either confirmed or denied, based on party lines. It's a popularity contest. Whichever party has the White House and a majority in the House/Senate, usually gets their candidate confirmed. 

Their getting a lifetime appointment, a good salary, the prestige, comfort, notoriety, private security, is not based on...intelligence, ethics, education, integrity, honor, honesty, brilliance, or anything's a fucking high school popularity contest. Most of them are not worthy of praise, adulation or worship. 

People Who ARE Worthy of Admiration. 

Malala Yousafzai.

A Pakistani female education activist and the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureate at the age of 17. The youngest Nobel Prize laureate in history, the second Pakistani and the only Pashtun to receive a Nobel Prize. Yousafzai is a human rights advocate for the education of women and children in her native homeland, where the Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. In 2012, a Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan's Swat Valley. Yousafzai was 15 years old at the time. Yousafzai was shot with one bullet, which travelled 18 inches from the side of her left eye, through her neck and landed in her shoulder.

Jonas Edward Salk:
An American virologist and medical researcher who developed one of the first successful polio vaccines. Salk never patented the vaccine or earned any money from his discovery, preferring it be distributed as widely as possible. He wanted to save lives...period. 


Bob Dole: 
An American politician and attorney who was in the Senate from 1969 to 1996. He was the Republican Leader of the Senate. Dole was also the Republican presidential nominee in the 1996 election and the vice presidential nominee in the 1976 election.

 In 1945, while engaged in combat near Castel d'Aiano in the Apennine mountains southwest of Bologna, Italy, Dole was seriously wounded by a German shell that struck his upper back and right arm, shattering his collarbone and part of his spine. Dole was paralyzed from the neck down, with blood clots, a life-threatening infection, and a fever of almost 109 °F, he was expected to die. His arm was never fully functional and in his right hand he held a pen so people would not try to shake his right hand. He first witnessed hunger and poverty as a child during the Great Depression, and later while serving in war-ravaged Europe during World War II, and ended up being one of the main driving forces for The Food Stamp Act of 1964 for poor people, making that a permanent piece of legislation.

The old GOP, with people like Bob Dole, from a previous era. 

 The new GOP under Trump. 

Seriously, I am not a huge Biden fan, and the Dems often piss me off, often, but what in the living fuck happened to the Republican party?


There are people on this planet that do good things. They are worthy of praise and admiration. However, the majority of people that receive those accolades, are a bunch of dumbfucks that somehow lucked into a cushy life...and are not worthy of anything other than...being mocked and maybe a bitchslap. Don't confuse the two.  :)

Alrighty then...time for me to shut up, go find my submissive husband and make him...
worship this.  :) 


Do you get it?

One NightStand.
Got it?
Good. :) 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

World Record Attempt for Drag Story Time. :)


Saw the above in the headlines, speculated what the majority of the comments might be like, and the morons did not disappoint.  :) 

Some stats: Who commits the most crimes against children? Men perpetrate most sexual abuse and sex crimes. Sex offenders against children tend to be juveniles or young adults under the age of 30. Most sexual abuse and sex crimes are committed by people who know the victims. Acquaintances are most often the perpetrators, followed by family members and then strangers.

Sexuality of Offenders: Science and case management experience has shown us that most child molesters are heterosexual. Abuse is about power and control and is not anchored by sexual orientation. Dr. Gene Abel, a researcher in the field of sexual violence for over twenty-five years, wrote an article for the average parent in Redbook magazine to take the knowledge he gained in doing over 100 scientific articles to provide specific warning signs for parents and caregivers. In this article, he explicitly states that most cases of boys being molested are attributed to heterosexuals.

When I search for trans people molesting kids in news articles I came up with...nothing. When I search for trans people exposing themselves to kids in public restrooms I came up with...nothing. Not at all surprised as...we all know (those of us with intelligence anyway) one main demographic of people that abuse kids are...Catholic priests. 

So idiots question why trans people are intent on reading to kids, and assume it has to do with "grooming". It does not. It has to do with educating kids and showing them that there are a myriad of different types of people that exist on this planet, and they should be embraced, not feared, and for any kids that may later fall into the LGBTQ spectrum, it teaches them to not be filled with self loathing, it's fine, you will be fine, grow up, take care of yourself, live your life. 

Side note, Jesus and Muhammad, both wore dresses (skirts, robes, whatever, but not pants).

Gay men, gay women, trans people, gay or straight, are not pedophiles, they are not recruiting, not seeking new applicants, not grooming. They are attracted to grown adults that are of like mind, or similar tastes, or whatever, but one has nothing to do with the other. 

  Little kids don't see anything sexual about this, they don't see sexuality in just about anything. To be honest, they probably view some trans people as overdone, over the top, over made up, over accessorized, flamboyant, outrageous, amusing, entertaining people, almost like cartoon characters or clowns, Disney characters, or people from Marvel Comics that are in movies. They are innocent, as are the intentions of the Drag Queens and the trans people that are...simply reading books to them. 

When conservative straight people sexualize everything, that speaks to their mindset, to their thought process, their emotions, paranoia, dreams, nightmares, their repressed sexuality and ideology...and not to that of others. It is their minds that came up with this stupidity...they need to seek help, and leave everyone else alone.  :) 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Ballbusting - Kicking - Home Movie. :)

May be similar to others, or a repeat, I have no idea. 
They all start looking the same to me after a bit. 
What the hell do I know?   :) 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Holy Fuck!! :)


I don't think the entire tax burden should be shifted to corporations, everyone should pay their fair share, but, most major corporations pay either very little...or nothing at all, and I mean nothing. Side note, it's Republicans that want to cut taxes even more for companies, and increase spending. 

My kind of woman.  :) 


Side note, it's Republicans that want to control other peoples sex lives and what we do with our genitals. They are obsessed with gay sex, gay marriage, gays in the military, trans people, want to outlaw porn, want to outlaw dildos, sex toys, want to control how short our skirts are, they are just obsessed with other peoples sex lives...while claiming to be the "Party of Small Government". 

Enough with the labels. Seriously...I don't care, just fuck off. 

This is their guy?
This guy?

Trump promised to cut the deficit. He added $8 Trillion.
He promised a wall. Only did 52 miles of new wall out of 2,000. The rest was repair or replacement.
He promised to make Mexico pay. They didn't. We did.
He promised to unveil a new healthcare plan. It didn't exist.
He promised a middle-class tax cut. He cut taxes for the rich. The middle class is paying for it.
He said he wouldn't play golf as POTUS. He made 285 visits to golf clubs, costing taxpayers $150 to $300 million.
He said he'd increase economic growth by 4%. Nope. Biden did.
He promised an infrastructure plan. He had none. President Biden signed a massive one.
He promised to hire "the best people." He fired 3/4 of them and then said they were the worst ever and they said HE was in fact the worst ever.
He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs. He didn't, Biden did.
Promised we'd win the trade war with China. Nope, It cost about 250,000 American jobs.
He promised his corporate tax cuts would help workers and corporations would use that money to invest in American workers. They didn't, they used that money to buy back stocks.
He promised to revive the coal industry. Nope - more coal jobs were lost during his presidency.
He promised to drain the swamp. He didn't: He IS the swamp.
Jan 6th-- used fake electors and stood silent for 4 hours while insurrectionists ransacked the Capitol.

91 indictments, twice impeached (the only POTUS to hold that record), involved in over 4000 lawsuits, most of which he lost, most of which were him trying to fuck contractors out of their money after they built his halfass buildings, is in court for paying hush money after banging a hooker while his 3rd wife was pregnant with his 5th child (3 baby mommas, 5 kids) 2 wives that were immigrants (not sure why he hates immigrants), has gone bankrupt 6 times, was AWOL in Vietnam due to fake bone spurs, was the worst businessman in the USA, Trump Lost More Money Than Anyone in America Between 1985-1994, is in bed with Putin, loves dictators, wears makeup, a wig, lifts in his shoes (high heels) a girdle, he's a crossdresser, has been spewing Nazi slogans, is incapable of telling the truth, has a short orange dick, is a coward, unpatriotic, ignorant, a moron that has lived off of his Daddies money for nearly 8 decades...and this is their guy?  

AI: Artificial Intelligence or AI: Actual Ignorance? 

Yes, there are some applications from AI that might benefit humanity, down the road. But for the most part, thus far, it's just a pain in the ass bunch of stupidity that large corporations are using to lay off/fire employees to make more profit, and fuck you the customer if it burdens your life further. 


Bear versus Man.
There is a gaggle (a flock, a pack, a herd, a school?) of stupid bitches on TikToc saying they'd rather be stuck in the woods with a bear as opposed to a man. See, once one stupid twatwaffle says something and gets some clicks, *all* the other retarded attention seeking whores parrot the first one saying and posting the same stupidass nonsense. No originality, no original thought, not capable of unique thought, they just follow along like sheep. 

The thing is, yes, there are some jackass guys on this planet, rapists, whatever, but probably 98.99% of them would protect the girl/woman, like she was his mother, wife or sister. He'd build a shelter, a lean-to, forage for food and water, protect her from the elements and animals, and risk his own life to do so.
The bear? 

Not impling all bears attack humans, they don't, they mostly want nothing to do with us. But at the same time, leave the animals alone, and airhead TikTok chicks...get a fucking clue. 

Anyway, enough of my little rant...time to go work out. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Pointless Blog Post? :)

A little something to brighten up your day.  
ZZ Top: Viva Las Vegas.  :) 

This was the Cincinnati Public Library, which was built in 1874 and demolished in 1955. What sort of jackasses demolished this fantastic building? I love, love, love, old architecture and "things". Old buildings, old world crafts, art, music, food, dance, some customs, habits and fashion. Sure, the modern world has a lot of lovely and useful "stuff", but a good part of it does not impress nor interest me. Mass produced cheapass plastic items, generic music, fast food, disposable clothing...bleh. Whatever. 

I just like this. 


It's odd when you see something like this, consider the math, the numbers, it makes you feel "connected" to your past, your ancestors, history, and humanity at large. 


How's the News?

Trump violated a gag order, while in a hearing about violating a gag order, over a trial where he paid hush money to a porn star he was banging, while his 3rd wife was pregnant with his 5th child. Just part of his 91 indictments, which go with his 6 bankruptcies, 3 failed marriages, two impeachments (the only president to "achieve" that) and below is a partial list (partial only) of some of his failed businesses. Trumpie is a "leader" alright...he leads all other humans in being...white trash. 

Moving right along...
An Arizona grand jury indicted Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows, lawyer Rudy Giuliani and 16 others (all Republicans) for their roles in an attempt to overturn Trump’s loss to Biden in the 2020 election. Including the former state party chair, a U.S. Senate candidate and two sitting state lawmakers, who are charged with nine counts each of conspiracy, fraud and forgery. Trump himself was referred to as an unindicted co-conspirator.


Rudy Giuliani, with hair dye running down his face...and never forget, Giuliani needed Apple to help him unlock his iPhone...after being named Trumps cybersecurity adviser, and he butt-dialed an NBC reporter, twice, and was overheard discussing a need for cash and trashing the Bidens. What a crack squad of "stable geniuses" the entire Trumpie organization was.   :)

I guess this is somehow part of the modern GOP's "Family Values" and "Patriotic Nationalism" agenda, which befuddles me as how it is "vote worthy" by any sentient being or anyone with more than 2 brain cells. I do however know it proves, there was indeed interference and fraud during the last election...and virtually all of it was done by Trump and the GOP.   :)
Food News Report.
Earlier, I made spaghetti.
Then I ate spaghetti.
End of Food News Report.  :)
There seem to be a lot of college protests going on, wherein the faculty calls the police.  

Seems like we did this before, during the Vietnam war era.

Apparently the staff and police are under the impression that students and protestors are supposed to get a permit and stay in designated "protest" areas. News flash, if you have to obtain a "permit" to's not a protest, it's a fucking parade. I know some people think protests and "breaking the law" are in all cases unsavory and not a worthwhile effort of time and energy. I would point out a few examples of law breaking "protests"...
The American Revolution.
The Boston Tea Party.
The Civil War.
Civil Rights Marches of the 60's.
Gay name a few. 
Additional Food News Report.
 I ate far too much spaghetti.
Me so fat.   :)
Anyway, enough about all the "Rebels"...well, with one more exception.  :)