Saturday, June 15, 2024

Fun Freaky Fucking Facts. :)

Due to lies, sex scandals, lies about sex scandals, lies about election fraud, actual fraud committed by pathological liar Trump, the GOP and fake news channel Fox, several billion dollars have been paid in judgements, fines, fees over the last couple of years. The following is just a brief overview. There have been many, many, many other cases, judgements, fees and fines levied against the most corrupt politician and political party, ever known to the USA. 

$130,000 hush money paid from pathological liar Trump to Stormy Daniels for fucking her while his 3rd wife was giving birth to his 5 child. Pathological liar Trumpie has a lot of baby mommas, and 2 out of 3 are/were illegal immigrants...not sure why his bigoted voters overlook that.  

 $382,000:  Pathological liar Trump paid in fines after losing a lawsuit against Orbis Business Intelligence over the dossier alleging Trump conspired with Russia to win the 2016 election.  

$454.2 million: New York Judge ordered pathological liar Trump to pay in penalties and pre-judgment interest for fraudulently misstating the value of assets on financial statement.     

$83.3 million:  Pathological liar Trump paid to E. Jean Carroll for defamation after he attacked her and said she wasn’t “my type” when she accused him of sexually assaulting her.  

$392,638:  Pathological liar Trump ordered to pay in legal fees to New York Times after a court tossed his lawsuit taking issue with the newspaper publishing his tax records.  

$5 million: A jury ordered pathological liar Trump to pay Carroll $5 million in a separate trial, which found him liable for sexual assault and defamation.   

 $937,989.39:  Pathological liar Trump and attorney were jointly ordered to pay in sanctions over the ex-president’s lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, which a judge ruled was “inadequate in nearly every respect” and “unsupported by any legal authority”.

  $1.6 million: The Trump Organization sentenced to pay after being found guilty for criminal tax fraud after evading taxes using gifts and other off-the-books compensation.

 Pathological liar Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree, which is a felony in New York.

 Pathological liar Trump has filed for bankruptcy 6 times...he almost never pays his bills.

 Pathological liar Trump has been impeached...twice. The only POTUS to "accomplish" that.

 Pathological liar Trump faced 91 felony counts after being indicted four times within one year.

Trump appeared on the talk show “The View” with Ivanka and said, “If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn't that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?"

 Aides said Trump talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that led [former Chief of Staff] John Kelly to remind Trump that Ivanka was his daughter.


Pathological liar Alex Jones owes $1.5 billion in damages to the families of the Sandy Hook massacre where 20 students and six adults -- were shot and killed. 


Fox News (owned by pathological liar Rupert Murdoch, 93 years old, just married his 5th wife) paid $787.5 Million for a Defamation Suit for pushing election lies and conspiracies.


(Geriatric Old Perverts?)
Party of "Family Values"?
Party of Ethics, Law and Order?




  1. Ms. Vanessa

    Another great post as usual.

    And people say "The truth hurts!" Ha!


    sissy terrie

  2. Vanessa - it continues to amaze me that people don't see Trump for the lying little shit that he is. In a way it's a pity Stormy did not stand if only for the opportunity to see him get destroyed in a head to head with her.


    1. I would have loved that...but, Trump is such a coward, no way he would put himself in a situation where he'd get humiliated, or have to tell the truth.

  3. Excellent post Vanessa
    I loved that chart
    I’ve been saying for years that the economy always does better under democrats
    Because it’s TRUE:)
    It’s the biggest and most dangerous misconception that repubs are good for the economy
    Reason is
    Democrats pass legislation that spends federal money on things like
    Chips act
    Federal dollars for climate infrastructure
    The stimulus money during Covid
    60 billion of old weapons for Ukraine while our own arms industry builds 60 billion of brand new weapons for our armed forces
    Prescription drug subsidies
    I could go on and on
    Republicans pass tax cuts for rich fucks who park all that cash in the stock market which does absolutely no good for the economy
    Like I said many times
    The last good idea the repubs had was the EPA and they’ve Ben trying hard to kill it ever since:)
    Keep up the good work Vanessa!:)

    1. Interesting you use the example of the it's one I've used many times myself. For those that are not aware, that was in...1970. Thanks for the comment WC. :)
