Wednesday, June 5, 2024

STOP the Hero Worship. :)


People need to remember, the biggest porn star in the world is Kim Kardasian. She was Paris Hiltons closet organizer (literally, that was her paid job) until her porn tape came out, interest grew, she got tit/ass implants, lip filler, Botox, she and her sisters started banging entire sports teams, married, divorced, married, divorced, gold digging, started selling products from 3rd World sweatshops. 

Their getting a lifetime of fame, good salaries, comfort, notoriety, private security, is not based on...intelligence, ethics, education, integrity, honor, honesty, brilliance or anything's a fucking high school popularity contest, and not worthy of praise, adulation or worship. 

Social Media Influencers.

The so called "influencers" have been proven, almost all of them, to be using staged photos (posing in front of cars, homes, mansions, private jets, boats, yachts, ranches, property) they don't own and are either just using for a photo shoot, or rented for a few hours. 

Private Jet Studio, created a unique business by renting out a private jet for Instagram photoshoots, but there’s a catch. People can experience what stepping onto a luxury private jet feels like, however they won’t actually be travelling anywhere, with the plane remaining firmly on the ground. The cost is $220 for two hours on the jet with a photographer, or $170 without. However, Private Jet Studio is a mocked-up aircraft in a studio. The interior appears to be a hybrid of several aircraft models. And the vast majority of photographs on Private Jet Studio’s Instagram page are collected from other sources on the web (one was the cover for a 2010 Hawker Beechcraft magazine).

Most "Influencers" are just pimping OnlyFans accounts through Instagram. And according to various personal finance websites, the typical OnlyFans creator earns about $180 per month, or roughly $140 after taxes. Yes, $35 dollars a week. They lie a lot...about everything. 


SCOTUS, the Supreme Court, are nominated by whichever POTUS is in office and either confirmed or denied, based on party lines. It's a popularity contest. Whichever party has the White House and a majority in the House/Senate, usually gets their candidate confirmed. 

Their getting a lifetime appointment, a good salary, the prestige, comfort, notoriety, private security, is not based on...intelligence, ethics, education, integrity, honor, honesty, brilliance, or anything's a fucking high school popularity contest. Most of them are not worthy of praise, adulation or worship. 

People Who ARE Worthy of Admiration. 

Malala Yousafzai.

A Pakistani female education activist and the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureate at the age of 17. The youngest Nobel Prize laureate in history, the second Pakistani and the only Pashtun to receive a Nobel Prize. Yousafzai is a human rights advocate for the education of women and children in her native homeland, where the Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. In 2012, a Taliban gunman shot Yousafzai as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan's Swat Valley. Yousafzai was 15 years old at the time. Yousafzai was shot with one bullet, which travelled 18 inches from the side of her left eye, through her neck and landed in her shoulder.

Jonas Edward Salk:
An American virologist and medical researcher who developed one of the first successful polio vaccines. Salk never patented the vaccine or earned any money from his discovery, preferring it be distributed as widely as possible. He wanted to save lives...period. 


Bob Dole: 
An American politician and attorney who was in the Senate from 1969 to 1996. He was the Republican Leader of the Senate. Dole was also the Republican presidential nominee in the 1996 election and the vice presidential nominee in the 1976 election.

 In 1945, while engaged in combat near Castel d'Aiano in the Apennine mountains southwest of Bologna, Italy, Dole was seriously wounded by a German shell that struck his upper back and right arm, shattering his collarbone and part of his spine. Dole was paralyzed from the neck down, with blood clots, a life-threatening infection, and a fever of almost 109 °F, he was expected to die. His arm was never fully functional and in his right hand he held a pen so people would not try to shake his right hand. He first witnessed hunger and poverty as a child during the Great Depression, and later while serving in war-ravaged Europe during World War II, and ended up being one of the main driving forces for The Food Stamp Act of 1964 for poor people, making that a permanent piece of legislation.

The old GOP, with people like Bob Dole, from a previous era. 

 The new GOP under Trump. 

Seriously, I am not a huge Biden fan, and the Dems often piss me off, often, but what in the living fuck happened to the Republican party?


There are people on this planet that do good things. They are worthy of praise and admiration. However, the majority of people that receive those accolades, are a bunch of dumbfucks that somehow lucked into a cushy life...and are not worthy of anything other than...being mocked and maybe a bitchslap. Don't confuse the two.  :)

Alrighty then...time for me to shut up, go find my submissive husband and make him...
worship this.  :) 


Do you get it?

One NightStand.
Got it?
Good. :) 


  1. Nice post Vanessa! You are right many worthy of our praise and many nameless as well......

    And yes clearly your derriere' is most worthy of much worship....your submissive husband a most lucky man indeed!


  2. your ass is my hero.


  3. Vanessa your very nice ass should be worshipped every day he is a lucky man!!..Soreassboy

  4. Thanks for putting life in perspective Vanessa. Yes both parties piss me off but the Republicans are better at pissing me off than the Dems, especially when they refer to themselves as the "Party of Lincoln." They're preying on their voter base's ignorance of American History. The two parties had a witch of ideologies in the early decades of the 20th century.

    Hope the ass worshiping session went well :) K

    1. Karl, just for clarification purposes regarding the current version of the GOP, fuck Trump, fuck the GOP and fuck anyone that votes for him or them. :)

  5. Hi Vanessa - much as i wish that brains and intelligence got as many 'likes' and followers as do looks (real or fake) i have no issue with the latter. If someone is able to capitalise on their looks (real or fake) then well done to them.

    To me the real issue is more the fact that much of the media and most social media algorithms capitalise on fermenting division and focus on the trivial whilst willfully ignoring the real societal ills - economic and social injustice etc. Those to me are some of the real culprits.

    I just hope that one day the Republicans go the same way as it looks as though the Conservatives here in the UK might go come our elections on the 5th July - from Governance to irrelevance in one self-inflicted right-wing, clusterfuck of an implosion. One can but hope.

    Talking of butts - great view and a great taste i bet as well :)


    1. I monitor the events in your country quite closely. Sunak, Liz Truss ("brilliant" economic move there Liz), Boris, et al. Hope the next election wipes most of them out, and sensible people can resume trying to move life and humanity forward. :)
