Saturday, June 1, 2024

World Record Attempt for Drag Story Time. :)


Saw the above in the headlines, speculated what the majority of the comments might be like, and the morons did not disappoint.  :) 

Some stats: Who commits the most crimes against children? Men perpetrate most sexual abuse and sex crimes. Sex offenders against children tend to be juveniles or young adults under the age of 30. Most sexual abuse and sex crimes are committed by people who know the victims. Acquaintances are most often the perpetrators, followed by family members and then strangers.

Sexuality of Offenders: Science and case management experience has shown us that most child molesters are heterosexual. Abuse is about power and control and is not anchored by sexual orientation. Dr. Gene Abel, a researcher in the field of sexual violence for over twenty-five years, wrote an article for the average parent in Redbook magazine to take the knowledge he gained in doing over 100 scientific articles to provide specific warning signs for parents and caregivers. In this article, he explicitly states that most cases of boys being molested are attributed to heterosexuals.

When I search for trans people molesting kids in news articles I came up with...nothing. When I search for trans people exposing themselves to kids in public restrooms I came up with...nothing. Not at all surprised as...we all know (those of us with intelligence anyway) one main demographic of people that abuse kids are...Catholic priests. 

So idiots question why trans people are intent on reading to kids, and assume it has to do with "grooming". It does not. It has to do with educating kids and showing them that there are a myriad of different types of people that exist on this planet, and they should be embraced, not feared, and for any kids that may later fall into the LGBTQ spectrum, it teaches them to not be filled with self loathing, it's fine, you will be fine, grow up, take care of yourself, live your life. 

Side note, Jesus and Muhammad, both wore dresses (skirts, robes, whatever, but not pants).

Gay men, gay women, trans people, gay or straight, are not pedophiles, they are not recruiting, not seeking new applicants, not grooming. They are attracted to grown adults that are of like mind, or similar tastes, or whatever, but one has nothing to do with the other. 

  Little kids don't see anything sexual about this, they don't see sexuality in just about anything. To be honest, they probably view some trans people as overdone, over the top, over made up, over accessorized, flamboyant, outrageous, amusing, entertaining people, almost like cartoon characters or clowns, Disney characters, or people from Marvel Comics that are in movies. They are innocent, as are the intentions of the Drag Queens and the trans people that are...simply reading books to them. 

When conservative straight people sexualize everything, that speaks to their mindset, to their thought process, their emotions, paranoia, dreams, nightmares, their repressed sexuality and ideology...and not to that of others. It is their minds that came up with this stupidity...they need to seek help, and leave everyone else alone.  :) 


  1. What a great post Vanessa. The world needs more people like you.


  2. Hello miss Chaland,

    the word 'Drag' originates from Medieval England, in which the people who performed in theatres were mainly men.
    Actors which played the parts of females, were 'Dressed As Girls', hence the name DRAG.

    The idea that a man, dressed up as an extraordinary woman, is going to be a threat to children, is so stupid that I am ashamed for being part of the same species. Where do these people get their ideas from, who is their Alma Mater?

    David Hume once wrote, 'errors in philosophy are only ridiculous. Errors in religion are straightout dangerous'.

    Kind regards,

    Marco (from Lindsay)

  3. Very well said Vanessa. The religion the vast majority of Christians practice today bears little if any resemblance to the the one Jesus taught that was full of love and compassion.


    1. The same could be said for the "patriotism" most conservatives "practice" under their demi-Gods the GOP and Trump. Charlatans, heretics,'s gross. Anyway, thanks for the comment Karl. :)
