Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Face Sitting Chairs for Oral Sex.

I designed this Queening chair so the persons head is in a comfortable position without the need of anything beyond (perhaps) a small throw pillow. There is 2" of padding on the seat and an overstuffed backrest pillow and it is covered in a water resistant faux pleather vinyl fabric. The mannequin is displayed for size comparison only. 

                                (Regular readers....just feeding the search engines.)  :) 

Monday, April 1, 2024

I Now Support Donald Trump!

April Fools!!!   
Fuck Trump.  :)

Check out his insane, ranting, unhinged lunatic "Easter" message above. Trumpie posted 77 times yesterday on his failed social media site. 77 times. In one day. Assuming he sleeps about 8 hours, that's a post about every 15 minutes. So, every 15 minutes, this orange deranged putz was posting some nonsensical crazyass nonsense. 

In case people forget what all this is about, here's Trumpie trying to rig and steal votes...ergo steal the election, and undo the legitimate transfer of power, meaning undo democracy. 

Anyway...time to go to the gym.   :) 


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Computer Question...


I have 2 computers that I can no longer log in to. One is a few years old, the other is 1 month old (literally, one month). Both have Windows 11.

I turn them on.
The login window pops up. 
The keyboard won't work to type in pin.
On the right lower corner, there is a "person" icon.
Click on that and a window pops up to allow one to toggle a thing so an onscreen keyboard pops up. (Photo above with red arrow shows the "little man" icon.)

On the older computer, for months I could use the onscreen login. 
Now it won't work at all.
Earlier tonight, the new one won't work either.
So, my mouse and keyboard work just fine.
There is some glitch within Windows 11.
The computer I am using to type this, is about 9 years old, and has Windows 10.
Yeah, I have too many damn computers. :) 

All filters are toggled "off" from the on screen keyboard option. 

If anyone knows how to fix this, bypass it, a work around, I would appreciate any advice. 
When I Google search this, it appears to be a somewhat common issue, but the "advice" is all over the place, some is questionable, some is outdated, some is for laptops, some applies to other issues and it gets confusing and overwhelming. Just to reiterate, this is not a mouse, keyboard issue, it's a glitch within Windows 11 which is fucking everything up. If anyone has knowledge and is willing to share it, feel free to e-mail me at vanessachaland at gmail.  :) 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Cheer up! Things are Getting Better. :)

Contrary to the doom and gloom predictions, reports and statements by the media selling drama and alarm for clicks and traffic, and the insane chronically negative (and stupid) GOP trying to sell fear to get elected or reelected, things are not as dire as some assume. Sure, the world is huge and bad things happen, they are happening somewhere, to someone, every second of the day. But overall, globally, life is improving for the majority of human beings. 

1. Over the last 20 years, the proportion of people living in extreme poverty has almost been cut in half.

2. Just 200 years ago, 85% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty. 20 years ago it was 29%. Today only 9% live in extreme poverty while the majority of people (75%) around the globe live in middle-income countries.

3. In 1997, 42% of the population of both India and China were living in extreme poverty. By 2017 that share had dropped to 12% in India and less than 1% for China. That means almost three-quarters of a billion fewer people are living in extreme poverty in these two countries than there were just 20 years earlier.

4. In 1800, among all babies who were ever born, roughly half died during their childhood. Life expectancy was just 30 years and no country had a life expectancy above 40. Life expectancy at birth was only 45 years in 1870. The average life expectancy around the world today is 72.

5. The violent crime rate has been on a downward trend since 1990 in the U.S. Just under 14.5 million crimes were reported in 1990. By 2016 that figure was well under 9.5 million.

6. The number of deaths from natural disasters is 25% of what it was 100 years ago.

7. Flying has gotten 2,100 times safer over the past 70 years. 2016 was the second safest year in aviation history. The odds of being fatally injured in a plane crash are just 0.000025%.

8. The real price of plane travel in the U.S. has fallen by more than half since the late 1970s.

9. Between the late Middle Ages and the 20th century, European countries saw a 10-fold-to-50-fold decline in their rates of homicide.

10. The share of homes that had electricity in 1870 was exactly zero. Today the proportion of people with electricity is 85%.

11. In 1905, a Vermont doctor and his chauffeur were the first to successfully drive a car across country from San Francisco to New York. It took them 63 days. Today you can fly cross country in a matter of hours while using wireless Internet.

12. There was no entertainment available to the average family in 1870, except for a few traveling musicians or circus performers or in-home board or card games. Today our entertainment options are almost unlimited.

13. Close to 20% of males born in the U.S. died before their first birthday in the year 1900. Today the mortality rate doesn’t reach that high until you get to age 62.

14. More than 37% of deaths in 1900 were caused by infectious diseases. That number dropped to less than 5% by 1955 and just 2% by 2009.

15. Retirement is still is a relatively new concept. In the past most people simply worked until they died. In the year 1870, for those who lived past age 65, the labor force participation ratio for males was close to 90%. Today it’s less than 20%.

16. The average American now retires at age 62. One hundred years ago, the average American died at age 51.

17. The percentage of the population living past their 65th birthday was only 34% in 1870 but jumped to 56% by 1940 and 77% by 2000.

18. Up until the 1870s, people typically worked 11-12 hour days. By 1900, the typical worker put in 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. It wasn’t until 1940 that it came down to the standard 40-hour, 5-day workweek. And these weren’t office jobs sitting behind a desk. The conditions for most workers were terrible and hazardous to their health.

19. Time spent on laundry fell from 11.5 hours a week in 1920 to 1.5 hours in 2014 (although I have twins so my family brings up the average on this one).

20. By the late-1600s, one-third of the children born in the richest parts of the world died before their 5th birthday. Today, this sad fate befalls just 6% of the children in the poorest parts of the world.

21. The proportion of people killed annually in wars is less than a quarter of what it was in the 1980s, one-seventh of what it was in the early 1970s, one-eighteenth of what it was in the early 1950s, and a 0.5% of what it was during World War II.

22. Early in the 19th century, 12% of the world could read and write. Today it’s 83%.

23. Americans are half as likely to be murdered as they were two dozen years ago.

24. The world’s nuclear stockpiles have been reduced by 85% since the Cold War.

25. Over the course of the 20th century, Americans became 96% less likely to be killed in a car accident and 95% less likely to be killed on the job.

26. The world has gotten richer (as measured by Gross World Product) in 51 of the last 55 years.

27. In 1929 Americans spent more than 60% of their disposable income on necessities; by 2016 that had fallen to a third.

28. Since 1960, the fraction of a person’s life taken up by work has fallen by 25% through a combination of shorter workweeks, more paid time off, and longer retirements.

29. The high school graduation rate was just 9% in 1910. It jumped to 52% by 1940 and 83% today. 

30. Every single country in the world today has a lower infant or child mortality rate than it had in 1950.

31. A British baby who had survived their first year of life would have lived to 47 in 1845, 57 in 1905, 72 in 1955, and 81 in 2011. A 30-year-old could look forward to another 33 years of life in 1845, another 36 in 1905, another 43 in 1955, and another 52 in 2011.

32. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of deaths from malaria (which in the past killed half the people who had ever lived) fell by 60%.

33. The control of infectious disease since 1990 has saved the lives of more than a 100 million children.

34. Between 1961 and 2009 the amount of land used to grow food increased by 12%, but the amount of food that was grown increased by 300%.

35. 1,000 years after Jesus walked the earth the world was barely any richer. It took 500 years for income to double from there. Then between 1820 and 1900, the world’s income tripled. It tripled again in a little more than 50 years. It took only 25 years for it to triple again, and another 33 years to triple yet again.

36. Since 1995, 30 of the world’s 109 developing countries have seen economic growth rates that amount to a doubling of income every 18 years. Another 40 countries have had rates that would double income every 35 years, which is comparable to the historical growth rate of the U.S.

37. The number of people in extreme poverty has fallen by an average of 137k people every day for the past 25 years.

38. Two centuries ago the life expectancy in The Netherlands, the richest country in the world at the time, was just 40, and in no country was it above 45. Today, life expectancy in the poorest country in the world is 54. There are no countries where life expectancy is below 45.

39. When poverty is defined in terms of what people consume rather than what they earn, the American poverty rate has declined by 90% since 1960, from 30% of the population to just 3%.

40. There are 180,000 people walking around today who would have been murdered just in the last year if the global homicide rate had remained at the same level from a dozen years ago.

41. Between 1950 and 2009, the rate of death in traffic accidents fell six-fold.

42. In 1970 the chance that an airline passenger would die in a plane crash was less than 5 in a million; by 2015 that small risk had fallen a hundredfold.

43. In the 1990s, the U.S. saw its homicide rate plunge by half in just 9 years. In New York City, it dropped 75% in the same time.

44. There has been a 37-fold decline since the turn of the 20th century in the chance that an American will be killed by a bolt of lightning.

45. Roughly half of the adults in the world own a smartphone.

46. Just 7% of the world’s population lived in a free or relatively free society in 1850. Today that number is closer to two-thirds.

47. The literacy rate from the 17th to 19th century was just one-eighth of the global population. From that point on the world’s literacy rate doubled in the next century and quadrupled in the century after that, so now 83% of the world is literate.

48. In 1820, more than 80% of the world was unschooled. It’s estimated that by the end of the century this number will be close to zero.

49. In 1920, just 28% of American teenagers ages 14-17 were in high school. The latest stats show over 80% graduated high school, of whom 70% went on to college.

50. In 1940, less than 5% of Americans held a bachelor’s degree. By 2015, it was up to one-third.


Of course, if dumbfuck cowardly, traitorous, treasonous, unpatriotic and exceedingly retarded (morally, emotionally, intellectually, physically, spiritually and sexually) Trumpie wins...things will deteriorate.

CadetBoneSpurs reposted a video by some inbreed moron with the image below. 


If that happens, precautions and safety measures must take place. 
Personally, I'm going to wear protective gear.   :) 


Anyway, overall, cheer the hell up and try to enjoy life.
The End.  :) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Pavarotti, Bocelli, Zucchero. :)


Regardless if you are "into" this sort of music, or not, you gotta, gotta, gotta, watch both clips.
That's right. 
I said...gotta.
No seriously, your soul will never be the same.   :)


Monday, March 18, 2024

Fat Bottomed Girls...Fuck PC!!! :)

That's it. I am 100% officially totally against any and all forms of political correctness (PC). 
Shut the Mother Fucking Fuck Up!
Or not, because I totally support free speech, so say what you want, but...shut the fuck up. I don't care about your whining and whimpering, and am not going to pretend I do, nor will I be silent about it. 

Queens song "Fat Bottom Girls" is adored by women all over the planet. Seriously. Watch any live performance and when Freddy announces the title right before they play it, the women of the audience go nuts with applause, cheers, gratitude, praise and adoration. Millions of women, of all shapes and sizes, all races and ages, from around the world love the song and have loved it for pushing half a century. As they/we should. It's an homage to full figured, large butted, big assed, junk in the trunk, bootielishish, ghetto bootied, rubenesque, callipygian loving pygophiliacs (might have added to/created part of that last word, lol.) 

One overweight woman (or a few) that dislike it can just piss right the fuck off. If they are triggered by shame or guilt over their own body image, go to the fucking gym. 

If we "cancel culture" every single song, lyric, books of fiction, poem, movie, art, history books, novel, there will be nothing left. This concept, trying to erase anything that offends you, is cowardice. It's not brave, it's not taking a stance on anything worthy, it has nothing to do with feminism, it has nothing to do with protecting children, it has nothing to do with anything other than emotionally weak and easily triggered people, wanting to shield themselves from reality. Fuck 'em....I don't care. 

The same way that religious fundamentalists claim to want to repress or censor anything they view as "pornographic" (though all traffic stats show the so called "red states" are the biggest consumers) and the "pronoun pushers" want to demand the end of science via verbiage regarding transpeople, (men are men, women are women, transmen are transmen, transwomen are transwomen, and no, one is not the same as the other, period) and other people want to censor or restrict words that have multiple uses, (the word retarded for example, to retard something, to slow something down, to be slow, paint retarder, flame retardant, accelerating or retarding oxygen or acetylene on a torch or retarding oxygen or fuel on a carburetor...my husband taught me the last two) and saying the term "People of Color" (ALL human beings have color dumbasses, even Albinos have melanin, no one is "invisible", we all have color) and on and on and on....fuck it, fuck this, fuck them, fuck that, fuck me, can't fucking stand it anymore. 

ALL women have a fat ass (to varying degrees). It's what gives us curves. It's called adipose.
(ad·i·pose: (especially of body tissue) used for the storage of fat.) 

If having a fatass (phatass?) is not desirable, then why are millions of women getting BBLs? The Brazilian Butt Lift is a multi-multi-million dollar industry. (Side note, this is also the most risky and often fatal form of plastic surgery. It kills more women than any other type of body augmentation procedure, and is quite costly, and often looks horrible, so don't do it. Go do some squats instead.)

The reason women are doing this, is because guys find it attractive, some guys at least. It's considered sexy, which turns some guys on, which means the women will give the dude a boner, so he will try to ram his bonerfied cock into their wantonly womanly wombs...which they, in part, enticed him into that desire, with their fat asses...aka "fat bottoms".  

Speaking of color, and dicks.
Here is a little demented orange dick...

Yeah, I know this "controversy" is about a half a year old. What can I tell you. I'm always behind. And by behind I mean...butt. And by butt I mean...ass. And by ass I mean...fat ass. And by fat ass I mean...

Anyway, I will now proudly (that's right, proudly) take my politically incorrect, retarded, person of color, fat bottom...and go find something else to do. 

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Dating Apps for Fucking? :)

I no longer understand...the "dating deal". Okay, so, the majority of dating sites require a full face photo, which they want confirmed. That means via facial recognition software, your visage is forever logged into a data base, which is 100% assured to be hacked. I mean assured. There is no website on the planet that either can't be hacked, or has not already been. The DOJ and the Pentagon have both been hacked, multiple times, so there is no way in hell that some half-ass dating sites aren't as well. 

And from what I read and hear, the majority of them charge a fee for full access, and apparently are inundated with catfishing photos, spam, scams, lies, dubious ads, dastardly duplicitous deviant derelicts desiring dates, links to OnlyFans and porn sites, and are generally not worth the time, effort, money and hassle. Craiglist personals are gone, as is Backpage. So, the gym culture is toxic, the plastic (plastic butt, tits, lips, surgery, forehead, nose, eyebrows, cheekbones, calves, etc) "Influencer Botox Bitches" have ruined that, the bar scene is not for everyone, so where do people go to meet finely frolicky finessed fuckable friends for fucking and frivolous fucking around for fun? 

I mean airpuffed cock ring boy here...is probably getting more action that I am.   

I might have to purchase something akin to the two below, just to get a thrilling threesome. 

I am failing to grasp where and how people are meeting. Obviously the pandemic threw a monkeywrench into things for a year or two, and since then it's like...the whole world has changed. For those people that refuse to give up their identity to some random website wherein their name, address, credit card, plus a face photo (every single thing nefarious people need for identity theft, or blackmail) and have no desire to sift through 47 billion bogus and lame ads, mostly leading to porn sites, I don't get what or where people are applying their efforts into finding..."Bok-Bok" (yeah, thats a "clinical" term for coitus, that I made up, lol).   :) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Toxic Masculinity Does Not Exist.

Now you see it...

Now you don't. 

That's how you make "Toxic Masculinity"...disappear.   :) 

Toxic Masculinity? What even in the living fucking hell is that? I mean, the term would be subjective and arbitrary. Applicable to some, from one person, or someone, but not to or from others. What one might view as "toxic" another views as sexy, or hot, or caring, protective, a good provider, a good father, husband, brother, nephew, cousin, neighbor, employee, employer, friend or whatever other title you might give him. 

Some people are toxic, or have toxic personalities. People, meaning both men and women. There are just as many toxic women as there are men, perhaps more. But ascribing any characteristic you don't like or agree with to a man or men in general as "toxic" just makes you...a dumbass. Seriously, that sort of sweeping generalization makes the accuser toxic, not those accused. 

I'm tired of the media, social media, blogs, podcasts etc... always talking about "Toxic Masculinity". That masculinity, is what built...your home, office, car, roads and freeways, bridges, dams, sewers, airplanes, railroads, grew your food, agriculture, butchered your meat. There is historically very little that was not built with sweat, brute force, strength, power, manhandling, masculine energy. Sure, in modern times there are more tech things, more robots, automation, things that build stuff, but that is new. For decades prior, centuries, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, it took men to build...the cities and towns we live in. 

Whalers, seamen, tribesmen, indigenous people, farmers, ranchers, hunters, explorers, miners, cowboys, warriors, from anywhere and everywhere, regardless of race, color, creed, origin, that masculine energy and power, that drive and motivation, determination, that's what built the societies we all enjoy comfortably today. 

I get it. The "world" is built, in most places pretty safe, so some women get a degree, start an OnlyFans, make a few bucks, and bitch constantly about men. But the thing is "SweetyPieGumDrop", that highrise condo you live in, built by men. That car you drive, built by men. The road you drive on, built by men. The Starbucks, men. The elevator you ride up/down, men. Your food, most or much of your clothes, cell or computer, medicine, vacation getaway, the plane you took to get there, the products and merchandise that crosses the oceans that is protected from Pirates and thieves...men. 

So, to end this little rant, a synopsis of sorts, to finalize it, to conclude my thoughts, to wrap up my point, to finish it, to bring to a close my rambling diatribe...men.  :)