Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Toxic Masculinity Does Not Exist.

Now you see it...

Now you don't. 

That's how you make "Toxic Masculinity"...disappear.   :) 

Toxic Masculinity? What even in the living fucking hell is that? I mean, the term would be subjective and arbitrary. Applicable to some, from one person, or someone, but not to or from others. What one might view as "toxic" another views as sexy, or hot, or caring, protective, a good provider, a good father, husband, brother, nephew, cousin, neighbor, employee, employer, friend or whatever other title you might give him. 

Some people are toxic, or have toxic personalities. People, meaning both men and women. There are just as many toxic women as there are men, perhaps more. But ascribing any characteristic you don't like or agree with to a man or men in general as "toxic" just makes you...a dumbass. Seriously, that sort of sweeping generalization makes the accuser toxic, not those accused. 

I'm tired of the media, social media, blogs, podcasts etc... always talking about "Toxic Masculinity". That masculinity, is what built...your home, office, car, roads and freeways, bridges, dams, sewers, airplanes, railroads, grew your food, agriculture, butchered your meat. There is historically very little that was not built with sweat, brute force, strength, power, manhandling, masculine energy. Sure, in modern times there are more tech things, more robots, automation, things that build stuff, but that is new. For decades prior, centuries, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, it took men to build...the cities and towns we live in. 

Whalers, seamen, tribesmen, indigenous people, farmers, ranchers, hunters, explorers, miners, cowboys, warriors, from anywhere and everywhere, regardless of race, color, creed, origin, that masculine energy and power, that drive and motivation, determination, that's what built the societies we all enjoy comfortably today. 

I get it. The "world" is built, in most places pretty safe, so some women get a degree, start an OnlyFans, make a few bucks, and bitch constantly about men. But the thing is "SweetyPieGumDrop", that highrise condo you live in, built by men. That car you drive, built by men. The road you drive on, built by men. The Starbucks, men. The elevator you ride up/down, men. Your food, most or much of your clothes, cell or computer, medicine, vacation getaway, the plane you took to get there, the products and merchandise that crosses the oceans that is protected from Pirates and thieves...men. 

So, to end this little rant, a synopsis of sorts, to finalize it, to conclude my thoughts, to wrap up my point, to finish it, to bring to a close my rambling diatribe...men.  :) 


  1. word masculinity is generalization too,just like word feminity

  2. That car you drive, built by men. The road you drive on, built by men. The Starbucks, men. The elevator you ride up/down, men. Your food, most or much of your clothes, cell or computer, medicine, vacation getaway, the plane you took to get there, the products and merchandise that crosses the oceans that is protected from Pirates and thieves...men.
    by womens too

  3. my daddy built the railroad by his DAMN self. -- Steve Landesberg, probably.


  4. I could not agree more. Men are needed. We do the hard dirty work, that no one else seems to want to do and we need strong virile men to do that work. Yes men can be jerks but frankly so can women. There is no toxic masculinityh anymore than there is toxic femininity.

  5. Guys love doing shit like that
    The boys have a big time together golfing hunting building shit any outdoor activities pretty much
    Don’t feel sorry for us!
    We’re having fun all the time
    I play golf 7 days a week with the boys

  6. Whilst i agree that the term is not helpful in that it is an over-generalisation and there are many very lovely men, it is also true that there is a violent, misogynistic trait in some that is frankly abhorrent and a threat to other men and women. That is how i understand the term and the point i think it is trying to portray. If you look at the stats it is such men that commit pretty much all acts of violence, who abuse, bully and degrade other men but especially women. This is not to say all men are like that but we do need to switch from culturally almost celebrating male violence to one that also shows male vulnerability, their caring side and to provide alternative and positive role models that show men can be still 'be a man' without feeling the need to strut, dominate, fight and degrade. This is as much for the mental health of men as much as it is for the good of society.

    Incidentally, if you ever want to make-up a cock gobbling tag team....:)


    1. According to some stats, men commit violent crimes more than three times as often as women. Which we all pretty much know/assume, but crime and violence is...crime and violence. But I am talking more about when women accuse guys of "toxic masculinity" when he disagrees with her, on any topic. Or refuses to capitulate to her desires, wishes or demands. Or refutes her opinion or supposed "stats" on something. Increasingly, guys are told they are toxic, a misogynist, gay or have a little dick if a woman hits on a guy and gets rejected. TikTok is full of women complaining about men, but then whine when some guy won't open the door, change a tire, fix her fence, carry a box or whatever. My point being, men are men, and now when little boys play rough, or play football, they're told it's "toxic" by some women. I just feel that guys, and maybe more so blue collar guys, are getting attacked for being...men. I don't want men to become women, and I don't want women becoming men (not talking about trans here). The average 5' 7" guy with average or less income, normal looking, is sort of invisible to most women, but he's a good guy, works hard, is honest...but still slighted and mocked for being less than a "High Level" guy. And more to my point is...all the jobs that I mentioned above, most women can not do or will not do, or it will take twice or 5 times as long, and yet it is that masculine energy and strength, so often viewed as "toxic" that allows men to do those jobs and accomplish those tasks. It just seems unfair to most guys where they're damned if they do and damned if they don't....cock gobbling notwithstanding...SlutLips. :)

  7. Very well said Vanessa
    Extremely well put
