Saturday, November 12, 2022

Random Stupidity and Stuff... :)

In an interview, the 32-year-old said she gained "self-worth and self-esteem" while working in a dungeon as an 18-year-old. Nevertheless, she recognizes now that it wasn't something that she was achieving on her own. "It's still them giving me the power. It's not my own power, you know? So it's a humiliating kind of position to be in or humbling, rather."

This is something I've been saying for a long time. I have no problem with any sort of sex work, good for them, go for it, but it's not the same as "real life" relationships. The dynamic is different, because it's a business arrangement. They are an employee and serve at the pleasure and request of the client. They work as an employee, hired to do a service, a sexual service, for money. If guys decide to stop hiring them, or they fire them, they have no power. The client outlines the fantasy, they set the parameters, the pay structure, the employee shows up and does as they're told, they do the roleplay the client wants, or they're out of a job. That is night and day different from a real relationship. 
Jason Momoa....being weird, and looking good. 

Maybe some of us like to add a little...motherfucking whore faced, prolapsed cow cunted, slag-bitch to our verbiage, because...swearing can be fun! Education, matriculation, erudition, elucidation, intelligence has nothing to do with the desire of some of us to pepper our discourse, our verbiage, our loquacious, verbose, colloquialisms, slang, verbosity, pontificating, postulating, positing, sophistry with a good old Holy Mother Fucking Fuck FUCK FUCK! for amusement or emphasis.  :)


Porn" (which is subjective and indefinable) is just like any other medium in life, there is good, there is bad, there is information and there is myth. It falls under the maxim/question "Does life imitate art, or does art imitate life?" What is depicted in porn *is* what some people do, so its "real" in that context. Sure, lousy plotlines, cheesy music, bad acting, fake orgasms, outsized dicks and T&A are in abundance, overabundance even, but it is still "real" and therefore educational and informational in some ways. 

There is no more, or less "truth" or accuracy to porn than there is in the majority of what Hollywood produces, many/most books, Disney, Fairy Tales, Rom-Coms, Chick Flicks, Comics, the Bible, Torah, Koran, Cable "News" (in some cases) or any other genre of what we see, hear, read, view and absorb in that manner. What it shares with the aforementioned examples...they are all mostly entertainment. Adult entertainment in this case, but its mostly just a product created for profit, to entertain people. And what they all also often share is a lack of perspicuousness.  

I've never understood why its mere existence is so confounding to some people. From a cursory search, the "oldest porn" is Le Coucher de la Marié, Released 1896 in France. Supposedly the oldest cave drawing is 64,000 years old, and the oldest cave "porn drawings" found thus far is 37,000 years old, but one could presume there is some older, somewhere, yet to be found. Its just a part of the human experience, always has been and always will be. Having said that, I find most of it to be excruciatingly trite and boring.  :) 

“The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.” ~ Hubert Humphrey

Friday, November 4, 2022

Cuckoldry...Cuckolding the Cuckold. :)

Pornhub’s Year-in-Review reported that searches for ‘Cuckold’ increased by 168% in 2021.

Here you go. One of those "expert" articles that I don't really agree with. Mostly because...somehow, the overall tone seems to be...about men. About the cuckold and the bull. Not much about the female. You know, the integral person whom, without her involvement, the "deed" could not exist. I know this will surprise some people due to so many years of getting their education and "expert advice" from cuckold cartoon captions, lol...but cuckoldry is what a woman does to her husband and for herself, not what she does for him.  

cuck·old /ˈkəkəld,ˈkəkōld/:  a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful. 

Cuckoldry is all about whatever the woman says it is. Terminological exactitude means something to some of us. I get that language evolves and is flexible in many ways, but the definition still remains. People would be well served to remember that it does exist in the animal kingdom, of which we are part. I mean the word itself, cuckold, derives from a bird. Cuckoldry exists in numerous species where serial monogamy exists. Beyond the fetish aspect, there are biological reasons such as the "Sperm Wars" theory. And many men are cuckolded, and have been throughout history, without a clue this is/was happening to them. I emphasize (again) to them as its what a wife does to them, regardless if they know it or not. 

I think about a gabillion cuckold porn websites have been made, twice as many memes, even more captioned photos and cartoons, a forest worth of paper used for books and of course the digital equivalent of verbiage via forums and blogs expounding on the fantasy of some men, many men really, men seeking women to match their own fantasy, men running ads seeking a woman to act out their fetish, focusing on their preferences, opinions, desires and so on. However, there is one common theme throughout...without a woman eagerly desiring and willing to participate in this, which there obviously is a dearth of same because our fantasy may not match yours, or we laugh at the "mansplaining" on this, without this match, all the aforementioned means nothing because, no cuckolding occurs. So in that regard, cuckoldry is all about...whatever the woman says it is. This is my opinion, and I am unanimous in it.  :) I'm going to be suspicious of people that mumble more than average while...wearing a mask.  :) 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Midnight Manic Musings... :)


What in the blithering bloviating blarney batfucking buttfuckery is this? Seriously? Using what..appears to be a beer can as a masturbatory aid? What happend to good old lotion?  :) 


Yeah, they've been following, borrowing, plagiarizing and ripping off fashion trends for decades. From porn, from Dommes, from gay guys...I suppose it's a compliment really if you think about it. So, to that on.  :) 


Fucking Tech Support
No matter what happens, they tell you you need to update your browser. It's like their standard answer to any and all questions or issues. And they have no idea how stupid it is. They sound like a recording...
My car won't start...they suggest its my browser. 
My dryer blew up...they suggest its my browser. 
My jeans won't fit because I'm fat...they suggest its my browser. 

Or, maybe its not my browser, stupid sunnsobetches!  :)



On the subject of "objectification", I have to say I don't quite agree with that concept. First off, I've always found the term amusing. The only way to turn someone into an "object" is with Calvin's transmogrifier:  :)

Secondly, everyone "objectifies" themselves to an extent, and others. When I'm cuckolding my husband, what I want from my "Bulls" is...dick. That's it. My husband is my best friend, my workout partner, my soulmate, my lifelong partner and a million other things. I want none of that from my lovers and I don't really even want to know anything about them once they are "vetted" for the job. And their "job" is to have sex with me and that's it. 

The objectification argument was used for decades, (centuries?) regarding women that posed nude, and was predicated on the notion that we don't like being nude, so therefore must have been forced into it. That argument lost all credibility once we got the right to vote, work outside the home, access to birth control and were no longer treated as chattel. Once that happened, many women (as in millions) went for the one night stand, posed nude, did porn, chat-webcam stuff, Onlyfans and have no regrets. So if it is indeed objectification, then in the same ways, or a variety of ways, we do it just as much as men. Double standards and hypocrisy aside. :)

Just a reminder...this is me when I go out in public. 
So no one will recognize me and so I'll...blend in, lol.  :) 

The Disgusting Transportation of Migrants from State to State for Political Gain...

 Its odd that some people don't seem to know this...we're having to bring in endless migrant workers to do the agricultural and construction jobs that are vacant, even with a very low unemployment rate. So yes, nations should have the right to protect their borders, and I agree with that, However, once people are here, they deserve to be treated as...human beings, not pawns for political soundbites and photo-ops.

I've hired, and will continue to hire, people for various jobs and I simply do not care of their "status". I pay them more than the prevailing rate, $15 an hour or more, in cash. Some people draw the assumption that anyone that hires so called "illegals" is doing so to pay them less and take advantage of cheap labor. If I was trying to exploit people, I'd be paying them $5 an hour instead of 3 (or more) times that amount per hour. So, they are not being exploited, but rather are well taken care of, well paid, fed good healthy food, plus homemade cookies and brownies, well hydrated and treated with kindness and dignity.

Am I concerned about stopping it, on my end? Not one bit. I place human welfare before border or political issues. And anyones invective on this topic means nothing to me. I will happily (and with great pride) continue to help other humans beings and the planet, regardless of some stupid laws or opinions of others. Benevolence and altruism is important to me. I admire people of peace and grace, like Malala Yousafzai, Jimmy Carter, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, MLK and others that place people before ego, wealth and material possessions. I've done well in life, worked hard, been very fortunate, and want to help others.  

 Yes, some might rant about nationalism, loyalty to country, and question my ethics on this. My ethics are superbly fantasti and all worthy people should emulate them, lol.  :) 

 People often conflate doing what's "right" with manmade "law". I try to always do what is right, as in the correct thing. That means I sometimes break laws...proudly. For example, some despicable cities make laws against giving food or money to homeless people. In this case, the "law" is not right, and I will happily break that law, all the time. 

In recent history, other laws I would have broken were those that oppressed women, enslaved people (African, Native American, Chinese and others), denied women the right to education, denied women the right to vote, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, free speech rights...the list could go on and on. All of those laws were wrong, as were the people that supported them. So doing what is "right" does not always mean following laws. I will always advocate for the disenfranchised, those without a voice, those being abused or oppressed, because its the right thing to do. 

Regarding "illegal immigrants" I admire old school patriotic Americans, true patriotic Americans, who align themselves with what made, and still makes America great such as: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” I think people should stand for something in this life. If we, as human beings and Americans, don't make taking care of other human beings and our planet our main priority, then what's the fucking point? 

Yeah, yeah, I know, someone will say the "Feds" should crack down on people hiring illegals. Good luck with that. They might come looking for me, but I shall foil their plans. How you may ask? Because I live in my super secret blanket fort, which is basically a bomb shelter. No one can get in, and I mean no one, unless they know the super duper secret password...which is "floccinaucinihilipilification", and it has to be said in Vulcan, backwards, with a southern accent...three times in a row.  :) 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Blogis Postus. :)

You wanna know why?
Because the majority of doctors are still male and...they can't find it.  :) 


What a fantastic idea. It reuses material that might have been trash, it's cheaper, no downside. I love it when people use repurposed materials or think out of the box when making homes...especially if it can benefit those that are impoverished, both nationally or globally. 

I love this idea and this house. But I've always been a fan of homes and buildings that blend in with the environment, rather than stick out with a pretentious "look at me" sort of attitude. Building homes that live in harmony with nature, no matter if they're wood, stone, adobe, whatever the material, is just so much more appealing to me.  :) 


Roughly two-thirds (66%) of Americans say when a man has an affair it is always morally wrong. Fewer (55%) say it is always morally wrong when a woman has an extramarital affair. This “moral double standard,” as the researchers called it, was especially pronounced among women. Seventy percent of women say that a married man who has an affair is always morally wrong, while fewer (56%) say the same when married women have relationships outside their marriage. The gap grows even larger if you look only at responses from young women. Then it’s 73% (always wrong for men) versus 51% (always wrong for women.)

So, the short answer is...bitches want strange side dick...but dude better keep it in his pants. :) 


Notice...this says "Liberals". 
It does not say Democrat.
There is/can be a difference.  :) 

Sexual Boredom, Sexually Boring or just...Boring?  

Sometimes I hear someone say, or read something online about their being "bored". How can anyone be bored? How can someone be bored with life and the amazing, fantastic and beautiful planet we live on?

 And along the same lines, I find it curious when someone decides they're bored with regular vanilla sex, and want to expand out, and try some new kinky freaky things. I mean, good, good for them. But what baffles me is...what draws one towards this, or what is the nature of the impetus at this point in their life? I ask as...many people tend to have certain desires from a young age, and are cognizant of that. So it's interesting to me where someone delves into, what some would consider, the more licentious and/or salacious aspects of fetish or kink, without having had that sort of ingrained interest, or perhaps it was suppressed? I mean it seems like most people I talk to or read about "knew" they were kinky, or gay, or trans or whatever, since about age 5 or so.  

So I think it's great, and not to sound clichéd...but heartwarming as well. By that I just mean someone having the agency to evolve how they see fit, opening their mind, soul and body to new avenues, new experiences, while rejecting societal norms with a resplendent level of enthusiasm, kudos to them, and I hope it goes well and they enjoy it. That's a rarity in a culture where people tend to regress or stagnate and become resigned to living a life of mundane monotony.

Bored they just lack initiative and imagination? I don't know how anyone could be bored. I mean, read a book, go outside, volunteer for a charity, get a hobby, work out...or do what I do, give yourself Atomic wedgies...just for something to do.  :) 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Queening. Facesitting. Cuckoldry. :)


Regular readers, this post may have reposts and book excerpts, etc. This post is for search engine traffic so, nothing to see here. Just keep in mind, this blog post was brought to you, and I put Vodka on my Wheaties. :)  


 My experiences cuckolding my husband are always great, even when things don’t go according to plan. I enjoy the freedom to explore other men, and be brutally honest about it with the man I love. This relationship was fine for me even before I started making my own queening chairs. I still enjoyed oral service from him before and after my dates. The difference now, is that I don’t have to separate the time I take to get ready for dates from the time I get licked by my cuckold husband. I can apply my make-up, do my hair, enjoy some coffee, check my email, all while I receive pleasure from my cuckold’s tongue. The chair blurs the lines that normally decide when cunnilingus starts and stops. I even converse with him during, thinking out loud about what I might wear for my date. I read emails from my lover out loud, I even chat with my lover on the phone while queening my husband.

 It's just so much better because a queening chair will benefit the "giver" as much as her. Both more comfortable, and that will mean more facesitting more often, for longer amounts of time. No more hurt knees for her, no more neck pain for you. The only parts of you that will still ache are your tongue. On her end, she will gain more orgasms surely. Nothing feels like a tongue. Vibrators are great, and get me off quick, and my hand is fine when it’s all I have…but nothing is better than a tongue to reach perfect orgasms. My cuckold husband is always available to give me oral service, as it should be.

 When a woman is happy in her marriage, she is happier no matter what fate throws at her. You will often hear people say that to keep a marriage interesting, you have to try new things “in the bedroom”. Sex-furniture is certainly a way to do that, but remember that your ladies reaction to new things will depend a lot on what she gets out of it.

 My cuckold is faithful, obedient, and devoted to his tasks. He doesn’t often need to be punished anymore, but a little motivation doesn’t hurt (me). I find that my queening chair is useful in ways that I hadn’t thought of when I first set out to build one. I love that I can have him sit in my queening throne and instead of it bringing him a feeling of power (as it does me), it gives my foot access to his pathetic little balls, and blue balls equals a willing tongue. :) 

Side note on cuckoldry: Please don't conflate the act of cheating with the fetish of cuckoldry. Sure, technically they are the same, but in modern day parlance the former is betrayal, lying, a devious and nefarious act that is horrible to do to someone, the latter is a kinky fetish with enthusiastic approval, tacit approval or at least acknowledgement. Cheating is disrespectful from the onset. Its not that a woman that has had a secret affair, who later finds after disclosing it, or getting caught, that her husband is aroused by it *then* loses respect for him, she already had, and she also has lost respect for herself.  


I've noticed how my cuckold husband...while fairly well-trained, still often tries to avoid doing his job. When I've just had a "fuck date" with one of my lovers, and its now "clean up time" he will procrastinate, try to disappear, start complaining and moaning and making all kinds of protests. Once I order him to start licking, he tries to kiss my legs, up and down my thighs, my tits, back, calves anywhere and everywhere except where I ordered him to. He would rather have his tongue in my ass as opposed to licking up that man cream. He tries to lick my clit with the hopes that I will orgasm quickly, and forget all about him...anything to avoid having to finish cleaning me up.

 No way do I, or have I ever, let him get away with that. You have to be firm and maintain control. I make sure the condom is empty, then, I make him lick it all up and swallow it all, and finally I turn the condom inside out, stuff it into his mouth and make him "tongue wash" it clean as well to make sure he gets every single drop. If its thin, I remind him that he's lucky for the sperm to be so runny, as he can let it slide down his throat and be done with it, right? If its thick and pungent...well that's a whole other struggle and battle involving gagging and some serious force on my part.

 That's the thing with some submissive males. Whether its household chores, laundry, yard work, getting punished, a spanking, (I don't have to spank him that often anymore, but when I lasts for a good long while and includes a caning, strapping, crop, hairbrush, OTK hand spanking, etc) cleaning up messes, (including ones from my pussy or left by my lovers), they often need reminding and prompting to do their jobs. I mean a few days ago I gave him a hand spanking on the backs of his thighs for not getting the gutters cleaned out with the promise of a caning if it took to long. Granted many of the tasks he is asked to do are rather undesirable, but that's the price you pay when you are a submissive male...right? You want access to the pussy (even if its only with your tongue), you have to put up with some demands. Some guys think it's all about a bit of sex now and then...not in my world. :) 


Buns of Steel?
Iron Ass?
Hard Ass?
Metal Glutes?
Non-ferrous Posterior?  :)

Sexual Bucket List.
1. Have sex with a bucket.
Done. Check that off the list.
What the hell do I do now?  :)

Abused assholes sounds so...anal.  :)


Lucky her.. :)

Some people have so much talent with photography, props, vision etc...that I don't have. 

Good erotica...makes you feel like you're "there"...

A few years back, this attire would have been a scandal,'s just sort of boring. 

91 year old supermodel - Carmen Dell’Orefice. 

Personally, I blame all of society's perceived ills as being the fault of people that eat...Fish Tacos. You know me, as a life long Taco enthusiast, a purist, a Tacoite, a Tacoonian, as the worlds first and only self proclaimed "Tacoatrix", I can not countenance fish tacos...  :) 