Thursday, October 27, 2022

Midnight Manic Musings... :)


What in the blithering bloviating blarney batfucking buttfuckery is this? Seriously? Using what..appears to be a beer can as a masturbatory aid? What happend to good old lotion?  :) 


Yeah, they've been following, borrowing, plagiarizing and ripping off fashion trends for decades. From porn, from Dommes, from gay guys...I suppose it's a compliment really if you think about it. So, to that on.  :) 


Fucking Tech Support
No matter what happens, they tell you you need to update your browser. It's like their standard answer to any and all questions or issues. And they have no idea how stupid it is. They sound like a recording...
My car won't start...they suggest its my browser. 
My dryer blew up...they suggest its my browser. 
My jeans won't fit because I'm fat...they suggest its my browser. 

Or, maybe its not my browser, stupid sunnsobetches!  :)



On the subject of "objectification", I have to say I don't quite agree with that concept. First off, I've always found the term amusing. The only way to turn someone into an "object" is with Calvin's transmogrifier:  :)

Secondly, everyone "objectifies" themselves to an extent, and others. When I'm cuckolding my husband, what I want from my "Bulls" is...dick. That's it. My husband is my best friend, my workout partner, my soulmate, my lifelong partner and a million other things. I want none of that from my lovers and I don't really even want to know anything about them once they are "vetted" for the job. And their "job" is to have sex with me and that's it. 

The objectification argument was used for decades, (centuries?) regarding women that posed nude, and was predicated on the notion that we don't like being nude, so therefore must have been forced into it. That argument lost all credibility once we got the right to vote, work outside the home, access to birth control and were no longer treated as chattel. Once that happened, many women (as in millions) went for the one night stand, posed nude, did porn, chat-webcam stuff, Onlyfans and have no regrets. So if it is indeed objectification, then in the same ways, or a variety of ways, we do it just as much as men. Double standards and hypocrisy aside. :)

Just a reminder...this is me when I go out in public. 
So no one will recognize me and so I'll...blend in, lol.  :) 

The Disgusting Transportation of Migrants from State to State for Political Gain...

 Its odd that some people don't seem to know this...we're having to bring in endless migrant workers to do the agricultural and construction jobs that are vacant, even with a very low unemployment rate. So yes, nations should have the right to protect their borders, and I agree with that, However, once people are here, they deserve to be treated as...human beings, not pawns for political soundbites and photo-ops.

I've hired, and will continue to hire, people for various jobs and I simply do not care of their "status". I pay them more than the prevailing rate, $15 an hour or more, in cash. Some people draw the assumption that anyone that hires so called "illegals" is doing so to pay them less and take advantage of cheap labor. If I was trying to exploit people, I'd be paying them $5 an hour instead of 3 (or more) times that amount per hour. So, they are not being exploited, but rather are well taken care of, well paid, fed good healthy food, plus homemade cookies and brownies, well hydrated and treated with kindness and dignity.

Am I concerned about stopping it, on my end? Not one bit. I place human welfare before border or political issues. And anyones invective on this topic means nothing to me. I will happily (and with great pride) continue to help other humans beings and the planet, regardless of some stupid laws or opinions of others. Benevolence and altruism is important to me. I admire people of peace and grace, like Malala Yousafzai, Jimmy Carter, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, MLK and others that place people before ego, wealth and material possessions. I've done well in life, worked hard, been very fortunate, and want to help others.  

 Yes, some might rant about nationalism, loyalty to country, and question my ethics on this. My ethics are superbly fantasti and all worthy people should emulate them, lol.  :) 

 People often conflate doing what's "right" with manmade "law". I try to always do what is right, as in the correct thing. That means I sometimes break laws...proudly. For example, some despicable cities make laws against giving food or money to homeless people. In this case, the "law" is not right, and I will happily break that law, all the time. 

In recent history, other laws I would have broken were those that oppressed women, enslaved people (African, Native American, Chinese and others), denied women the right to education, denied women the right to vote, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, free speech rights...the list could go on and on. All of those laws were wrong, as were the people that supported them. So doing what is "right" does not always mean following laws. I will always advocate for the disenfranchised, those without a voice, those being abused or oppressed, because its the right thing to do. 

Regarding "illegal immigrants" I admire old school patriotic Americans, true patriotic Americans, who align themselves with what made, and still makes America great such as: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” I think people should stand for something in this life. If we, as human beings and Americans, don't make taking care of other human beings and our planet our main priority, then what's the fucking point? 

Yeah, yeah, I know, someone will say the "Feds" should crack down on people hiring illegals. Good luck with that. They might come looking for me, but I shall foil their plans. How you may ask? Because I live in my super secret blanket fort, which is basically a bomb shelter. No one can get in, and I mean no one, unless they know the super duper secret password...which is "floccinaucinihilipilification", and it has to be said in Vulcan, backwards, with a southern accent...three times in a row.  :) 


  1. Vanessa - i am not surprised hubby is as hard as he is, you have a sexy voice as well as body.

    i have never understood the argument from some feminists that porn objectives women as it kind of assumes all women are somehow doing it against their will or hate all work in the sex industry. i am sure some do but am equally sure that some enjoy it or have decided it is work that they can fit around their lives and work for themselves doing. If men or women are prepared to pay to watch women or men performing or have them pleasure them so what.

    Well said in relation to migrants as well. i think the whole idea of stopping people from moving and freely living wherever they want to in a world as connected as ours now is is completely anachronistic.


    1. Thank you for the reply, the thoughts and the compliment. :)

  2. That last comment may have come through as 'anonymous' - sorry it was me, forgot to change the comment settings :)


  3. Vanessa..another great post..that video looks like fun to me..your husband is a lucky man!!..Soreassboy

  4. I have always been fascinated by lady’s masturbating:). And even more interesting is what they fantasize about!
    You guys have very dirty minds:)
    And put all kinds of things inside and on yourselves:). Vegetables candles horses bicycles washing machines electric tooth brushes……anything you sexy bitches!!!
    Very hot to me!
    Our birth rate is too low we need immigrants and we are lucky that a lot of smart hard working people want to move here and build a life
    Just like every other issue the right is wrong
    Seriously. Name one issue the republicans have right
    The Russians and Chinese in particular need immigrants but no body wants to go there
    So I propose that we pay for travel expenses for republicans to emigrate to Russia where they can live happily ever after under authoritarian rule they dream about:)
    Good job Vanessa!
    Keep rubbing the bean!

    1. I like your..shipping GOP people to China and Russia idea. :)

  5. Imagine Vanessa with her sexy body and mind telling you.

    “I will be also sending you photos of cocks I fuck, explaining why I liked them so much more than your tiny dick.”

    Cuckold Letters
    Vanessa Chaland

  6. that video is so hot. Love your position giving him a view and then hitting him for looking. Very hot indeed
