Tuesday, December 19, 2023


It seems some people are of the opinion that "dominance" is a masculine trait. I don't quite get that...but in some cases I do. (Not going into the whole male dominant/female submissive aspect of this...just talking about the FemDom side of things.) 

I am not at all masculine, never have been, never will be and have no desire to be, at all. I mean I am a Tomboy, but a girly...boy-Tom, lol. The notion that female sexual dominance is masculine, or needs to be, as opposed to feminine...well I think part of that is based on the depiction of some rather cheesy ProDoms that adopt that attitude, demeanor and mentality, which is not accurate and from my perspective, a total embarrassment. Witness a random selection of sample photos gleaned from the Internet to see my point. 

Beyond the lack of authenticity, meaning the generic copying each other with the "crop biting" poses, the scowling, the frowning, the glaring...why? I mean why do some feel the need to act/look aggressive, hostile, mean, macho, tough, or whatever? What about soft dominance...like the photo below? 

A little tease and denial, a couple love taps to his swollen blue balls, a bit of face sitting, some more teasing, polite demands, his displaying a level of obeisance, that would be, all of that, would constitute dominance right? And none of it would be viewed as being masculine, in my estimationFor me, probably about 90% of proper dominance is in the mind, the rest, of the body. I mean, without that mind connection, that mindfuckery, the mental portion, well, then it would just be beating or abusive or neglectful, and that is not something I would be involved with nor advocate for. So from the mental domination standpoint, why would one presume that needs to be masculine or feminine? That makes no sense to me. The power and will of one mind to dominate, and the will of another mind to submit is what makes a unique connection, and that has nothing to do with testosterone or estrogen. 

Annnd for something totally off topic and different, someone compiled a bunch of old clips of people dancing and overlaid it with "Born to be Alive" which amused the heck out of me.   :) 

And what am I listening to while creating this little nonsensical pointless post?
It's a vibe/mood thing.  :) 


Tax season is right around the corner...lol.  :) 


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Bitches Be Crazy! :)


Guys have been having a rough time lately. Attacked from all quarters, all sides. Blamed for just about everything, sometimes deserved, often not. We're going through this weird phase in the US (and probably most of the West) where women are blaming men for everything, especially straight men, and mostly straight white men. Well, I am here to defend said men as...I happen to like a few of them, am related to some of them, have brothers, father, uncles, male cousins, had grandfathers, and laying somewhere around my house...I got myself one of them...submissive cuckold husbands.

So, marriage and divorce. Historically men have been blamed for the collapse of a marital union, the wife was viewed as a victim, he would pay alimony, palimony, move out, was crucified by society as being the "cause" of the end of the relationship...and life went on....for her, not so great for him.

However...the last few years, it has come to light that lesbians who marry, have a higher than average rate of divorce. As in a *lot* fucking higher. 

 *According to data from the Office for National Statistics, in 2019, 56% of same-sex marriages were between women. However, the divorce rate for lesbians was much higher, with 72% of same-sex divorces in 2019 coming from lesbian couples, about 3 times higher than gay male couples. The lesbian divorce rate was 78% in 2016, 74% in 2017 and 75% in 2018.* 

*Same-sex marriages are on the rise, and so are same-sex divorces, particularly lesbian divorces. Same-sex divorces rose 40.4% from 2019 to 2020, to 1,154, and the vast majority, 71.3%, were lesbian divorces, according to an in-depth study from England and Wales.*

So, how are the "lezzies" going to blame this on...men?
How/why is it that lesbians are divorcing at a rate 3 times higher than gay men? 

According to all stats, between 70% and 80% of all heterosexual marriages that fall apart, the divorce was inititated by...the woman.

One could posit that...a vast majority of women are...perpetual malcontents, never happy, straight, bi, gay, lesbian, no matter...and can not even stand to be married...to each other. 

So, we now have this *movement* known as the Passport Bros, where youngish guys with a decent income are going overseas, to...find a wife. They're increasingly desiring...nothing to do with "Western women". This seems to be pissing women off...big time. Social media, TikTok, YouTube, are all full of videos of women whining, bitching and complaining about how...they can't find a "real man" to date or marry. Let's just double check that okay? Women with...fake eyebrows, fake eyelashes, fake lips (fillers), fake tits, fake ass (BBL), fake teeth, fake tan, fake hair, fake nails, everything is lifted, pumped, tucked, altered, covered, masked, taped up, tied down, strapped on...are seeking a *real* man, lol.

Same social media depicts about a gazillion women saying "I Don't Need No Man!!". 
They contend they are an independent woman, make their own money (many from OnlyFans, where guys they'd never give the time of day to pay them money for posing nude, while talking about being "empowered") and how they only want *The Sixes* (6 foot tall, 6 figure income, at least 6 inches, with 6-pack abs) while many of them themselves are...under or unemployed, broke, obese, with 5 kids from 4 different fathers, no car, no ambition, but a *huge* social media following, where lonely guys, horny guys, simps...are and have been telling them for years they are a *10* on the looks scale. Plus, other women lying to them, again, being a *10* , lying to each other, lying to themselves...but once they step out into the real world, off the phone screen and away from the photo/video filters that make them look better, when reality hits them in the face, they are *not* a 10, but 3.7 or a 5. Then they're pissed, tell any guy that rates them as such that he's either ugly, gay, or has a small dick, lol. 

They state they despise "toxic males" with their masculine energy, until they want/need a big strong fireman to save their lives, or a cop, a mechanic, plumber, iron worker, rancher, farmer...you know, those "toxic males" that built roads, homes, cities, and pretty much all of society. Suddenly that "toxic" energy is welcome...and how many of those same women wanting "equality" want laws passed that would require *all* women upon turning 18 years of age to have to register for the draft? None, pretty much none. Is this equality? Nope. Are they really independent? Nope. Do they really hate these sort of men? Nope. Why do I say that? Because most of them are out every night, at the clubs and bars, trying to find one to...date/fuck/marry.  :) 

So, as is known, I on occasion might "mess" around with another woman here and there, sort of "LezLite", usually dominate them, "Smack the Bitch Up!", just play around and whatever, and totally enjoy it, and them...but I would never, could never, have never...been in any sort of long term relationship with one as...#BitchesBeCrazy.  

And now, I will sit back and wait for the hate mail to flood in, lol. And, I'm not spellchecking this post either as....I just decided that tonight...I don't give a fuck. Hope everyone is enjoying their evening and yes, the majority of women out there are fantastic. I am partly just messing around here, but there is some truth to this post. There are just enough bitchy bitches bitching...and making us all look bad. They should think about what they're saying before saying it, crazy ass bitches. Or, I might have to spank and slap a few around...just for attitude adjustment purposes, you understand. I mean, it's not like I enjoy doing it, or anything. :) 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Okay...Enough Internet For Today. :)

Meet "Aitana López".

So, AI. Supposedly this could be a good thing. Thus far...I'm not so sure. Part of the Hollywood SAG strike was over studios wanting to pay actors for one day, to "map" their face, body and voice, then have the ability to create movies based on that, in perpetuity, without having to pay the actors...ever again. 

There are now a plethora of news articles about teen boys taking photos of teen girls in school, then using AI type editing stuff to make fake nudes of her...without her knowledge, nor consent, passing them around, and she's not even aware of it, initially. 

Using an AI model to avoid "influencers" egos and attitudes, I get. Side note on that, I have never, and will never, be "influenced" by some stupid-ass "influencer" on Tik-Tok, YouTube, Instagram, or even mainstream regular TV for that matter...ever. I totally ignore all TV commercials, mute them, same with YouTube, billboards, ads in magazines, fliers in the mail, just ignore them outright, always have. 

I saw an article where non-fiction writers are suing AI companies for plagiarism. The literary, music, TV, porn, advertising, architecture and other industries are having every single thing they ever created, "sucked up", swiped, stolen, ripped off, by these companies (of which Facebook, Microsoft, Google etc are included). The companies intend on scanning the Internet and harvesting everything, for their use, without proper credit, or compensation....the greedy unethical fucks. The lawsuits are firing up, globally. This will be a massive, enormous legal battle, which will go on for years, decades, maybe forever. 

I know people talk about applications for medical technology, the ability to diagnose disease, figure out treatments and things like that, which would be great. But there's also the aspect of using the same technology to make fake photos and video, for crimes, blackmail, fake political ads, to make people appear as if they're confessing to crimes (which they never did, and don't even know the video was made) and examples of that nature, which is going to create a clusterfuck for courts, juries, anything criminal related, and of course for voters seeing fake ads depicting competitors in a negative light. 

What is my point about this? Nothing really, just babbling and rambling.  :) 

Trumps Thanksgiving Day Message. 

That boy needs help. I mean...he's deranged, unhinged, stupid, clueless, nutty, out of touch and just totally insane. 
What I want from technology.  :)


Sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, all needs to be taken seriously, very seriously. What's aggravating about this article and this agenda...is that it is *not* taking the aforementioned...seriously.

This is mostly a last moment money grab by a bunch of pissed off jilted girlfriends, lovers, ex-wives and whatever. Look, I get some people (mostly women, but sometimes men) are violated, traumatized, need time to process and deal with it before wanting to take legal action. But there has to be a limit. You can't pop up 30, 40, 50 or more years later accusing someone of something, with no evidence, no possible way to provide evidence, just to shake them down for some money. Saying this upsets a lot of women. They rant about the "sisterhood" and not sticking together. Fuck that. 

I always point out to someone that says something like that to "personalize" it. Meaning, don't think about some random rich guy that might pay out some money, maybe even a few million, the whole "Go get your money girlfriend" thing. Visualize the accused is your younger brother, father, cousin, son, or husband. Visualize a gold digger comes out of the woodwork, claiming that said person, 47 years ago, groped them, grabbed them, had sex with them, it's now a "She said---He Said" thing, no DNA, no witnesses, no evidence...but write me a big ass check and I'll drop the charges...no way.  

Remember the Johnny Depp - Amber Heard trial? She accused him of XYZ, turns out *she* was guilty of XYZ, plus ABC, and LMNOP, vile disgusting acts, plus violence, against him. Newsflash...some women lie. People lie. Some human beings...lie. Regardless of sex or gender...some people lie. Just because it's a woman making the accusation does *not* mean it's true. I detest the "Woman as Professional Victim" mentality so prevalant in our society, it's a disservice to women, and to *true* victims of crime, it's not about empowering women, it's not right, it's not fair, it's not just, it needs to stop and be stopped. 

So, in this case, these "victims" were not much bothered by whatever effrontery they claim, for decades, in some cases nearly half a century, until a few days before the time-frame to file lawsuits expires, then suddenly the courts are flooded, a vertitable tsunami type flood, with lawsuits...not with the expectation of a trail, a jury, or anyone going to jail, but with the hope and intent of....a massive check to them...and their snake-in-the-grass shady lawyers. Fuck that, fuck them, they should fuck off, all of them.

Okay, I will now shut up, go make some tea, and read a book...or something.  :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Day Message. :)

Me...trying to find my Thanksgiving day attire.  :) 

Yes, I know there are readers that are not from the USA, people that do not celebrate this day...however, my point here is not about the day or the history of it, but rather just to be grateful and thankful...as in giving "thanks".

I am thankful for good health.
I am thankful for family and friends.
I am thankful for being born here, of which I had no control, but has given me opportunity.
I am thankful for being blessed so much, in a world where so many people...are not.
I am thankful for those that I've interacted with via this blog, and their own blogs.
I am thankful for those that have been supportive of me, my efforts and their encouragement.
I am thankful for happy days, laughter, snark, silliness and good cheer. 
I am thankful for my "puppies and kitties" that have brought me such great joy. 
I am thankful for the fact that if I barely even try...I realize I have a great deal to be thankful for. 

Should anyone be bored, and want to sort of brighten up their day/night and see the opposite of the negative daily news articles and TV shows that depict humanity in such a dark light...try the following: Random Acts Of Kindness | Best of 2023.   :) 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Might Be Of Interest...

To some people. Just a shop I came across. I don't know her, she doesn't know me, I just thought some of the designs were unqiue and figured I'd share the link...should anyone want this type of attire.  :) 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

PSA: Google to delete millions of Gmail accounts next month in huge purge.

 Should anyone have unused or rarely used Gmail accounts: Google is set to begin deleting millions of Gmail, Drive and Photos accounts next month as part of a major update to the platform. The purge will impact all personal Google accounts that have been left dormant for at least two years, with emails, documents, spreadsheets, calendar appointments, photos and videos all permanently deleted.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Cuckold - Blue Balls - SPH - Femdom...

Cuckold Husband Issues...

My Dear cocky, The scent of my new lover is strong, and I admit I was surprised as well. The fact that you were "off-put" by my fantastic new lovers scent did concern me. It concerned me that you were unable to continue licking my pussy for being possibly "sick" in the restroom.

I don't want you getting sick, I know that's no fun, but you have a job to do and you must be trained to do your job through all circumstances. This gag reaction to Mike's sperm will pass, you will "grow into it", and learn to lick it from my pussy without gagging. You will get passed that, and see the bigger picture...pleasing your wife, and helping to soothe her pussy after a fucking by a real cock like Mike's.

My pussy will be fucked even longer by Mike each time we see each other. Fucking longer will stretch my pussy more. Fucking longer means more sperm welling up in his balls. Each time I fuck Mike, I will know his body better, and know exactly when he comes, so the sperm will be a lot fresher next time. Now that I think about it, that makes sense. I didn't know that Mike had come when he did, and he tried to keep going for round 2. The sperm this evening was not nearly as fresh as the sperm I will be shoving into your face next time I cuckold you. Next time cocky, it will be very different. You will finish what you are served, and lick your plate clean. :)

This new guy really seems to get it, doesn't he Cocky? Talking the way he was...I may have to fuck him and see what happens. You will have a condom to deal with after my date with this man. So many questions, right? What will it look like? What will it taste like? Will it be runny? Will it be gloppy?  Smooth? Or more textured? I always tell my new bulls that they should expect the first time to be the only time, so that if I don't prefer them for another round, I don't have to call. But if I like the way he fucks me, this could be a regular event, and you will get to know his (and others in the future) sperm very well....cuckold.

I like this "not being able to have sex at the moment" thing going on, you need to feel needy sometimes.  I have, of course, no issues with not fucking you, because I have bigger cocks to suck. 
(That's me, opening wide to suck it.)  
Then I can go to bed and rest easy, knowing you are having to deal with the job of emptying your tiny balls yourself. That doesn't take very long, because they are needy, blue, and too small to unload very much anyway. Tomorrow, I may go to work a bit earlier than usual, so that I can deal with your balls when I return that night.  Your balls need to be slapped around a bit (a lot). Tom texted me to ask how I was doing, and I replied, telling him about the toxins, Rachel, my cold, and that in spite of that, I was happy with the massage and it's results. I told him to "consider me a regular".
(That's you, watching me suck my lover.)
You should think about the new word of the day, GLOPPY, and hope you don't have to deal with that word first hand, because gloppy semen is harder to choke down.  You would have a much easier time cleaning up wet and runny sperm from my pussy. However, if it's pungent and strong to your sense of smell, the texture and consistency won't matter, right? Either way, you will have to clean it up, and don't make it any harder than it has to be. The more you resist, the more I will be convinced that your mouth is not exposed enough to the semen of a real man.  Resisting will only make me think you need to deal with a fresher load of sperm. What could be fresher than taking it straight from the source?  Don't make it harder than it has to be Cocky...Good night

How cute you are with your little balls...filled with your pathetic sperm, blue and waiting to empty.  They always empty onto you cuckold chest, and I'm so happy for you when you shoot your come far up, perhaps to your shoulders. Remember when you got some on your mouth?  I loved that, how awful it must be for you to be reminded that you did have to taste your own before. It's not the last time, as I will ruin an orgasm for you again soon.  But since I met Tom, I may not have to feed you your own.  It's better to make you taste the sperm of a better man, so you are well aware of your inferiority...

Cocky, Next time you play with your little excuse for a dick, it will be for my amusement. I will have you come & entertain me....I will lay, & watch you, & play with my clit, & tell you about a-l-l the cocks I've fucked & sucked....all the slutty things I want to do. Maybe I will make you watch me fuck my rabbit, since you won't have any cock to offer. Maybe I will have you use it on me. You will not come until I have slapped your microscopic balls sufficiently. My pussy is so wet right now, & if you were only here to see it, and service it.  Ma'am

The above are Excerpts from some of my Books. 


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Can You Spot The Difference?



I miss...the good old days, prior to the *new* version of GOP "Family Values"... 

He actually reposted the following...Trump actually reposted it, lol. 

 As confusing as the verbiage is...it's technically 100% accurate. 
MAGA!!! :) 



Trans & Gay People Obsession - GOP Has Gone Fucking Nuts. :)
  What is with the GOP's obsession with gay and trans people, and what they do with their genitals? I thought Republicans claimed to be the party of "small government" and wanted to live and let live, and stay out of peoples private business. What the hell happened to that ideology? 

Why can't they understand the 1st line of the 1st Amendment? 

Why can't they realize the USA is the only 1st World Country where people go bankrupt for medical costs? 

Why can't they grasp that unregulated capitalism ends up as an Oligarchical run country, and not a democracy? 

Why can't they grasp or admit that gay people exist, have always existed, and being gay has nothing to do with anything, other than....being gay? 

Why can't they understand that Thomas Clarence is a fucking lunatic...with no ethics? 

Why can't they see they are the same as the Taliban...banning and burning books? 

What the fuck is wrong with them? It's a mental disorder. They have become the most unpatriotic, disconnected, fruity, nutty, insane, cowardly bunch of lunatics the USA has ever known. 

Side note...for my far left liberal "friends", J.K. Rowling is right. Advocating for biological women and womens rights, is *not* the same as being "transphobic". Shut the fuck up with that nonsensical garbage. Equality as far as jobs, adoption, voting, wardrobe, attire, and things of that nature? Sure. I 100% support that. Transwomen competing against biological women in sports? Nope. Fuck no. 


We need the sane, rational, intelligent, normal, compassionate, logical people in the middle, both GOP and Dem, which comprises the vast majority of us, to speak up and vote out the lunatics from *both* sides of the extremist aisle. 

Side note on Elected and Appointed Officials. 

Joe Biden is old and tired. The current Congress is the third oldest since 1789. Ruth Bader Ginsberg died while still in the Supreme Court (she was 87). Diane Feinstein died while still in office (she was 90). Mitch McConnell keeps having mini-strokes and freezing up while speaking (he's almost 82). Trump is 77, and would be roughly 83 if he won by the end of a 2nd term, plus he's fucking stupid all day and has been his whole life. These people are just old, senile, keep falling asleep during hearings and meetings, and need to be forced out of office. Age limits are *not* a bad thing. Would you let any of them do open heart surgery on you or fly a plane you were in? I think not...

Okay, can anyone tell I read some news articles today, lol.  :) 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Non-Post BlogPost... :)


I have not been doing many posts of late as...I'm not motivated to write much. 
What would I write about...I find myself asking...

Yes please.
Doing it, loving it, enjoying it, but have written so many books and blogs posts about it, I sort of figure regular readers might find it repetitive, because, you know, what you enjoy is sort of always the same. I mean, I am kinky, but my kinks are within the parameters of what I enjoy, within the kink spectrum, and once that has been written about again and again, I presume readers will have had their fill of it. 
You know, insert Tab A into Slot B and Ride-n-Romp!  :)

Social issues?
Sure, I could expound on that, but I gather some people are tired of it, have seen other bloggers state with vitriol their aversion to it, and am indeed myself a tad exhausted by it. At the same time, my perspective on "politics" is...politics is simply a set of rules, laws, norms and modes of interaction that we, human beings, created to regulate ourselves and society. So to that end, a discussion between 3 people on what movie to watch, or what to eat, is "political" as it's a democracy rules sort of discourse on deciding what to do. 

Along those lines, I can't really talk, think, write about sex, without acknowledging where it intersects with issues such as...reproductive rights, gay rights, porn, book burnings, censorship, whether or not some states try to regulate whether or not you can own a dildo, or how many, or what position you can have sex in, or whether or not an exchange of goods or services for sex equals prostitution, and whether or not that should be legal, trans rights, my distate for some aspects of that agenda (biological men competing in sports against biological women) the pronoun debate, buttsex (just threw that in to see if anyone is paying attention) adoption, whether or not insurance should cover the cost of Viagra, and on and on. 

The nutty nutters that are some of our elected "leaders" endlessly piss me off, but we are all inundated with those numbnutted nutty nutters and their stupid ass, bat guano crazy, greed laden, power hungry personal agendas. 

(Get your ass to the gym.)
Human rights?
The so called "Cancel Culture"?
(Fuck them, all of them, both sides of the political aisle. I value free speech and have nary a single fuck to give about "political correctness", as I prefer facts, science, honesty, biology, history, logic, common sense...you know, truth.) 

Mix it up, stir the sauce, simmer, season to taste, wolf it down.  

So, what we have is...a non-post blog post...about nothing. But beyond that, I hope everyone is doing just fine, staying healthy, hydrated, using sun block, flossing, working out, educating themselves, expanding their minds, being safe and happy.  :)