Sunday, October 29, 2023

Can You Spot The Difference?



I miss...the good old days, prior to the *new* version of GOP "Family Values"... 

He actually reposted the following...Trump actually reposted it, lol. 

 As confusing as the verbiage's technically 100% accurate. 
MAGA!!! :) 



Trans & Gay People Obsession - GOP Has Gone Fucking Nuts. :)
  What is with the GOP's obsession with gay and trans people, and what they do with their genitals? I thought Republicans claimed to be the party of "small government" and wanted to live and let live, and stay out of peoples private business. What the hell happened to that ideology? 

Why can't they understand the 1st line of the 1st Amendment? 

Why can't they realize the USA is the only 1st World Country where people go bankrupt for medical costs? 

Why can't they grasp that unregulated capitalism ends up as an Oligarchical run country, and not a democracy? 

Why can't they grasp or admit that gay people exist, have always existed, and being gay has nothing to do with anything, other than....being gay? 

Why can't they understand that Thomas Clarence is a fucking lunatic...with no ethics? 

Why can't they see they are the same as the Taliban...banning and burning books? 

What the fuck is wrong with them? It's a mental disorder. They have become the most unpatriotic, disconnected, fruity, nutty, insane, cowardly bunch of lunatics the USA has ever known. 

Side note...for my far left liberal "friends", J.K. Rowling is right. Advocating for biological women and womens rights, is *not* the same as being "transphobic". Shut the fuck up with that nonsensical garbage. Equality as far as jobs, adoption, voting, wardrobe, attire, and things of that nature? Sure. I 100% support that. Transwomen competing against biological women in sports? Nope. Fuck no. 


We need the sane, rational, intelligent, normal, compassionate, logical people in the middle, both GOP and Dem, which comprises the vast majority of us, to speak up and vote out the lunatics from *both* sides of the extremist aisle. 

Side note on Elected and Appointed Officials. 

Joe Biden is old and tired. The current Congress is the third oldest since 1789. Ruth Bader Ginsberg died while still in the Supreme Court (she was 87). Diane Feinstein died while still in office (she was 90). Mitch McConnell keeps having mini-strokes and freezing up while speaking (he's almost 82). Trump is 77, and would be roughly 83 if he won by the end of a 2nd term, plus he's fucking stupid all day and has been his whole life. These people are just old, senile, keep falling asleep during hearings and meetings, and need to be forced out of office. Age limits are *not* a bad thing. Would you let any of them do open heart surgery on you or fly a plane you were in? I think not...

Okay, can anyone tell I read some news articles today, lol.  :) 


  1. No one could ever accuse you of not having read the news Vanessa, although it is a pretty depressing read these days.


    1. Yeah well...I'm still optimistic. Have to be. I think humanity will improve, get a clue, figure it out and make things better...eventually. :)
