Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Random Smutty, Slutty, Stuff.


I came across some of this artwork on some site and loved it. Some people have so much talent. Not sure about the blood on the shirt on the first one. Hoping that's just a bad fingernail scratch...from her, and nothing more.  :) 





Pretty sure she's reading some spicy romance erotica novel on a scroll...or something, lol. 


Yes, indeed. The infamous "Dewey Decimal System" prior to computers. 
How books were found in libraries. 


Books, I love books. I love reading, learning, writing, "traveling" the world, space and time, through books, and I also miss the "used" book stores. 


Quality books, with quality titles, like this one. ðŸ¤£

1 comment:

  1. Ah library index cards, that takes me back. Nice images i agree. i love the skirts they are wearing, wouldn't mind them for myself :)

