Friday, March 21, 2025

Blogger *Might* Be Deleting Blogs.

Someone (a well known blogger whom I won't name) contacted me earlier and told me their blog had been deleted. There is apparently an appeal process, but as most things these days are decided by bots, who knows if they'll reinstate it. Years ago, I had a blog deleted by Blogger/Google, and it never came back. I got up one day, there was a message from them POOF it was gone. No appeal, nothing, just years of posts and millions of hits gone. Obviously I started this one, but am always wondering if the same thing will happen again. Anyway, I do hope they reinstate this persons blog but have no knowledge if they will. If people are worried about this happening, consider backing it up or downloading it via Blogger to preserve their content. I'd do that myself, but I've never posted anything worth preserving.  😁


  1. Dear miss Chaland, just a question out of concern.
    How do we (your loyal minions) keep in touch, should your blog be deleted by 'Murica'?

    Kind regards,

    Marco (from Lady Lindsay).

  2. Smoke signals? SOS? Pony Express? Telepathy? Lol. One could try my name and add 😁
