Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Twosday... :)


Got suspended from Twitter again. 
Not sure why...I was just repeating Trumps "advice" to the GOP chairperson.  :)


Wait, scratch/amend the above post. Just got banned from Twitter for the Tweet below, which I sent to them directly to prove a point...which they did. I saw online where they view the word "retard" as being an insult to people born with developmental disabilities, and don't allow its use. So I wanted to test the PC wankers as the word is actually defined as: 
 Definition of retard (Entry 1 of 2) transitive verb  : to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment chemicals to retard the spread of fire intransitive verb  : to become delayed : to undergo retardation

So, there you have it. Political correctness running wild and...fuck 'em.  :)

Verbier, Switzerland.


The Queens Christmas speech should be interesting this year... :)


Not sure if I love it...or hate it. 


Accurate and appropriate Christmas card for this year...




This is not the queue for the Dover ferry. 
This is the queue for the queue for the Dover ferry.
Looks like Boris is pulling off Brexit with....no snags.  :)



That's pretty much the grossest thing I've ever seen.   :) 

Lady Gaga...doing her Gaga thing. 





A hunter scared away a doe...that this Buck, was about to fuck, and the Buck was really, really pissed.


Just...just fucking around with your friends. :)


  1. The glass in the jar thing is hilarious. She’ll be teasing her friend about that for decades.

    Then there’s this kid. https://youtu.be/1IVEXOz7pBU


  2. I'm reading this on Christmas Day. I NEEDED a good chuckle. Thanks for sharing your gift. I think Chuck Feeney knows the TRUE value of a dollar. Lady Gaga is WONDERFUL. Even when she's kind of WEIRD:). God is SO wise. I can see how everything from the 80's fits in a pocket, but I don't ever recall having my CHEESE GRATER there:(. Dan Price has shown how capitalism can exist along with 'values'. One does not have to preclude the other. Yup; I believe both the Queen and the Christmas card are about right. And I agree with you. Twitter DOES suck the big one, but in it's defense, it wasn't written by the geniuses who crafted your Constitution. The folks at Twitter aren't usually referred to in the same sentence as 'genius' is:).

    Thank you for your many takes on the world. They're similar to a lot of MY views too, but you should probably not be too quick to take that as a compliment.

    I have a brain injury (what's YOUR excuse??:).

    Merry Christmas and SMILE Vanessa. What else CAN we do anyway??? Besides; it keeps em guessing:).

    1. Thank you for the compliment and message. I'm glad you enjoy my little posts and rants. It is always my hope that someone will get a laugh, be amused or whatever from this blog...so its nice to hear that it might have helped. :)
