Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Gay Pride Month: Suck It Fundies! Suck it Long & Suck it Hard! :)





A reminder to any people not understanding riots and looting. The Stonewall Uprising was 5 days of rioting, looting, and violent protests against the police. These riots, led by black, brown, white, trans, queer, gay, gender fluid people, and their supporters, were the catalyst for the reason we have LGBTQ rights today.

This, Ladies & Gentlemen...Is A Fucking Idiot!
If you ever wonder what an idiot is, here you go. Class A, Grade A, Nimrod, Bone Spur wearing, cowardly, draft dodging, racist, tax cheating, pussy grabbing, bigoted, emotionally and intellectually retarded, unpatriotic, unchristian, 6 times bankrupt....fucking idiot. :)



  1. Hello miss Chaland,

    unfortunately, many followers of a certain party will still stand behind the orange killer-clown.
    It's not far from the truth when I say that even Pol Pot would have a decent shot at the elections if he would run for the GOP.

    Kind regards,

