Monday, December 23, 2019

My Christmas Wish...

 Some of these people are Muslim. Some are Jewish. Some are neither, maybe, some are both, perhaps. Without certain identifiable wardrobe clues, they all look basically the same. Because...they are the same. They are all (originally) from the same part of the world and all are related to each. 



This family is Jewish.

This guy, he is also Jewish. 

These people are Jewish, or maybe Muslim...doesn't matter. 
First and foremost they are *people*. 


A stunningly beautiful light skinned model.


A stunningly beautiful dark skinned model


My Christmas wish is that people would be nicer to each other. We need to stop letting people divide us. We need to stop letting evil people exploit others. We need to not let some, oppress others. We need to stop letting government leaders start wars. We need to stop hurting and killing each other.  That, is my wish.  :)


  1. That is a beautiful wish Vanessa and it is one of the ressons that i love your blog so much...though there are other reasons too :)!

    Have a wonderful one and I hope Santa's sacks are bulging when he empties them at yours.

