Friday, September 6, 2019

Less people are getting married due to a shortage of economically-stable single men. (No Marital "Sex In the City"?) :)


 The researchers say there’s a shortage of available men who are economically attractive, which they define as “partners with either a bachelor’s degree or incomes of more than $40,000 a year.” 

So, in simple words...according to this "study" women are only looking for a guy to support them? A high wage earner? A Sugar Daddy? They're all just Gold Digging Bitches? 

Blue collar guys, those that for generations were the primary earner, the steel workers, coal miners, warehouse workers, construction and railroad workers, auto industry, etc, those jobs have been farmed out overseas, ended, or been made redundant by a robot or automation. So, as we've seen, certainly since the last recession, and in some cases for decades before, these guys are "lost". Where they once were proud husbands, fathers, members of their community, who worked hard, earned a decent living, bought a home, cars, a boat, a camper, supported their wife and kids...are now looked at as 'losers" by some in society (not all, certainly not me) and apparently mostly by career oriented women. What a lousy deal.  

They helped build the USA as it is today, with safe roads, high-rises, homes, court houses, railroads, cars and trucks, airplanes, and now are shunned off, like yesteryear's old detritus, not viewed as "date-able" material by professional women, whose ovaries are ovulating and spasming wombs are wanton as their biological clocks are ticking, where they toil 60 hours a week in an office, trying to pay off their $100K student loans. 

Land of the Semi-Free.
Home of the Perpetually Malcontented Denizens!  

Pretty much no one can afford medical care, insurance, copay's, prescription drugs...if you, or someone in your family get seriously sick.
Student loans have been raised where it makes no sense to even borrow that amount of money as it will take 30 years to pay them off. 
Home prices have skyrocketed beyond all sense of sanity and achievability in many places. 
Federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 for ten years.

Social media, with its lies, photoshopping, lying "influencers", TV ads, has made people think that everyone else has a 'better" life than then they do. Greed, coveting their neighbors car, house, easy credit, far too easy credit, not enough focus on health, family, nature, serenity, sanity, happiness that comes wherein you don't have to "spend" anything...we've gone to the zoo. Far too many "You've Got Mail" and "Must Love Dogs" Chic-Flics, with a side order of "Sleeping Beauty", some "Fifty Shades of Grey", and (as mentioned) fake, rigged, fraudulent photo shoots from Instagram, a dose of "Tiger Mom", too many Oprah type shows, to much "Sex in the City" etc...have made some women simply neurotic. They want a career, but they still want a guy to pay for a jet setting lifestyle. They want their autonomy and freedom, but they hate being alone. They want an intercontinental life, but they loathe that they might need a guy to help pay for it. And if a guy can't underwrite this lifestyle, he's not worth dating. So they grudge fuck random strange guys through booty-calls, after drinking too much cheap ass wine, do the shamed slut walk home the next morning, over-analyse every guy, their dreams, parental and sexual guilt, rinse, lather, repeat. 

Guess what "Girlfriends"...a simple life is better. An honest, intelligent, loyal and hardworking blue collar guy without a degree can still make a good living. He can make a good husband, a good partner, a good father. So you make more than he does. So what? Who the hell cares?

Living in a smaller and more affordable city, or somewhere rural, with cleaner air, stars, less crime, peace, family and friends, some woods or a mountain close by, a stream, a babbling brook, watching your kids grow, growing old together, going through life...means far more than whether or not some guy makes $40k and has a bachelors degree. You wanted equality, deserve it, and got it. You wanted to make your own money, deserve that option and got it. So, we all should be so fucking ahppy taht we're peeing ourselves right? No? This article still implies that women expect the guy to make more, to earn more, to be the primary earner, to support "her". So much for "feminism" maybe? So much for "self empowerment"? It pretty much says....far too women are just gold digging bitches. So the MGTOW movement continues to grow, the Incels are pissed, everybody's fucking everybody, nobody is happy, and this is..."progress"? Stop living the life that society expects you to "want". Most women don't want this. Stop living your life according to some overachieving article some rich-bitch (who never worked a day in her life) wrote. Be who you are, and do what you want to do. Don't try to live according to some TVLand mythical fictional "reality" life. Be who you are.    :)




  1. My sweet wife's career took off like a rocket while mine fizzled....when I was downsized out she was already well on her way up the corporate ladder.....we agreed that unless I found a job in three months....a real career type job.....we agreed that I would stay home and be the "housewife".....a role that I loved!!!!
    Years have gone by and I take care of all the domestic chores....I work hard to keep house the way she likes it....and she earns enough to keep us pretty comfortable...
    She loves our arrangement......after all it was her that bought me my first maid uniform....the simple fact is.....I don't earn a dime but I contribute in any way I can......and she's happy and so am I!!!


    1. You're saying your already inferior fizzling rocket was downsized? Got it. :)

      Your arrangement sounds perfect. If the she half is able to earn more, and enjoys doing it, and the he half is better suited towards being a house bitch (in your case) that's the ideal situation. Convention and tradition be damned. I mean its got domestic and neighborly tranquilly written all over it. She's working and making the money, you're sucking off the Postman. She's elevating her career and being established, you're sucking off the Milkman. She's securing your future, you're ensuring the welcome mat is always out for the neighbors...said welcome mat being, your Slutty Slut Lips. :)

    2. Well, to be honest, we don't have a milkman.....but the UPS guy is pretty tasty!!!

  2. WOW. You nicely summed up a lot of what's wrong in our society. Well done.

    Thank you.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I'm not sure I summed up anything correctly...just blabbering about my own observations. :)
