Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Too Unattractive For Cuckolding?

Earlier today I saw a post from a lady on a forum who wanted to dominate and cuckold her husband. She described the scenario, her anticipation, new nerves, her hopes and her intent. However, she got stood up by the first guy that was going to be her new lover. With a damaged sense of self, she wanted to know if she was "Too unattractive to be a cuckolding hotwife"?   

To which I replied....

Not attractive enough? 
That's blarney, ridiculous, outlandish, blasphemy, and utter nonsense!   :)

*All* women are stunning, beautiful and gorgeous. But the same way you might not be attracted to some guy that all your girlfriends think is a Hottie, not all guys are attracted to us. For every guy that might think I'm hot...I can assure you there are 5 (or 10, or 20,000) that find me...not. I'm average height,  brown hair and thin. A guy that wants a 6' tall blonde showgirl  with massive tits, is not going to find me attractive. A guy that wants a big old badunkadunk booty is not going to want to have sex with me. A guy that wants a meek, mild, quiet, passive, submissive *not* going to like my personality. So what? Who the hell cares?  

My self esteem is not tied to what some guys, or any guy, some men, or any man, thinks of how God/Goddess Mother Nature made me. Neither should you. You just came across the wrong guy. Many guys, the wanna be "Bulls" talk a big show, but then get scared when its time to man up. "All talk and no Cock" is how I refer to them. I had a guy with a big dick show up to have sex, realize that my cuckold husband was watching (which he knew was going to happen beforehand, because I told him) got freaked out, intimated, lost his erection and I had to show him the door...which I did politely to help him save his bruised ego as I didn't want to "ruin" an otherwise nice guy.

Don't let someone else define your view of yourself. For every woman, for every unique look we have, for every type, size, race, color, personality type, age, creed, religion...there is a line out the door and around the block of guys *somewhere* that are whacking their dicks off...thinking about (unknown to them thus far) you.  :)


  1. Well said Vanessa and i hope that she finds Mr Right and maybe a few more for good measure.


    1. Yep. She deserves Mr. Right. And Mr. Left. And Mr. Sideways and Mr. Backwards and... :)

    2. As long as Mr Backwards isn't backwards at cumming forwards! ;-)
      DC xx

    3. I see what you did there...Candy Striper.
