Tuesday, July 23, 2019

All the "News"... I Deem Fit to Print! :)

Ohhh YEAH! 
This is going to go..."well". :) 



You know how the media is full of "Christian Conservatives" that pretend to know "stuff"? You know, saluting so fucking hard they get back spasms and saying tripe like "Thoughts and Prayers" while talking about their patriotism and religiosity ad nauseam. If you catch one and ask about the US Constitution they don't have any idea what you're talking about...and they also don't know dick about their own religion either.  :)


In 1969, when black Americans were still prevented from swimming alongside whites, Mr.Rogers decided to invite Officer Clemmons to join him and cool his feet in a pool, breaking a well-known color barrier.


Oh sure....but where do you plug it in?  :) 


Cat, overloaded on catnip...clutching its catnip fish toy.


The same applies to "MomDoms"....just saying.  :)

They "do" exist.  :)


In case you "missed" it the first time.
But how the hell could you?  :) 


  1. How could I miss it? Tried to blank it out of my mind through all those interesting diversions, then you gave me a reminder. ugh
