Saturday, June 8, 2019

When President Trump gains even more power when he is reelected in 2020, this kind of sick behavior will be outlawed MAGA Allan (Read This Please.) :)

The title, is a reply to one of my blog posts. 

So, we got ourselves a "live one".  
And by live one...I mean, a brain dead, soulless, vacuous, vapid, freedom hating, fascist loving coward. To desire that Trump would have enough power to dictate to 330 million Americans what they can, and can not do with their sex lives, takes a special kind of cowardly cretinous jackanape. I don't mean your everyday sort of "scared of his shadow gutless wussy", I mean one that hates autonomy, hates free will, loathes personal agency, that despises living in a free society, where adults can live their own lives the way they so choose. 

"Allan", the spineless dotard that wrote the message, anonymously too I might add, would love living in North Korea, or China, or under a fundamentalist Taliban type regime, where you have zero options in life, no choice, no ability to live freely, and your every move, thought and act is mandated by fiat or edict by the "Supreme Leader". 

My reply, to "Allan" as it would be to Trump is...

Because I love Freedom...

And I hate fucking Nazi's like Allan, Trump and "some" of his followers, not unlike how...

...Is also not a fan of Nazis, as we can clearly see by her photo. The irony is this message and its implied "threat" is coming one day after the 75th Anniversary of "D-Day" wherein brave soldiers from the USA and other nations, went to go fight, kill, get wounded and die due to...Nazis. 

So, "Allan" and other pussy ass cowards of his ilk can...
Kiss My Ass. 

Because the "New World Order" is not arriving...its already here.  :)


  1. Regardless of politics....I'd love to kiss your beautiful ass!!!

  2. Vanessa,

    This could be a problem, but I will always be honest with you? I voted for Trump because in my eye he was the lesser of two evils. Hillary was and is a crook, and her whole family is the same. She lied, and she got people killed. Her, Bill, and even now Chelsea, are all sucking money out of their so called "not for profit" Clinton Foundation. I live in NY, and Hillary was our Senator. And trust me, you can't trust her!

    Now on to Donald Trump. Again being from NY, I saw what he did for the city. If you were to take the Westside Highway, from the George Washington Bridge south, you'd see a huge change over the last 20 years. For the most part, it used to be boarded up buildings, with homeless people, drug addicts, gangs, and tons of violence. Now it is all high rise co-ops, and the neighborhood is stable. Donald Trump did that. He turned an area that sucked tax money out of the system, into a tax generating area. He invested a lot of money (his and investors) to clean up the Westside of Manhattan!

    Please keep in mind, I'm not saying he doesn't have his faults, I'm just saying he was better for this country, than Hillary would have been. I also felt it was time for a change versus career politicians!

    Power corrupts, and extreme power, creat s extreme corruption! Our politicians have made millions off of kick backs, bribes, campaign donations, and cushy corporate board positions (while supposedly working for us). I just felt like a businessman, would give us a better chance to fix our biggest problem.....out of control spending by government.

    President Trump has done some good things on that front, but I do struggle with his views on people with differing lifestyles, and opinions. Looking purely at our economy, he has done a good job. But I think there are other things he could do much better on!

    I used to listen to ththe Howard Stern show, and Donald Trump was a fairly regular guest. On those shows while he was a conservative, he also showed a lot of liberal thinking. It seems now he has gone to 100% conservative. I now think we need someone a little more in the middle of the road. I would probably again vote for someone who wasn't a politician, but I need to see and hear more about their views?

    I hope this won't cause you to stop,talking to me?

    Lastly, my God those pink panties fit you like a racing glove! They are nice and tight in all the right places, and they look like a beautiful, second skin. Damn, you have a great ass!!!

    Joe D. Footsniffer

    1. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and to vote for whom they want. Enjoy your day. :)

    2. Vanessa,

      See this is how I wish DC worked. Two people with differing opinions, talk calmly and discuss issues. That is how the two party system is supposed to work, sadly it's not about the people it's about the "party".

      Joe D. Footsniffer

    3. Joe, you are confused. I said you're entitled to your opinions and wished you a nice day. Beyond that, and this message, I'm done talking to you forever. The "stats" you quoted, about building buildings and bridges, placing that as a priority over humans beings, means, to me, you have no heart, no ethics, fucked up priorities and no soul. If I could I would block you from viewing my blog, or anything else created by me. Fuck off...I have no desire to talk to, or know someone like you.

    4. Vanessa,

      You don't have to block....ill stop looking at your blog! See this is the problem, I tried to be open minded, but you chose to be controversial. As a liberal, don't all people have the right to speak? Don't all people get to state their opinions? You are a bigoted, self centered and s of serving individual!

      I thought you were open minded, but I now know you're just a Cave woman!

    5. Typical GOP/Fox News tactic...reverse the accusation. Such as, if you don't support my homophobia, racism or misogyny, then I'll call "you" a bigot. No, not all opinions are relevant, or of interest. Where facts are in question, evidence comes into play. And the evidence, in this case, shows, proves, that Trump is a dumbfucking anyone's support of that, puts them in the same category. Therefore their uninformed opinion on the topic, means nothing to me. Now...stop bothering me as I have to go redecorate my....Cave.

  3. Gotta love all of you wacka-doodle leftists. You are always trying to tell us what is going to happen in two years when you can't accurately tell us happened two days ago.

    Can you tell me where just ONE of President Trump's gulags or concentration camps are located (that we heard about right after his election). No, you can't, because they do not exist.

    I LOVE Trump so much that I am going to act like a democrat in 2020 and vote for him TWICE.

    Charlie Miller

    1. Southern USA. Where he locks up starving men, women and children (after separating them from their parents) migrants fleeing violence, death and destruction. So, asked and answered "Chuck".

  4. I'm signing this as 'anonymous', not because I want to BE anonymous, but because I have a bloody brain injury and can't figure out how to do otherwise:) (I could put my email address here, but I feel that I'd be inundated with comments from people who can't waste ANY of their brain cells on an inconsequential Canadian:)

    I live up in Canada and here, we're VERY nervous. A previous Prime Minister of ours, Pierre Elliot Trudeau (the Father of the current PM), once described living next to the US as akin to sleeping with an elephant; it's nice and cozy, but every time the beast quivers a bit, we worry:)

    The preponderance of people who support your President continues to astound us. He continually does things which are either questioned or downright vilified, and people STILL seem to protect him and try to justify his actions, whether it was 'grabbing them by their pussies' in the election to separating children from their parents to justify his policies (ANOTHER person tried to 'justify their policies', but were roundly condemned for their actions. I believe you've posted a picture of one of the people who felt differently about this person's 'policies':)

    Reading these comments makes me MORE nervous.

    1. Human beings are odd. People support/supported Charles Manson, Hitler, Televangelists where they are *obviously* lying and ripping off the church, battered wives sometimes support their abuser, molested kids will sometimes support the pedophile that abused them...its just some sort of bizarre human characteristic, maybe somewhat akin to Stockholm syndrome.

      The frustrating thing to me is the childish manner in which some view our world and politics. I'm not a Democrat or Republican, I'm not left or right or liberal or conservative in the context that demographers like to attribute to people in their nice little packaged up stats.

      Common sense *should* stipulate to everyone that you don't trash out your house and overdraft your bank account while pissing off your neighbors. That's what the neocons, Trump and his cabal are doing. I don't even call them Republicans because their agenda and ideology has *nothing* to do with old school Republicanism. The are trashing the world (global warming and pollution) while bankrupting the USA with their failed wars and massive spending on stupid giant metal dildos (weapons) and giving themselves tax cuts, while alienating our allies, neighbors, NATO and the rest of civilized society. They are greedy, petty, imbecilic, mentally and emotionally retarded...and most of the GOP "leaders" were born filthy rich, never worked a day in their life, are almost totally draft dodgers (yet somehow war mongers)...ergo coward ass pussies.

      Things will be fine though. Little by little intelligent people are figuring out that Trump is just a bloviating blowhard lying salesman...with mental problems. We've already seen where the majority of the military brass has said point blank they would ignore him if he tried to start a war, his tariffs and trade policies will fail, just like how his businesses failed (ergo 6 bankruptcies) and eventually he will be a side note in the history books as a time when republican voters proved they stand for nothing, and I mean nothing, and were not bright enough to see a charlatan huckster when one was in front of them. Yes, their kids and grand-kids *will* suffer, but there's nothing I can do about that. Thanks for the sensible and rational message. :)

  5. I think alot of these Trump supporters get their information solely from Fox news or maybe right wing radio. A survey done showed that if you get your news solely from Fox you are actually less informed than someone who watches no news at all. Educate yourselves stop watching the news lol. No seriously.

    1. I don't understand people that don't want to know "stuff". As in facts, history, truth, science, geography and on and on. Those that hide under the bed, or in this case hide behind FoX News fake patriotism, fake Christianity, fake bravado, fake statistics...I can not understand that mentality. :)
