Sunday, August 21, 2022 Not a Blog Post. :)

A mans with a woman seated on his face.  :) 

Queening Chairs - Dual Access.  

Blast from the Past!
Girls Night Out.  :) 

Queening Chair - Spanking Bench Combo. 



Holy Ballsy Cock!  
They're making some damn good looking dildos these days. :) 


It's about fucking time. Seriously, what the hell took them so long? I mean, the Evangelicals, the "Christianists", the radicals, have been embarrassing any and all "real" Christians for...about 20 years (since the ugly Bush era). And yet for almost a quarter of a century these credulous sheep, these spineless gutless wimps, have largely said nothing while the GOP has done absolutely horrible things to other human beings, to innocent people, invaded impoverished tiny nations, decimated the environment and the entire planet, and...nothing. Silence. No words about how this agenda has, and had, nothing to do with the message of Jesus. Fucking wussies.  

Inline with the above article....would withholding medical care from minors be Jesus approved? I think not. 

Double checking this headline...the GOP is rejecting, rejecting dictionaries, from schools, until they can be approved by a GOP hand picked "certified media specialist". You know who does this? Dictators and Despots from 3rd World Banana Republics...that's who does this. Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Saudi Arabia, China, the Taliban. No one, I mean no one, no one in any evolved 1st World Nation has government appointed lackeys approve what school kids can read...from a fucking dictionary. Fuck me...

MAGA Taliban housewife gives relationship advice. 


These shoes...are out of fucking control!!   :) 

The End.  :) 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022 a Blog Post. :)


Werd up? Words. Books. Knowledge. Information. Education. Inculcation. Matriculation. Autodidacticism. It's refreshing and encouraging to see that the sale of books has not died. We need more people reading, and less people watching Cable News, and TV in general. A good example of someone that read a great deal? Abraham Lincoln was self-educated. His formal schooling was intermittent, the aggregate of which may have amounted to less than twelve months. He never attended college, and was mostly self-taught, even as a lawyer.  :) 

Ah yes, the USA, solidly in...23rd place.  :) 


Speaking of people who don't read, and brag about, Palin, Bush, Trump, Green and a plethora of GOP politicians and voters. And you know what? It shows!  :) 

MTG also confused "Gazpacho" with "Gestapo" and "Peach Tree Dish" with "Petri Dish". 
#MAGA!!!!  :) 

You know these people that say we need more women in politics? Women in general. Any woman, just as long as said person has a vagina, she's automatically worth voting for. Yea...fuck those people. :) 

 Harriet Hageman, Liz Cheney, Sarah Palin
Three GOP Lunatics.  

This dude is nuts. This notion that men can't find dates, and that women have unrealistic standards which are making men into Incels, ignores the millions of single and lonely women, just normal average women, that are sitting at home alone, running ads on Tinder, Fetlife, Discords, Dating Apps, the kinky ones are going to munches, all with the effort of finding a partner...and failing. 

Sure, the dating dynamic has changed over the years. But Covid has affected people's willingness to go out in public, and especially to meet a stranger. Plus, there has been a negative economic effect on the lives of so many people, male and female alike. That can cause stress, realigns priorities, reduces discretionary spending for things like dating, so there are a myriad of reasons why it's more challenging for single people to meet, and it can't be "dialed down" into some silly little "shrink" viewpoint on where men are blamed for this. 

According to a survey of adults in the U.S. using online dating services, 59 percent of women and 50 percent of men have used dating apps and websites to find an exclusive romantic partner.

Has it occured to "Mr. Shrink" (and others) that perhaps men are passing on the women that they meet, instead of the other way around? I mean, maybe the guys view the single women they're encountering as not meeting their standards. A lot of guys really don't want to date a woman who has 3 kids, a mountain of debt, is out of shape, with a ton of baggage and issues. It's not easy from either side. I mean holy hell, I'm not the ugliest chick on the planet, and I can't find no dick so, whatever. And anyone suggesting I have a ton of baggage will receive, from me, telepathic Atomic Wedgies...all fucking week, lol.  :) 

Backlash is well deserved. I don't have a high opinion of Pychologists and Psychiatrists to begin with, I prefer "medicine" that is based on science, tests and facts, not pseudoscience.  :)


He's got my Vote!!!  :) 

Takes all kinds.  :) 

Her hip, thigh, calve and butt development is just...amazing. 


Maxwell Thorpe's rendition of Luciano Pavarotti's 'Caruso'. Fantastic voice, truly, serious talent, but with a horrible followup song after he's done singing. 

The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men. 

Why did I post this? It's happy, fun, lighthearted, intentionally cheesy, they're not taking themselves seriously and lastly, I'm in the middle of a fucking "Dick Drought" over here, lol.  :) 

Safety First!  :) 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Good. The Bad. The Fugly. :)



Okay, so there is still a long way to go with this, and there are some issues, but it does prove that with some effort, we can help repair the planet that we've so greatly damaged. All the more reason to double our efforts and to continue to push, to try, to push some more, and demand change. 

Um...yep. Yes indeed. :) 

Just because I like this song and her "vib" much.  :) 

More #MAGA Winning!!!  

The crisis in mental health deterioration in the USA, mostly amongst Republican alarming. I mean...this chick is bat guano fucking crazy.  :) 

Um no Lauren. What you just said is 100% fiction...not unlike most of the nonsense you spew. I hate to repeat myself but, this chick bat guano fucking crazy.  :) 

Really? Gun toting "Bo-Bo" and her husband are the type to stir up trouble and violence?  :) 

GOP TwatWaffle Lauren Boebert says she is ‘tired’ of separation between church and state: 

In a Sunday speech at the Cornerstone Christian Center Boebert argued “the government is not supposed to direct the church,” falsely claiming that dividing religion from the system of government was not what the Founding Fathers intended.“I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk — that’s not in the Constitution. It was in a stinking letter and it means nothing like they say it does,” Boebert said, earning a round of applause from the audience.

1st Amendment.
It's in the 1st Amendment.
It's the first line, of the 1st Amendment.
It's the fucking first line, of the 1st Amendment.

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It is the first motherfucking line, the first one, of the 1st Amendment. you stupid bitch, lol. 
#MAGA! :)

Yes, there are some Democrat morons as well, but...

Which party is it that is trying to suppress the vote?
Which party is trying to stop porn?
Which party is trying to remove books from schools?
Which party wants to own womens bodies?
Which party is it that is trying to oppress LGBTQIA?
Which party is against legal weed?
Which party pushes being a mindless drone for things like not kneeling out of protest, fake ass jingoistic garbage like saluting a flag, reciting the pledge of allegiance and other useless and anti-choice and anti-freedom acts?

I really wish people would stop with the POTUS and politician worship...acting like those elected are "above" the populace. I've said this before, but will reiterate, We are the government. We the People. The USA is a representative democracy, in the form of a Constitutional Republic. The people elected work for us, we do not work for them. They are supposed to answer to us, we do not have to answer to them. If they aren't doing their jobs, if they are not representing us, we can fire them and/or impeach them by not reelecting them. This message was brought to 4th grade civics class education.  :) 

Alright, enough out of me. It's pretty obvious I've been affected a bit this week by political stupidity. I mean, for the first time in the history of the USA, a former POTUS home was raided and searched by the Feds looking for classified documents the stupid fuck was not supposed to have. Sheesh...

I just wish people would be nicer to each other and the planet, and do better for humanity. And yes, as usual, there was no fucking point to this blogpost.   :)