Friday, February 5, 2021

Twitter Deleting Many Sex Work–Related Accounts, Won’t Say Why.



The ceiling of 2000 year old Hypostyle hall of the temple of Hathor in Dendera, Egypt.


Moon hiding between the lenticular clouds above Mt Hood, Oregon. 


Pete Buttigieg swearing in as first openly gay confirmed cabinet member with husband at side.




Orangutan...human for scale. 

A sunny January morning at Ruka Ski Resort, Finland


Apparently the word "bread" is now considered sexually offense to Instagram's bots. 


Fisherman's Bastion. 

Fisherman's Bastion. 


I just found out how koalas are weighed, and it’s just the cutest thing ever. 


Frozen Bamboo Pathway. 


So...zucchini is the new Valentines night..."date"?  :)


Canadian hockey player Serah Small, breastfeeding. If this happened in the USA, our conservatives, would lose their tiny little fucking minds. There would be calls for firing people, banishments, for advertising companies to pull ads, for investigations, for obscenity charges to be filed, they'd be peeing their panties, holding Congressional investigations, handwringing, marching, protesting, they'd be opening up prayer lines, holding prayer vigils, all because know, a nipple, which men have as well.  :)


Bicycle paths in Poland are charged by the sun during the day, and glow at night. 

Yea...he's got a point.  :)


Baby Cow (Calve) Zoomies.  :) 


I don't want to be disrespectful to old people here...but how the hell did they survive this long not understanding how force, movement, gravity, propulsion, velocity and so on works? 


High Caliber Corn Carbine.
I have no fucking idea.  :) 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Walking while Trans? Sex Ed? Drugs? Covfefe. :)

The Weekly: Sex Education.



A San Francisco teacher thinks so. When people make fun of far left, bat guano crazy California liberals...I often see their point. Bernie was wearing a puffy coat and mittens (which this crank mentioned several times) because its wintertime, he's old and, its fucking cold. 


Here's the dimwitted, hyper politically correct, confused, social justice warrior teacher. 




Fortune 500 firms with strong growth profiles are more susceptible to “cooking the books” than smaller, struggling companies, according to a recent study published in Justice Quarterly.

Extremely detailed, miniature bird houses.  

No pants you say?
This kid...bringing a happy tear to my eye.  :) 


Yep...some seditionist Trump traitors that stormed the US Capital building, resulting in numerous deaths & doing enormous property damage, which *you* pay for, did not even vote. 

Rainy day in Amsterdam.