Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Walking while Trans? Sex Ed? Drugs? Covfefe. :)

The Weekly: Sex Education.



A San Francisco teacher thinks so. When people make fun of far left, bat guano crazy California liberals...I often see their point. Bernie was wearing a puffy coat and mittens (which this crank mentioned several times) because its wintertime, he's old and, its fucking cold. 


Here's the dimwitted, hyper politically correct, confused, social justice warrior teacher. 




Fortune 500 firms with strong growth profiles are more susceptible to “cooking the books” than smaller, struggling companies, according to a recent study published in Justice Quarterly.

Extremely detailed, miniature bird houses.  

No pants you say?
This kid...bringing a happy tear to my eye.  :) 


Yep...some seditionist Trump traitors that stormed the US Capital building, resulting in numerous deaths & doing enormous property damage, which *you* pay for, did not even vote. 

Rainy day in Amsterdam. 


  1. the last pic is an awesome sculpture. would be great conversation starter on a coffee table

    1. I agree. It'd also make a great hood ornament. :)

  2. Thanks for all the work you do posting a variety of pics. You reinforce my biases and get me to add a few. You're a great curator with a very nice ass. Oh, if PBS and NPR would take the hint and burn some bridges...

    1. Now see here, DaveTartica (DaveTart? Slutty Dave Dude?) I'll not have you truncating the list of acronym outlets that *should* take the hint, those you mentioned, PBS and NPR, but also CBS, ABC, NBC, FBI, CIA, DOH, HS, FISA, VISA, those that represent PFA (Pants Free America), the PTA, NASA, APAUA (Asexual Perverts Anonymous United Anonymously), DLWLC (Dog Lovers Who Loathe Cats), CAWDD (Cat Assassins Who Detest Dogs) and of course...RFWWBWSGTHEWW (Religious Fundamentalists Who Were Born With Sexual Guilt That Hate Everyone Who Wasn't) and...fuck me, after that, I need a nap. :)

  3. So you included a tweet from Only in Vegas: "...Trump passed a bill in 2017 where ppl who make under $75,000 will have their taxes raised in 2021..." While I truly appreciate your posts, this one is VERY misleading. Trump didn't pass anything. Trump may have signed a bill that was passed by the Republican-controlled Senate AND the Democratic-controlled House. So even if the result of the post is true (i.e., taxes going up), it should RIGHTLY BE ATTRIBUTED to BOTH Democrats AND Republicans. Further, the Democrats in the Senate didn't filibuster the bill (as they COULD have). That's how our system works! Basic civics (is civics even taught in our schools anymore?). To be accurate, Only In Vegas should be blaming both sides!

    1. I post a lot of things. I don't write, vet, endorse, fall in love with, have sex with...any memes. As per civics, everyone knows congress passes legislation and POTUS, whomever it is, does not. If you have an issue with a particular meme posted on the Internet, I'd advise staying off the Internet.

  4. Oh, have sex and post. I like those two.

  5. When you manage to have an orgasm while hitting the post button then you know you're peaking.
