Friday, June 5, 2020

How I Spent My Day...

I spent part of it...practicing my "Trump Stance".  ;)

Fierce, fearless, fashionable and...fantastic! :) 

Found on Bay. 

I really love this room. I know the lighting is not an actual skylight, which would be far better, but its still lovely.

Nauyaca waterfalls near Dominical, Costa Rica. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

All out of Fucks. I have no more Fucks to give. I am Fuckless. :)

A typical Fetlife "romance" that quickly devolved into a "nomance". Its bizarre how people that want to chat on forums, have the expectation and the assumption that I'm obligated to cease doing whatever I was doing, and spend hours entertaining them. More so when you consider, I have no idea who this person was, never talked to them before, no conversations, not in my friends list, does not belong to my groups, never interacted with them before. But I do know that after a time, it makes one refuse to chat with anyone, due to fear of things going this route. Sucks because a few arrogant jackass morons ruin what might be enjoyable with others, but I don't want to take the risk.  :) 

You know you're a full blown pervo...when you can't look at any photograph, without convoluting it into some sort of BDSM fetish thing. Equestrian fetish anyone? Why is the lady (Trans?) on the right standing with a...supplicant/genuflection posture? Riding crops? Saddles? Leather? Spurs? Barnyard bondage? I mean...sheesh, I need help.  :)



This guy...he's creating his own biosphere...or something.  :)

What sort of mark do we leave on the planet?


How long has it been...since you've been to confession?  :)

Who holds a book like this?
No normal human being does...ever. 


Chalk Cliffs of England.

First light warming the hills of Alpe di Siusi in the Dolomites, Italy.

The "Last Supper" after 3 months of lock-down.  :)

The one type of abusive relationship, that human beings are okay with...

Cozy backyard setup, reminding us, the best things in life are cheap and simple as long as they're shared with friends and/or family. And yes, "family" can include various puppies and kitties.  :)


Meanwhile, in Lincoln, NE today...


This very patient mother cheetah, wondering why they can't just go around. 
Rambunctious "kids" are the same, in any species.   :)


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

An 87 year old woman called the police in Italy because she was alone and hungry...

And they showed up.


Its not that hard to respect our elders. Its not that complicated to extend a bit of assistance and friendship to those down on their luck, or those that need it. Other countries, whole nations, base their social policy on "taking care of others" and taking care of the planet. 
Its not that hard...

Full Video: Obama Makes First On-Camera Remarks About George Floyd Death.


Its bizarre....the guy speaks in full sentences. He has a point, the ability to focus and stay on topic, is multisyllabic, caring, sincere, optimistic about the future, never once lied, never once bragged, didn't attack anyone, didn't deflect, didn't talk about anyone being a loser, or fat, or having bad hair, or a skinny neck, never brought up any asinine conspiracy theories, was in touch with reality...not something we're used to with...Dotard Bone Spurs.  :)

Gay Pride Month: Suck It Fundies! Suck it Long & Suck it Hard! :)





A reminder to any people not understanding riots and looting. The Stonewall Uprising was 5 days of rioting, looting, and violent protests against the police. These riots, led by black, brown, white, trans, queer, gay, gender fluid people, and their supporters, were the catalyst for the reason we have LGBTQ rights today.

This, Ladies & Gentlemen...Is A Fucking Idiot!
If you ever wonder what an idiot is, here you go. Class A, Grade A, Nimrod, Bone Spur wearing, cowardly, draft dodging, racist, tax cheating, pussy grabbing, bigoted, emotionally and intellectually retarded, unpatriotic, unchristian, 6 times bankrupt....fucking idiot. :)