Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Vagina Bible: The Vulva and the Vagina: Separating the Myth from the Medicine.

“It is very difficult in our society to have non-sophomoric discussions about sex,” she writes. “Because of this, it is women who typically suffer. Female anatomy is erroneously labeled as ‘dirty,’ and from an early age, girls are given messages about what a patriarchal society has determined a ‘nice’ girl should and should not do.”

Someone did an amazing job "recoloring" the next two photos.

Naruko Gorge in Japan.

Anyone remember this? Al Gores wife, Tipper Gore, and a few other busybodies were hellbent on outlawing, or pushing for restrictive labeling and/or censorship of some rock music records. So, people like Frank Zappa, Dee Snyder and others showed up at these clownish congressional hearings to stick up for free speech, artistic liberty and the First Amendment.  

Dee Snider speaking against censorship and the PMRC before the U.S. Senate, 1985


Most Manly Macho Male Thighs: A Memphis player is blowing up Twitter by wearing short shorts.

Okay, so I've written about this before and...good for him. I've never been a fan of the droopy shorts, the baggy pants, the hanging-off-your ass-jeans, the check-out-my-boxers fashion trend in "pants" (we all know my "issues" with "pants"). So, I'm all for this. I mean, if a guy has nice legs, well developed quadriceps, muscled up thighs of steel, legs like tree trunks, corded, ripped, jacked, striations, vascular and sexy...why the hell can't I see them? Boardshorts...pretty much suck in this regard, and I'm all for them going the way of....away, they should just go away.  :)

I don't even understand the meme below.
#GoldenShowers  :)

It still blows my mind that some people can't separate genitals from a bosom, that don't know what mammaries are for, the benefit of, and the naturality of breast feeding, of being a good mom, from only viewing breasts as "fun bags" for horny guys. 

Somebody has (way) too much free time.  :)


One of the sweetest and most wholesome videos I've seen in a long time. :)

Deaf Little Girl Finds Out She's Going to be a Big Sister. 


Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Unstately State of Our Unationally Nationalized Nationalistic Nation. :)

I need one of these...whatever the hell it is. If I ever find my pants, and actually leave my super secure blanket fort, I'm not sure my "finger-gun" is going to protect me from the insanity of today's 'Murica!    :) 

She seems..."nice".  :)

Hengifoss - waterfall with red layers in Iceland.


Blue dragon river in Portugal.

Perfect moment when a photographer captured an ancient statue with modern technology. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Writing A Book -- What Rhymes with...

Suck it Cuckold! 
Suck it Long! 
Suck it Hard!!

That's a joke people.
I'm not *really* asking that question.  :)

I like this little GIF thingie.

It took me a moment to "get" the meme below.
But than I'm not really very much..."morder smartier".  :) the Macho-ist Extreme. 

It's all nice and pretty, till the airbag goes off into a cactus claymore.


At least he asked politely right?  :)

Saturday, November 2, 2019

No "Nut" November.....I can sense the Blue Balls from Here! :)

No Nut November is an internet challenge where men give up busting a nut–via masturbation or intercourse–for the month of November. For cuckolds, its just another month.   :) 

Personally...I'd never "fire" a good "Dic Unit".  :)

So apparently dressing peaches in panties is a popular novelty gift in China.

A young Dolly Parton with her husband Carl Dean. 
They’ve been married since 1966.

This 1974 letter to parents that was included in LEGO’s packaging encouraging the originality of imagination, gender equality, and simply just letting kids be who they are.

Carrie Fisher’s uncredited cameo in Blade Runner, 1982.

Connection with aliens established in Russia. 

Tattoo gallery....Sweet Mother of Fancy Moses!  :)


This guy is hilarious. Its possibly staged...but his deadpan facial expression and nonchalant attitude just really made me laugh.  :)