Saturday, July 28, 2018

Berkley Horse: Spanking - Caning by Theresa Berkley.

"Her instruments of torture were more numerous than those of any other governess. Her supply of birch was extensive, and kept in water, so that it was always green and pliant: she had shafts with a dozen whip thongs on each of them; a dozen different sizes of cat-o'-nine-tails, some with needle points worked into them; various kinds of thin bending canes; leather straps like coach traces; battledoors, made of thick sole-leather, with inch nails run through to docket, and currycomb tough hides rendered callous by many years flagellation. Holly brushes, furze brushes; a prickly evergreen, called butcher's bush [?butcher's broom]; and during the summer, a glass and China vases, filled with a constant supply of green nettles, with which she often restored the dead to life. Thus, at her shop, whoever went with plenty of money, could be birched, whipped, fustigated, scourged, needle-pricked, half-hung, holly-brushed, furze-brushed, butcher-brushed, stinging-nettled, curry-combed, phlebotomized, and tortured till he had a belly full."




Because a willing a terrible thing to waste.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Everything that's wrong with feminism & political one video.

How do I put this politely (by my standards, lol)?
Some of these bitches be fucking crazy!  :)

Thursday, July 26, 2018

BackPage - FOSTA - Crocheted Cocks. :)




Our Planet...

And everything that lives on it needs *our* protection.

Pro-Pussy Pounding Feminists on Porn Positivity...

I am really looking forward to a discussion of porn and feminism at Woodhull,” said Jupiter’s Slut. “Porn is central to my identity as a feminist, producing porn has taught me a great deal about my sexuality. I’m entitled to my sexuality in ways I never would have been without producing porn, both in terms of safety and pleasure. For me personally, porn and feminism have been a potent combination, and I’m really looking forward to hearing about the experience of others. The more porn I produce, the stronger my feminist convictions have become.”
Co-panelist Jessica Drake added that “being a porn performer, director, and producer comes complete with its own set of assigned stereotypes from society.” “I am also a feminist, educator, and activist,” Drake said. “To some, those things cannot exist simultaneously, and I look forward to speaking on this panel and sharing my unique lived experiences.”

Sex Workers Taking Challenge Of Calif. Law to State Court.

Just fucking legalize prostitution already and be done with it. Regulate it, tax it, create laws that protect the people that do it, protect those that procure it, enact certain zoning restrictions and promote good health and safe sex. Its not supposed to be the governments responsibility nor right to tell grown consenting adults what they can do with their "wee-wees and pee-pees".
I can't figure out if this is creepy or erotic. I mean it looks sort of like a pig mask...but I get the "functionality" of using the "hole".
Takes Erica Jongs concept of the "Zipless Fuck" to another dimension.  :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018