Thursday, July 26, 2018

Sex Workers Taking Challenge Of Calif. Law to State Court.

Just fucking legalize prostitution already and be done with it. Regulate it, tax it, create laws that protect the people that do it, protect those that procure it, enact certain zoning restrictions and promote good health and safe sex. Its not supposed to be the governments responsibility nor right to tell grown consenting adults what they can do with their "wee-wees and pee-pees".
I can't figure out if this is creepy or erotic. I mean it looks sort of like a pig mask...but I get the "functionality" of using the "hole".
Takes Erica Jongs concept of the "Zipless Fuck" to another dimension.  :)


  1. I think this could be a very useful tool. If you're trying to teach a man what it's like to have a vagina for example. Generally the further his mind from an experience the more difficulty he has grasping it. This would bring the concept right up close to his mind and really help him wrap his mind around it :)

  2. Strictly for educational purposes!
