Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Financial Dommes aka FinDoms

Apparently part of the deal with the whole financial domination things online is that they have to hold up a sign with your name on it to "prove" they are "verified". On Twitter being a "Verified FinDom" is of extreme importance because the people that do it don't like so called frauds (news flash, they are all Nigerian scammers, or fat old white guys).

So, as proof of how challenging it is to hold up the sign, which provides irrefutable and uncontestable evidence....I submit this....made by someone else online.  :)

Trump Trolls Cheer Trans Woman's Suicide Note.

I am not conventionally religious by any means, I just have my "own belief/faith/way" but I truly do hope the meek will inherit the earth

Songs about Submissive Men.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

This Church.

You know who you are. :)
Sapiosexuality enthusiasts dream.


10 Amazing Facts about your Vagina.

Actually, I'm not that amazed....but its amusing nonetheless.  :)


From now on I swear (says the alcoholic after an all night bingefest) no more turkey, gravy and stuffing, I'll stick to cock stuffing only . :)