Thursday, September 22, 2016

Face Sitting Fetish....

                         How do you know when your becoming an obsession.  :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Gay pride: China activists fight 'conversion therapy'.

Why is that so often in our world....the blithering idiots end up with political power?

For Sale: One Male Submissive. $$$$$$$$$$$

{Some people have no sense of humor. I posted the following on a forum and people started freaking out. Its a could they not see that, lol.}  :)

Good condition overall. Sort of beat up, and beat down. Properly trained and punished for years, not totally emasculated but certainly well used and sans attitude. Covered in welts and bruises, ego deflated, will follow all commands, great with housework, yard maintenance, various projects. Self reliant and cleans up well. I just want an upgrade to start the whole "breaking down" process all over again.
He has all his vaccinations and paperwork in order.
Will accept any reasonable offer.
Will accept cash and/or 3rd party our of state posted dated checks with no ID.
No refunds.
No returns.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

‘Women Atheists Are Genuinely Considered Monsters’.

Hey, we're called whores, bitches or sluts everyday of the week. So being called a Monster, means very little to me. I mean, consider the source. :)

High School Male Complains That Cheerleaders Short Skirts Led to 'Impure' Thoughts.

When I recently saw this news article, I found it quite troublesome. For one thing, too bad. Your religious beliefs or sexual guilt hang-ups are not the problem of women...anywhere. The Taliban and equally evil groups claim women have to be covered, according to their revisionist view of the Koran, to in part not "tempt" men. Apparently any sort of bare flesh, from the nether regions to the ankles, backs of hands and in some cases, even the face and eyes might send men on raping sprees. If the men can't have enough control to not rape a woman based on her exposed flesh or body curves....shoot the men. We have every bit as much a right to live on this planet as males do. We are not possessions, not chattel, not to be owned and out fashion urges and trends are our own business.

For another thing...the school faculty handled this in typical modern day politically correct spineless fashion. For the reasons I mentioned above....and many other reasons as well they should have taken the young lad, called his parents in, and told them to basically STFU. :)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Cuckold - Humilation - SPH - Caning - Spanking - Female Domination.

Sometimes I need to do blog posts that are just for the search engines, have to give them "Meta Tag Food" to chew on. This is one of those times. So for the readers...disregard...go outside and play. :) 

And we will end with.....:)