Friday, March 8, 2024

Kinky Sex Trends. :)


So, here I am, sitting here, all alone, bored, it's raining/sleeting/snowing outside, some sort of something wet coming out of the sky, and I got curious what people are searching for, sex wise, on Google. Naturally, I fired up the "porn machine" (computer) and went to Google Trends. Obviously I am only searching within the somewhat narrow realm of things I'm interested in. I mean, I did not run a search for "Submissive Furries Dominated and Scolded by Matronly FemDoms" nor did I run a deep dive search for "Oil Drums of Anal Lube for Sale" or anything like that...though both sound like fine fetishes...just, for other people, not for me.  :) 

Anyway, I entered a few keywords, set it for 5 Years search, and the results are below. There was a massive dip in pretty much all of them, about 2 or so years ago, which I have no understanding of. That was not really pandemic related, time wise I don't think, so am not sure what would have made so many people cease sex searches and be focused on other things, but obviously something was distracting them from their carnal thoughts of...carnality. Anyway...





Okay, I should probably go get a life so...end of this nonsensical "report".  :) 

Friday, March 1, 2024

FemDom - Cuckold - BDSM - YouTube...

Shameless Hussy Promotions Presents:

Go pimp and pump my "stuff".
(That's what she said.)

Click on my "buttons".
(That's what she said.)

Spread my "business" around.
(That's what she said.)

Click on one of my "things" and let it autoplay.
(That's what she said.)

Promote my "package deals".
(That's what she said.)

Tell your friends about my "goods".
(That's what she said.)

Whore me out and around.
(That's what she said.)

View my "store" and enjoy the event.
(That's what she said.)

Drop to your knees and provide worship.
(That's what she said.)

Genuflect properly while watching the visual entertainment.
(That's what she said.)

Leave Thumbs Up.
(That's what she said.)

Click my "Like" Button.
(That's what she said.)

Hit the subscribe button in a submissive, servile, obsequious, obeisant, obediant manner.
(That's what she said.)

Or not.
(That's what she said.)

Gay/Trans. Education. Burn/Ban Books.

Who bans or burns books? Who fears education? Who fears knowledge?  
People like this...

Don't burn or ban them.


Enough said. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Stupidity is Painful. :)


They wasted money to do a "study" on this? Seriously? A 1st grader knows that boys are better at sports than girls...literally. Tiny little children know that boys are stronger and faster...ergo better at sports. I simply can not believe how moronic the far left has become with this idiocy that men and women are the same, and/or that transitioning changes basic biological does not. It never has, it never will. Fuck me... :) 


Why does the far right fear knowledge, information and education? Why do they want kids to be clueless and they are? Why do they obsess over what other people do with their genitals and what people read? Who burns and bans books in the 21 Century? Republicans...that's who. And/or as the title of the above article mentions, 3rd world despot one else. We have now, thanks to the GOP, sunk to the level of North Korea, Saudi Arabia and other nations of that ilk. Fuck me... :) 


What is the problem with using logic, facts, biology, history, knowledge, evidence, geography, science and common sense? Both the far left and the far right are stupid ass imbeciles. The vast majority of people are in the middle, but only the far left or far fight lunatics get headlines, clicks, traffic, notice and attention. Probably, maybe, perhaps 70% of Dems and 20% of Republicans are "normal" and are people who are totally ignored. It makes no sense. 

Do I sound cranky? 
Fuck me....

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024

All About "The Sex". :)

Me...on a bad hair day, engaging in Gluteus Maximus Mastication (Ass Biting).   :) 


Sex...most of us like it, some of us love it, without it, none of us would be here. Yet some people, for reasons I will never understand, seem to endlessly pretend they hate it, or are offended by it and want to ban some versions or aspects of it. Obviously religion plays a huge role in this, but not all religions. It appears to stem mostly from the main three monotheistic religions, and I envy other cultures where people are not bat guano insanely obsessed with what other people do with their genitals and for pleasure. I just don't get how people get so upset with what other people do, that has no effect on their life. Perhaps they're jealous that they self impose this level of being reserved, being frigid, being obsessed with the opinions of random strangers or neighbors, and resent that some of us do not give a flying flipping freaking fuck what other people think. Not sure really...but I am so, so glad...I'm not them.  :)

(The text below is from the Internet, so I can not attest to the veracity of it, but from other articles I've read, it seems right.) 

Confucian/Shintoist moral values are different than Abrahamic ones. Confucian teachings place high value on the family and piety, but sex as sinful is largely an alien concept. The animist beliefs of Shinto too are far removed from western notions of sexual morality.  Which isn't to say Japan is a dissolute or immoral society any more than the west is; on the contrary, Japanese culture esteems the family and the homogeneous nature of its people largely precludes many of the problems that trouble the west.

I recall reading numerous books and articles, where say...the parents of a bride or groom would be happy to hear their newly betrothed offspring engaging in some hot and heavy sex on the wedding night, as they view sex as just a part of life, something pleasurable, nothing to be ashamed of, maybe sort of like getting a massage, so they are happy that their grown child found a partner that will make them...happy. 

Australia, Brazil, Greece, Chile, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, South Africa.

This is actually a pretty interesting article with some on point opinion. Besides the obvious, that sex and porn in the right circumstances is and never has been a threat to humanity, the drawing of parallels to make examples of what is a threat, is well done. 

Regardless of the impetus for the coitus, for the copulation, whether it's for pleasure, hedonistic purposes, compersion, for reproduction, philoprogenitive reasons, some people are proud of fecundity, just to get a freak on, straight, fetish, gay, bi, tri, trans, safe...but get it going.  :) 

And this...this has nothing to do with anything...other than I like seeing happy people.  :) 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Oral Sex - Pussy Worship. :)

For some reason, more white guys than black or Hispanic guys...go down, downtown. 

And apparently, men from Jamaica are really adverse to the act. 

Rastafarians especially won’t do this behind close doors—giving— because it is seen as a form of submission. Some Jamaican people will do these type of activities if they will never be found out. They will insult people, regardless of if they have ever performed oral, by saying you suck pussy. It is to make them feel like less of a man.

I guess in some cultures, certain ethnic cultures, where machismo is of great importance, the act of going down on a woman is viewed as subservient...ergo not macho. Not a hard and fast rule of course, a bit of stereotyping there, but it does seem to hold at least somewhat true. Of course it could also be that some/more do it, but never discuss it freely due to this stigma, which is most unfortunate as making your partner happy should never be something to be ashamed about...rather it should be lauded.  :)

Super Bowl Celibacy. :)

For the record...I do not give a single fuck about the Super Bowl.
As in...I am celibate.
No fucks given.
Nary a fuck.
Sans fucks.
No fucking.
No penetration.
No coitus.
No fucking fuckable fucking fucks.
Don't know who's in it.
Don't care who's in it.
Don't care about the Half Time Show.
Don't care about the commercials.
Don't care about Swift or Swifties or whoever the dude is she's dating...for the moment.
Not a single fuck is to be had nor given...ergo I am celibate, on the whole thing. 
See what I did there? 
Not that anyone asked...or cares. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Death of Feminism? :)

Compilation clip to the end...or don't bother.  :)



My thing is...those that might be termed "Rabid Feminists" or "Feminazis" don't speak for me, or anyone else, contrary to what they think. Their agenda is a one-size-fits-all version of feminism wherein all women have Hillary Clinton, support abortion without limits, hate men, vote for a female candidate regardless of qualifications or agenda, loathe men, get 437 tattoos, despise men, dye your hair pink/green/blue/orange, reject men, get 32 nose piercings, skulk about with a scowl on your face, mock men, rant, bitch, moan and complain nonstop.  

My question for them would be...what rights are you fighting for?
Where, in the USA and most of the "West" do men have rights that women don't?

Can women vote, run for political office, own property, drive, work, own a dildo (or 382 of them), swim, go to an orgy, go to college, shop, travel, become a CEO, fly a plane, be a welder, run a porn website, go to a gym, own the gym, have kids, or not, have a bakesale, or own a yacht?

Where do men have rights that women don't have?
What "rights" are they fighting for with such hostility?
So why are they so fucking pissed off all the time?


Maybe, this has nothing to do with men, but rather some are just perpetual malcontents, dissatisfied with their lives, but rather than accepting some responsibility, rather than changing things, they are just blaming men. They are either screaming that men are oppressing them or bitching that men won't marry them, pay their bills and make their life easy and stress free. So, either way, according to some, men are at fault, no matter what. The reality is, they are a bunch of spoiled petualant children, where no matter what they get, it's not good enough, so the problem is #CrazyAssBitches   :) 


Feminism means choice, not a guaranteed life of no hassles, no stress, no problems and assured fulfillment. That's just delusional. It's about autonomy, personal agency, options, the freedom to live how you want...and not be dictated to by someone else, male or female, what you can do with your life.

 I mean, I can be happy doing this...

And this...

Which results in this and that leads to... 



And this.

So, I guess I am a nontraditional, nonfeminist, nonwife....traditional feminist wife. :)

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Slutty Women & Celibate Men? :)

Okay yes, so my title was a tad truncated, a bit misleading, not really totally accurate...but I can't have a 2-mile-long title. The point is...according to recent studies, young women are becoming more and more liberal, and young men are becoming more and more conservative. Does that translate to slutty and celibate? Not totally, but, yeah, somewhat. 

A couple articles below, relating to this topic and a comment from one young nubile horny lass, with her wantonly womanly womb left...wanting.

“I really really think this is the HUGE reason dating is so rough right now. The pool of available men whose politics don’t suck is actually a shallow puddle.”

So, what we have is more young women wanting to be unencumbered (so they say), free to do as they desire, which means seeking out good dick and getting railed by a plethora of cock, and as they often have lucrative careers and are not needing men for financial reasons (again, so they say) and young men are feeling shut out, denied, ignored, they are yearning for the "good old days" when women were more modest, reserved, reliant on them, being a stay at home wife and/or mother, so there is a growing divide. (Obviously for other reasons as well, but I'm not going into all that.) 

One of the interesting things is...a good part of the young women that are financially independent, that call themselves "entrepreneurs" or "content creators" are in reality...doing OnlyFans wherein their entire income is based on the very men they often claim to loathe and despise, the men they would not date, not talk to, not associate with, but most don't seem to grasp that their being a self titled "Bad Boss Bitch Babe" means...they are totally dependent on men for their income and cushy lifestyle. Hey, no one said connecting the dots and being intelligent was their forte.  

Here we see a motivated and ambitious "Entrepreneur Content Creator" hard at work.  :) 

So, many young men are, for obvious reasons, offended by this, insulted, turned down for dates, got blue balls, can't get laid, often branded as being an "Incel" and are resisting the left leaning trend towards more liberal or progressive political agendas as it does not really benefit them. What might this mean for long term dating, marriage, reproduction and the future of the human species? Fuck me, what the fuck do I know? I just hang out here and write stuff once in a's not like I have any "noledge" or anything. I just find it all fascinating and interesting...just the shifts in societal norms, the change in human beings, how things evolve, or devolve, I want some Tacos so...I'm the fuck out of here.  :)  

Monday, January 29, 2024

Hypothetical - 1st Woman POTUS.

Lets just say, hypothetically, Trump ends up with so many legal issues he has to pull out, or gets sick, expires, whatever, so the GOP flips and nominates Nikki Haley (not likely, but this is just a discussion) and at the last moment Biden gets sick, or worse, or pulls out...will the Dems go with the VP?

If so, that would mean Kamala Harris versus Nikki Haley. It would mean, for the first time ever in the history of the USA, either way, we would have a female POTUS. Good, bad, right, wrong, good candidates, or not, whether you or I like either of them or not, if it was "Fem v Fem" on the ballots, either way, one of them would win and we'd have the 1st Woman President. Which also means we'd have the 1st Male...First Lady? First Gentleman? 1st "White House Male House Bitch Dude"? 1st Man of the Woman of the White House? 

It would be interesting on so many levels. Obviously there are quite a few people in 'Murica, that do not want a woman at the helm. More so, there are quite a few people, mostly on the right, that do not want, would especially not want, a woman of foreign origin, heritage, or ethnicity at the helm. As both Nikki and Kamala are of at least partial Indian ethnicity, mixed with African, and not sure what else, what would those "Bubbas" do? Vote? Not vote? Write in someone else? And a lot of Dems are not really "fan boys-girls" of Kamala so the enthusiasm level and turnout for her might not be what some would hope or expect. Not sure. I know one thing for sure...I would not vote for either of them. However, it is interesting to ponder and would throw some excitement into what is otherwise a rather boring repeat political contest between two geriatric old dudes, wherein we already did this, roughly 3 years ago.   :) 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Submissive "Suffering"...

    I can think of no other edifice constructed by man as altruistic as a lighthouse. 
They were built only to serve. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Are submissives an edifice? No, not really, not at all. They are living breathing beings with a soul, aspirations, feelings and emotions, not just a cold stonelike building. Yet still, they "serve" others, and with a certain level of benevolence and altruism right? Yes, yes indeed. 

Not everyone has the desire to serve only themselves, their own wants and desires, that "me/me/me" mentality. Not everyone has the urge to focus their lives on materialistic possessions, greed, or tangible items. For many people, the main thing that matters in life is other human beings. For some, obviously, that could be a parent with child, or caring for family, relatives, or the impoverished, the downtrodden, those without a voice. For some, it might be caring for animals and the planet, or a combination of some or all of the above. 

For some, more akin to a hedonistic lifestyle, it's the happiness and well-being of their spouse, their lover, husband, wife, and that would be applicable to those that are straight, gay, bi, tri, trans, whatever. 

It could mean anything from making sure the eggs and hash-browns they make for breakfast for their "other" are perfectly cooked, to wiping away a tear if that person had a bad day, to a massage, cuddles, hugs, big huge bear hugs, to the more intimate aspects, providing pleasure, oral sex, tongue, more tongue, followed up by a side order of...even more tongue. This might include "suffering" from corporal punishment, being teased and denied, in chastity, blue balls, verbal humiliation, being ordered to engage in what some, perhaps most, would consider degrading acts, whatever it's all done to make their "other" happy, which thereby transfers to their own pleasure and happiness as...they desire to serve. Not sure if this is based on nature or nurture, or a combination of both. I doubt this has ever been appropriately studied, and I'm not sure it could be figured out even if it was, but either way, some people are just wired to serve others.  

 Compersion refers to a form of joy, in the joy of others. 

A lot of people conflate "submissive" with being a "simp". For me, they are not at all the same. A simp is a guy who does anything for a woman, any woman, just to seek her attention and perhaps affection. This is no good. It's not good as...she is not necessarily worthy of that attention. Just being woman, just having a hole between your legs, does not automatically mean being deserving...of anything. Vaginas are ubiquitous. Roughly 50% of Earths population are women, meaning a vagina owner, they are not rare. They are everywhere. 

Don't be a simp guys, ever, period. No woman deserves that all. You want the woman that you are "submissive" to, to be appreciative of your efforts and devotion. The reciprocal aspect of this, is her not taking your "suffering" for granted. She knows the how and why you are offering it, why you are doing it, it's a heartwarming gesture and for a dominant woman, a sexual thrill, as opposed to just some random woman taking whatever you offer out of a sense of entitlement and then ignoring you for the rest of her life, forgetting you even exist or what it is you did on her behalf. Huge difference. One is not the same as the other. One is uplifting for you, for the sub, as it elevates your sense of worth and value in making her life better, where it is acknowledged and appreciated, adored, the other is the opposite, it devalues you, reduces you to a "lesser" status, taken for granted, and is not understood nor validates your own a submissive, as man, or as a human being. You want to "suffer" for a woman? Good, good for you. Just make sure she is worthy of that gift.  :) 

A Good Submissive Man is Not Hard to Find...They Just Need Training.
~ Vanessa Chaland 

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Oral Sex - Stupidity - The Christmas Report. :)

Some sex "stats". 

A study found that 91% of men climax from sex, compared to just 64% of women.
Award-winning sex educator, writer and broadcaster Alix Fox sheds light on cunnilingus. "Not every woman loves oral," she explains. "I know some who find being softly lapped and licked so insufficiently stimulating as to be annoying."
In a huge US study in 2016, over a quarter of women surveyed said they had given, but not received oral sex. This was compared to 10% of men in the same situation.
 Routine studies demonstrate that men are statistically less likely to give oral sex to the opposite sex than women are. One survey of Canadian college students found that 63 percent of men reported receiving it in their lifetimes, but only 44 percent of women did. 
According to a survey that was conducted by the condom manufacturer Skyn, only 35 percent of heterosexual millennial men perform oral sex. According to a poll that was conducted by Skyn and Cosmo, "Fourteen percent of 18 to 22-year-olds said they 'don't think it's necessary.' And nearly 50 percent of 18 to 27-year-olds are more comfortable having sex than they are giving oral (compared to 32 percent of 28 to 32-year-olds)."
Going down on her can trigger the production of oxytocin and DHEA in both partners; this can protect them from heart disease and help get a good nights rest. Vaginal fluid is the ultimate probiotic because it contains between 100,000 to 100 million Lactobacillus cells (depending on the woman). Probiotics are what support our digestive tract, build up our immune system, can help to lose belly fat, decrease allergies and eczema-related symptoms and can even reduce depression, stress and anxiety.

I don't spend much time on social media, so am usually a few months (or years) behind on new trends, new platforms, new...everything, and mostly just do not care. However, I came across some amusing things so figured I'd share the event that someone is sitting around bored over the Holiday weekend. Mostly silly and stupid, they're just pranks that (apparently) people see others doing, then emulate them. Some of the clips below are compilation clips, and you can tell a few are staged, most are authentic, many are where people take songs and splice them together for effect. These are mostly guys just messing with their girlfriends or wives, but there are just as many others where the reverse is true. And of course there is no end to them, as the "trends" are to copy what others do in many cases, so it's about a gazillion people doing the same thing over and over but, it's mostly just harmless stupid stuff's somewhat entertaining.  :) 

                                   Excuse me Ma'am but I want you to ride my Face. 

Body like a Crack Hoe. 

"So there you go Ohh - Can't make a Wife out of a Hoe.

Playing This Sound In Front Of My Girl Friend.

Why Beer Is Better Than Women.

You're 'bout to burn some calories.

When Your Bf Doesn't Smack Your 🍑 When He Walks By. 
