Thursday, March 14, 2024

Dating Apps for Fucking? :)

I no longer understand...the "dating deal". Okay, so, the majority of dating sites require a full face photo, which they want confirmed. That means via facial recognition software, your visage is forever logged into a data base, which is 100% assured to be hacked. I mean assured. There is no website on the planet that either can't be hacked, or has not already been. The DOJ and the Pentagon have both been hacked, multiple times, so there is no way in hell that some half-ass dating sites aren't as well. 

And from what I read and hear, the majority of them charge a fee for full access, and apparently are inundated with catfishing photos, spam, scams, lies, dubious ads, dastardly duplicitous deviant derelicts desiring dates, links to OnlyFans and porn sites, and are generally not worth the time, effort, money and hassle. Craiglist personals are gone, as is Backpage. So, the gym culture is toxic, the plastic (plastic butt, tits, lips, surgery, forehead, nose, eyebrows, cheekbones, calves, etc) "Influencer Botox Bitches" have ruined that, the bar scene is not for everyone, so where do people go to meet finely frolicky finessed fuckable friends for fucking and frivolous fucking around for fun? 

I mean airpuffed cock ring boy probably getting more action that I am.   

I might have to purchase something akin to the two below, just to get a thrilling threesome. 

I am failing to grasp where and how people are meeting. Obviously the pandemic threw a monkeywrench into things for a year or two, and since then it's like...the whole world has changed. For those people that refuse to give up their identity to some random website wherein their name, address, credit card, plus a face photo (every single thing nefarious people need for identity theft, or blackmail) and have no desire to sift through 47 billion bogus and lame ads, mostly leading to porn sites, I don't get what or where people are applying their efforts into finding..."Bok-Bok" (yeah, thats a "clinical" term for coitus, that I made up, lol).   :) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Toxic Masculinity Does Not Exist.

Now you see it...

Now you don't. 

That's how you make "Toxic Masculinity"...disappear.   :) 

Toxic Masculinity? What even in the living fucking hell is that? I mean, the term would be subjective and arbitrary. Applicable to some, from one person, or someone, but not to or from others. What one might view as "toxic" another views as sexy, or hot, or caring, protective, a good provider, a good father, husband, brother, nephew, cousin, neighbor, employee, employer, friend or whatever other title you might give him. 

Some people are toxic, or have toxic personalities. People, meaning both men and women. There are just as many toxic women as there are men, perhaps more. But ascribing any characteristic you don't like or agree with to a man or men in general as "toxic" just makes you...a dumbass. Seriously, that sort of sweeping generalization makes the accuser toxic, not those accused. 

I'm tired of the media, social media, blogs, podcasts etc... always talking about "Toxic Masculinity". That masculinity, is what built...your home, office, car, roads and freeways, bridges, dams, sewers, airplanes, railroads, grew your food, agriculture, butchered your meat. There is historically very little that was not built with sweat, brute force, strength, power, manhandling, masculine energy. Sure, in modern times there are more tech things, more robots, automation, things that build stuff, but that is new. For decades prior, centuries, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, it took men to build...the cities and towns we live in. 

Whalers, seamen, tribesmen, indigenous people, farmers, ranchers, hunters, explorers, miners, cowboys, warriors, from anywhere and everywhere, regardless of race, color, creed, origin, that masculine energy and power, that drive and motivation, determination, that's what built the societies we all enjoy comfortably today. 

I get it. The "world" is built, in most places pretty safe, so some women get a degree, start an OnlyFans, make a few bucks, and bitch constantly about men. But the thing is "SweetyPieGumDrop", that highrise condo you live in, built by men. That car you drive, built by men. The road you drive on, built by men. The Starbucks, men. The elevator you ride up/down, men. Your food, most or much of your clothes, cell or computer, medicine, vacation getaway, the plane you took to get there, the products and merchandise that crosses the oceans that is protected from Pirates and 

So, to end this little rant, a synopsis of sorts, to finalize it, to conclude my thoughts, to wrap up my point, to finish it, to bring to a close my rambling  :) 

Friday, March 8, 2024

Kinky Sex Trends. :)


So, here I am, sitting here, all alone, bored, it's raining/sleeting/snowing outside, some sort of something wet coming out of the sky, and I got curious what people are searching for, sex wise, on Google. Naturally, I fired up the "porn machine" (computer) and went to Google Trends. Obviously I am only searching within the somewhat narrow realm of things I'm interested in. I mean, I did not run a search for "Submissive Furries Dominated and Scolded by Matronly FemDoms" nor did I run a deep dive search for "Oil Drums of Anal Lube for Sale" or anything like that...though both sound like fine fetishes...just, for other people, not for me.  :) 

Anyway, I entered a few keywords, set it for 5 Years search, and the results are below. There was a massive dip in pretty much all of them, about 2 or so years ago, which I have no understanding of. That was not really pandemic related, time wise I don't think, so am not sure what would have made so many people cease sex searches and be focused on other things, but obviously something was distracting them from their carnal thoughts of...carnality. Anyway...





Okay, I should probably go get a life so...end of this nonsensical "report".  :) 

Friday, March 1, 2024

FemDom - Cuckold - BDSM - YouTube...

Shameless Hussy Promotions Presents:

Go pimp and pump my "stuff".
(That's what she said.)

Click on my "buttons".
(That's what she said.)

Spread my "business" around.
(That's what she said.)

Click on one of my "things" and let it autoplay.
(That's what she said.)

Promote my "package deals".
(That's what she said.)

Tell your friends about my "goods".
(That's what she said.)

Whore me out and around.
(That's what she said.)

View my "store" and enjoy the event.
(That's what she said.)

Drop to your knees and provide worship.
(That's what she said.)

Genuflect properly while watching the visual entertainment.
(That's what she said.)

Leave Thumbs Up.
(That's what she said.)

Click my "Like" Button.
(That's what she said.)

Hit the subscribe button in a submissive, servile, obsequious, obeisant, obediant manner.
(That's what she said.)

Or not.
(That's what she said.)

Gay/Trans. Education. Burn/Ban Books.

Who bans or burns books? Who fears education? Who fears knowledge?  
People like this...

Don't burn or ban them.


Enough said. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Stupidity is Painful. :)


They wasted money to do a "study" on this? Seriously? A 1st grader knows that boys are better at sports than girls...literally. Tiny little children know that boys are stronger and faster...ergo better at sports. I simply can not believe how moronic the far left has become with this idiocy that men and women are the same, and/or that transitioning changes basic biological does not. It never has, it never will. Fuck me... :) 


Why does the far right fear knowledge, information and education? Why do they want kids to be clueless and they are? Why do they obsess over what other people do with their genitals and what people read? Who burns and bans books in the 21 Century? Republicans...that's who. And/or as the title of the above article mentions, 3rd world despot one else. We have now, thanks to the GOP, sunk to the level of North Korea, Saudi Arabia and other nations of that ilk. Fuck me... :) 


What is the problem with using logic, facts, biology, history, knowledge, evidence, geography, science and common sense? Both the far left and the far right are stupid ass imbeciles. The vast majority of people are in the middle, but only the far left or far fight lunatics get headlines, clicks, traffic, notice and attention. Probably, maybe, perhaps 70% of Dems and 20% of Republicans are "normal" and are people who are totally ignored. It makes no sense. 

Do I sound cranky? 
Fuck me....