Sunday, July 14, 2024

Someone Took a PotShot At Trumpie...

And Republicans are acting confused and shocked at this happening.

They spend all morning cleaning their guns. They spend all afternoon killing things with their guns. They spend all night...fucking themselves in their own asses...with their guns.

They endlessly talk about and glorify violence. They tried to overthrow democracy on Jan. 6th. They want to elect a guy who says he wants to be a dictator and end democracy. They want to elect a guy who has no respect for the Constitution (and never read it, and could not understand it even if he did try to read it.)

They deny Biden won legitimately and tried to stop the transfer of power.

They've been treating the NRA like a God for decades, and they threaten everyone with shootings, gun violence, sedition, and other similar verbiage that only 3rd World Banana Republic Dictators spew out.

They were thrilled when SCOTUS said Trump had near total immunity, and of course are now trying to say Dems and/or Biden arranged this assassination attempt. (Side note, if Biden did, which he did not, according to dumbass conservatives on SCOTUS, 3 of whom Trump nominated, Biden would be "all clear" anyway, stupid fucks.)

So, why are they confused or shocked? They've been preaching and advocating and encouraging and threatening violence for decades. they have it. Why are they crying like silly little bitches? You wanted blood in the got it, you lunatic douchebags. 

Probably...Melania hired the guy. 

On a serious note, I abhore violence. 
But...regarding Trump...Fuck him. 


  1. Completely agree Vanessa. Also appears that the incompetent would be assassin was also a republican.


    1. Yes indeed. Thereby proving that Republicans can't get *ANYTHING* done right. :)

  2. Well said Vanessa
    Maybe this can be a unifying moment ?
    You forget to mention that they all had great fun when Paul Pelosi got hit in the head with a hammer
    To all republicans advocating political violence I say:

    It’s all fun a games till somebody gets their eye put out……

    1. What other people do and think is up to them. Me? Unify with Trumpians? Hell no, fuck no, not now, not ever...and I do mean ever.

  3. Haha:)
    Your right
    What was I thinking?
    I hate the traitorous fools too
    No forgiveness here either

  4. Why did Saudi Arabia give Kushner 2b of their money?
    I’m guessing that it was payment for the CIA’s assessment of the entire Iranian defense system
    Which has been proved thatTrump stole from the government
    And probably sold to the Saudi’s
    Who know what he sold to his buddy Putin?
    Aileen Cannon is a disgrace to the entire legal system as are many of trump appointed federalist society judges
    See the supreme court’s recent decisions
    Any other federal government official would be locked up in Super Max for life for such treasonous acts
    Republicans are pieces of shit
    But that’s the simple truth

  5. Hello miss Chaland,

    I read about people saying that 'a gave the finger to the bullet'.
    As an atheist I say, 'well, there's your proof that gods don't exist'.

    Kind regards,

    Marco (from Lindsay).
