(Italicized Text Below Found Online)
Trump didn’t lower your taxes. He didn’t get your roads and bridges fixed. He didn’t get you healthcare coverage, lower the price of your prescriptions, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry, make covid disappear, make Mexico pay for the wall, drain the swamp or Make America First. So when you say he “fought for you’, you mean he validated your hate.
Trump Supported and Encouraged Sedition.
Trump dodged the draft.
1st POTUS in 28 years not to serve a 2nd term.
1st POTUS in 45 years not to release his tax returns.
1st POTUS in 89 years to lose the presidency, the house and the Senate in a single term.
1st POTUS in 102 years to allow more than a million Americans to die in a single virus outbreak.
1st POTUS in 129 years to lose the populist vote twice.
1st POTUS in 152 years to boycott his successors inauguration.
1st POTUS ever to accuse his predecessor of not being an American.
1st POTUS ever to be elected with the help of a foreign nation.
1st POTUS ever to be impeached twice.
1st POTUS ever to have a member of their own party vote conviction in an impeachment trial.
1st POTUS ever to refuse to concede defeat.
1st POTUS ever to refuse to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.
1st POTUS ever to actively incite a terrorist attack against his own government.
1st POTUS ever to be accused of rape.
2nd POTUS in history to be charged with a crime (34 felony charges).
1st POTUS Ulysses S. Grant's crime was speeding in a horse/carriage. He paid a fine.
Trump is the only person in history who essentially lost four rounds of voting:
2016 popular vote by 3 million
2018 midterms
2020 general election
*2022 midterms
Trump single-handedly engineered the nomination of second- rate Senate candidates in eminently winnable swing states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Georgia. All of them lost, every single one of them.
(In Trumps case, "allegations" pretty much means...facts.)
Trumpie said during the trail that E. Jean Carrol was "not his type" ergo he would not have molested nor raped her. He also, on video, confused E Jean Carrol with Marla Maples...his former wife. Below: Trump, E. Jean Carroll, John Johnson and Ivana Trump at a 1980's party.
E. Jean Carroll (above) and Marla Maples (below) could be twin sisters...so much for his claim that she was not his "type".
Regarding GOPs rants about the Dems promoting "socialism"...listen up you bloviating confused crankypants...every crotchety old cantankerous curmudgeonly geezer (and there are millions of them) fires up the keyboard and cranks out, what they deem, as some vastly superior polemic on social issues, postulating and pontificating within their manifesto and thinks they did a "favor" to humanity by sharing their "erudite" wisdom with the credulous masses.
But in reality they are just regurgitating the same old paranoid nonsense that others have done. Those efforts at prophetic doom and gloom predictions has been done in the past...endlessly. And while I give a cursory glance at those rants (albeit perfunctory) and in between giggles I usually see reference to Bernie Sanders and his being a "socialist". News flash, he's a democratic socialist...and so are you.
Examples of democratic socialism: Public roads, public schools, libraries, beaches, roads, fire and police departments, museums...a long list of which any could be privately owned (capitalist) or "state" owned (socialist/communist/autocratic ruled/Monarchy etc) but ours are owned by the "public" as in our society, within the constructs of...wait for it...brace yourself...democratic socialism.
Learn the difference between socialism and democratic socialism. There are a myriad of ideologies within the definition of "socialism". It's just a word, it can be used in multiple ways. Smart people know this. Fox News/NewsMax/OAN News watching morons, don't.
Types of Socialism:
Market socialism
Socialist market economy
Socialist ideologies
Utopian socialism
Leninism and Marxism–Leninism
Council communism and left communism
Collectivist anarchism
Individualist anarchism
Democratic socialism
Social democracy
Green anarchism
Liberal socialism
Ethical socialism
Libertarian socialism
Regional socialism
Arab socialism
Chinese and Vietnamese nationalist socialism
Irish republican socialism
Religious socialism
Buddhist socialism
Christian socialism
Islamic socialism
Abertzale left
Social Security is a "socialist" program: It's a government-run pension system that cuts out private money managers. Medicare, a single-payer, government-run health insurance program for those over 65 is also. Medicaid, for those that are disabled, kids, the VA...all are "socialist" programs. So is the military. Yes, that's right...the armed forces is not a private army...it's owned, run and paid for by tax payers...ergo a form of "socialism".
Minimum wage, maximum hour and child labor laws that go back more than a century are "socialist" programs, in that the government intervenes in the capitalist market to require employers to meet minimum standards that might not be met in a pure, unregulated “free” market. Agricultural and energy subsidies are likewise socialist programs. There are a myriad of other examples.

From my perspective, being how I am, these people, mostly "dudes" just need to be more uxorious and perhaps learn a bit more. And they should...go outside, look up at the beautiful sky, see the birds, smell a flower, watch a cloud transform itself as it moves through the sky. Revel in the majestic beauty that is our planet and stop being so depressive about the future. Its going to be fantastic.
In conclusion...fuck Trump...and socially speaking, in a both social and anti-social and socialistic way...I'm not wearing pants. :)