Monday, April 25, 2022

Observations Post Social Media. :)


I closed most of my social media accounts. I deleted Fetlife maybe a month ago. Instagram, Twitter, and others have been gone for years, I've never used Facebook, I think I have accounts on Reddit and Tumblr and that's it. So, a few observations now that I've spent some time without being "there". First off, I don't miss it, none of it, not at all, not one single bit.

Social media changed the last few years. It used to be memes, jokes, links and interesting people. Comedy, snark, caustic comments, parody, insult comedians, free speech, (what intelligent mature adults suppport), no political correctness, which I am not, proudly. I engage in self deprecating humor, I laugh at the Universe, I laugh at the tragedy of life, I curse and swear, I use words like cunt, you know...talking, writing, laughing, joking, insulting conservatives and religious fundamentalists, the shallow, vapid, vacuous, cretin posers, those that put style over substance. It was fun and I was just fine with it, not bothered by any of it, because...I'm an adult. But now, the last couple years, it's mostly ugly lies, backstabbing, outing others, doxxing, spam, and a lot, I mean a lot, of people whining, depressed, endlessly crying and complaining about their lives. Some whining how they can never find sex partners, both men and women. Yea, those 1st world problems are a real bitch right? It sucks when natural disasters, slavery, genocide, starvation, wars, a global pandemic, poverty, misery, human suffering and other "bothersome" things get in the way of...your sex life.

And then there is the Photoshopping and fake photos. The "Instagram Influencer" types, the obsession with looks, plastic surgery, Botox, fillers, implants and image. I see it like this, from the standpoint of my looks, my physicality, visage, countenance or whatever...Mother Nature - God/Goddess made me how I look, good or bad. I work out to stay healthy and that improves some appearance based aspects, and I try to improve myself internally, education and temperament, attitude and make the effort to be a better citizen of the world, implementing benevolence and altruism...that's about all I can do. So yes, what I see in the mirror is just fine.

And the far right endlessly harping about the "dangers of porn". How seeing some tits will force kids to crater into the deep, dark depths of porn hell. The whole "slippery slope" notion that some people promote, pure lies. The idea that some things will make someone deteriorate into addiction, but not other things. Everything shown in the media, if someone goes deep, why would it only apply to porn? What about history, Rom-Coms, Chick-Flicks, Hollywood action movies, comedy, religion, science and so on? Why, according to them, does this cratering only apply to porn? This assertion stems from the religious right, as a cautionary tale, to try to keep everyone from viewing something they deem as salacious, due to their ideology that it's a "sin" rather than any actual danger. It seems most people with a little cuckold or spanking fetish, stick with those fetishes their whole lives. They're not suddenly watching videos of decapitated lesbian nun meth freak hooker orgies, or whatever. They're still watching whatever they were interested in..their whole perverted lives. :)  

The BDSM "Community". 

There are those, the busybody, self appointed types that are endlessly trying to regulate, organize, control and determine what is allowed in the so called "BDSM Community".

What "community"? I'm always confused by this label that seems to exist mostly on Fetlife, Twitter posts and links to articles about some "community". There are roughly 7 billion people on this planet. By the law of averages, it would be safe to assume that billions of them engage in some version of BDSM. Probably 99% of them never heard of Fetlife, never went to a munch, never will, have no knowledge of all these "rules" that people come up with. So I'm not sure why people write or speak about the "kink" world as if it has some sort of governing body, elected officials, rules, laws, by-laws, a hearing committee and so on. 

Some version of BDSM has existed since the dawn of time. People write their own rules, do their own thing, and live their lives. One fantastic aspect of BDSM is it exists outside of "societal norms" sort of rebels against societal conventions, flouts those habits and rules...why would anyone would want to make it "conformist"? I don't understand that mentality.

 The "Experts"

You know the type, they crank out bloviating babbling rambling diatribes (like me, lol) and have no clue what their even writing about? Their missives are not grammatically correct, they have fucked up syntax, lack proper punctuation, and they pontificate on topics they know little to nothing about. Their diatribes lack perspicuity, draw false assumptions, have no coherent conclusion, yet they deem it as sage profound advice. The medical "advice" is the worst. According to some knuckleheads everyone has ADHD (for example). That and "Bipolar" seem to be the new catch-all diagnosis that seems to suddenly be afflicting everyone. ADHD is one of the most overdiagnosed and misdiagnosed diseases around. Most people would improve with a change in diet and lifestyle, which affects histamine, serotonin, histidine, dopamine, prostaglandin, oxytocin, adrenaline, endorphins, and a myriad of "body" chemicals, which cause confusion, insomnia, depression, mania, and a plethora of other symptoms. Most would benefit from less shrink drugs, less Big Pharma drugs, and a healthier and cleaner lifestyle. 

In summary, I don't miss it...not one bit. I'm happier without it. Perhaps I'm not totally calm and "non-ragey" (see above, lol) but at least somewhat calmer.  :) 

Sounds lovely.  :) 

Penis straws?
Or a collection of tiny cuckold cocks?  :)


  1. Glad you are still here though Vanessa and still keeping on with the blog which is always interesting and thought provoking, amusing and arousing. One thing i don't think we will miss though, are your pants :)


    1. Pants!!!! Damn, knew I was forgetting something. :)

  2. If that April 25th pic is of you, Miss Chaland, you truly are one gorgeous dominant Lady!😊

  3. I too have been thinking of leaving twitter....I left facebook a while ago...Twitter, so much drama there.

    1. Most of them were fun for a time, but no longer. Too toxic. Too much censorship, too much PC...I just can't deal with them so, deleted just about everything over the last couple years. Life is better without them. :)
