Friday, January 21, 2022

Mainstream Cuckolding and Putins Stripper Pole. :)

Historically stigmatized, cuckolding has now become a national conversation.

Side topic, that some people may already know, I am one of the interviewee's in the book by David Ley "Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them". Met him at a local coffee shop for an hour or two...a few years back when he was writing the book. It is interesting however, how things have so drastically changed. What once, not so long ago, was a sort of secretive sexually salacious super slutty slutfest, is now out in the open and discussed everywhere. Not sure if that is better or worse, in its totality, but either way, the cat is out of the bag, and by cat, I really mean pussy cat, and by pussy cat, I really mean, pussy, and by out of the bag, I really mean...panties.  :) 


Free. As in you already paid for them, the tax payer are the US Government. People seem to forget that. We are the government. The people that we hire and pay, by voting them into office through elections, yea, they work for us, not the other way around. And all those government buildings, all the Federal land, BLM land, Forests and Beaches, NASA, every single branch of the military, all the planes and ships, the tanks, boats and bombs, the Pentagon, the White House, all the Federal Court Houses, the Halls of Congress, the public schools and Universities, Hospitals, Libraries, Fire Departments, Police Departments and anything else that is funded by tax, own it.  :) 

Because not all rich people are disgusting souless pigs like Putin and his main little soft and effeminate bitch...Donald J. Trump, here is a list of the Most Philanthropic Rich People. :)

Hey, they have a valid point. 

Hey, they have another valid point.  :) 


A few years old...but I still find it amusing.  :) 
Dick Pic. 

Which reminded me of...

Eenie Weenie Short Short Man - Tiktok Compilation