Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Fuck Your Fucking Fuckity Fuck Political Correctness! :)

I fucking hate PC. Loathe it. It sucks fucking donkey balls. Adhering to "PC Speak" does not make one a better person, it does not mean they are "nicer" or more evolved, it simply means the person that does this is, a fucking spineless, gutless, wussy, and a wanker...a fucking wussified wanker.  :)

The "N-Word"? What the fuck is the "N-Word"? Our media, reporters and TV talking heads are a bunch of pathetic children. A quick search states there are at least 28834 words in the English language that start with the letter "n". In regards to this story, I assume they mean the word nigger. See. Was that so hard to write out? I mean we all know what they meant, so just fucking say it. Or, simply say...racial slur, racial insult, racial epithet etc., that would indicate to the reader what was said. My main point here though is, she was quoting from a well known author, from a book, written in 1894. This is, in a college setting, where people go to become...educated. Educated about history, facts, language, the good, the bad and the ugly. Denying that people throughout history used inflammatory and ugly words to describe other human beings as far as race, religion, sexual orientation, or "whitewashing it" or flowering it up is *not* education. Words like Spic, Wop, Nigger, Cunt, Fag, Dyke, Kike, Wetback, are ugly, nasty, gross...but pretending they don't exist, trying to "dress" them up, is not helping anything, it does not change history, and firing someone over it proves the agenda and staff of the college, in this case, are *not* providing a proper education. Grow the fuck up. 


Like him or not, Flynt was fearless in the pursuit of free speech and never shied away from standing up for his a most unpolitically incorrect fashion. 


See, with free speech, we can tell these "doctors" that they are fuckin idiots...for assuming that all women wear lipstick and frilly clothes, we do not. That notion is so far beyond moronic, it makes one question if these "doctors" are educated or even one iota intelligent, which would *not* be a politically correct to say. They should grow the fuck up. 


Another example of juvenile mentality. They censored the "C" in this guys "Fuck You" forehead tattoo. Why? What or whom does this protect? Anyone, and I mean anyone that can read, from a 4 year old and above knows what the word is. Grow the fu*k fu*k heads.  :) 


PC Pussy Politicians, in an effort to garner headlines and look "tough" keep making laws calling certain acts "hate" crimes. This is not to be confused with "love" crimes. Or crimes of apathy. Or crimes of indifference, or being morose, or crimes of humor, or crimes of sheer fucking joy, or gaiety. A crime is crime is a crime. I hate wimpy politicians. Does that make my hatred of them into a...politically incorrect hate crime?  


If not for free speech, I would not be able to call Joe Arpaio...a retarded redneck racist...whose stupid ass views on society have cost at least a quarter of a billion tax dollars, which would have fed a lot of homeless people, built a lot of schools and bridges...but stupid fucking Republican's keep electing dumbfucks like him...while crying about the increasing state and national deficits. Here he is with Trump...who is a stupid fucking dumb fuck by the way...I say with zero fucks given about...political correctness. :)


The great thing about free speech? I can say accurately and honestly, this guy is a stupid fucking cunt. While this is true, it would *not* be politically correct...and I don't give a fuck. :)


USA and our allies (basically the UK & Israel) foreign policies, and global agendas, our hegemony, domination, love of war, love of exploitation, love of killing, make us Earths largest terrorist organizations. We are responsible for most of the worlds suffering, pollution, climate change, and misery. And our "experts" are usually wrong. Our CIA was wrong about the Korean War, the Vietnam War, missed seeing the demise/fall of the Soviet Union, blew it on 9/11, their intelligence was wrong on Operation Desert Storm, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and pretty much everything else. Our military leadership sucks, the Pentagon sucks, and our (mostly) young people pay for these blundering policies with their lives. If that's not bad enough, they're spending billions of more dollars, for more assassins and agents of chaos, to do untoward, illegal and shady things to other innocent people, in the dark of night with no oversight or public knowledge. It is not politically correct for me to say this...but as we have established, my unfucked self has no fucking fucks to give, about these fucking fuckers. :) 


Sweet Holy Mother Of Fu*king Censorship...arresting people for "racial harassment" for a meme? I mean...arrested? 1st Amendment? Free Speech? The 1st Amendment protects "unpopular" speech. Vile, insulting, crude, crass, rude, nasty, ugly stupid, unfavorable...speech. We don't need constitutional protection to protect people that say "Have a nice day!". And this is happening in an institution where people are being educated...about civics and history, laws speech? 


I hate to break it to people...but women have vaginas. I know its not politically correct to say that women have vaginas, but, from a biological standpoint, a scientific standpoint, from the point of accuracy, definitively speaking, using terminological exactitude...women have vaginas. 


This would be...the people, the Post Office, that is $160.9 billion in debt? These fucks...are wasting billions doing illegal and unauthorized spying on Americans, without a warrant, while packages are late, while they keep raising postage rates...for what purpose? 

This last post has nothing to do with anything above other than...I fucking hate fucking Gwyneth Paltrow. And her Goop site. And her vagina (she is a woman after all, so she has a vagina) and her fucking candles, whether they explode or not...fuck her . :)

Okay...fuck me. No, seriously, that's an invitation. Someone needs to fuck me. This dry spell is making me cranky. Crankier than usual even, if that's even fucking possible. (By the way, I'm trying to set the world record for using the word "fuck" more times than anyone a single fucking blog post.) I mean...its such a long fucking dry spell of a fucking lack of fucking...I'm unfucked and...wearing fucking pants. Not properly "panted" mind you, but, I am fucking "pantalooned" nonetheless.  :)  


  1. For abundant use of the word fuck, I strongly recommend the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. The cast nicknamed the movie "The Death of a Fucking Salesman."

    1. I'll fucking have to check that fucking thing out. Thanks for the fucking tip. :)

    2. My favourite swearing is in BBC comedy series The Thick Of It, portraying the government as just as clueless and full of shit as the rest of us. Peter Capaldi ending a relatively civil conversation with "fuckity-bye" is gorgeous. If you can't find it the feature film In The Loop is pretty much the same thing from the same peop!e with Capaldi playing the same character, and the late James Gandolfini as an American general trying to stop a war. It's great.

      Agreed with Paltrow, it's like she's trying to find the edge of what pseudo-scientific or faux-feminist capitalism-as-self-care bullshit people will tolerate. She's on record thinking she has it tougher than the average mother and didn't even realise she was in Spider-Man: Homecoming. She should just shut the fuck up and be grateful for her ridiculous life of privilege.

      Hope you get fucked soon! Have visited your blog a few times but this definitely deserves a follow!

    3. I'm not familiar with that show, but might check into it. My favorites of that genre, BBC wise, are "Yes Minister" and "Yes Prime Minister" and of course "Are You Being Served", "Fawlty Towers", "Ab-Fab" and the usual. I love that snarky dry wit, more cerebral than most of the USA born "sit-coms" and finally, yes, tired of Paltrow and all the other born rich Hollywood "Vags" harping on endlessly about the trials and tribulations of their challenging Soccer Mom lives... :)

    4. Dry wit is what that show is all about. It's from the creator of Veep, who also helped develop Alan Partridge.

      My opinion of Gwyneth would change of she got some sort of yeast infection or something fungal and brought out a new candle: "This is what my vagina smells like now."

    5. 'Veep' is one of my all time favorites. I watch it over and over and over while riding my recumbent bike. :)

  2. Dry spell? Isn't that function of aging in women? Lube up!

    1. I'll automatically lube up...just as soon as I can find a man who up! :)

  3. Sorry, I'm more of a whips and chains kind of guy. Our play styles differences would be the talk of the town. Like getting chocolate in my peanut butter.

    1. Reese's Dungeon and Dinner Domination Theater of the Antarctic?

  4. I like it. I'll send a sled over for you. You'll be the only dungeon bunny without a gag.

  5. That I would pay money to see. As long as you wear the ears. Hate to leave the repartee but have to sleep. Keep up all the good work and your ranting. I do enjoy everything. Well, watch that peanut butter.
