Thursday, November 19, 2020

"Queening is a uniquely take-charge, femdom act which reduces the submissive's purpose to giving sexual pleasure while receiving none."

 So says the lady that wrote this...on this website wherein they profiled some of my furniture...which is nice of them as I have no idea who they are, and no idea they were going to, so thanks to them for that.  






Stevie Nicks 1978.


Italian girls in 1950.


Grand Tetons, right before sunrise. 


Seen, on a restaurant window. 

What a nice cozy looking living room. 


  1. Irene does her queening by kneeling over me in what I call reverse cowgirl cunnlingus. Very occasionally she will deny me after I make her come, and she likes that idea. But usually she can’t wait to fuck me after she catches her breath, and does so with vigor.

    We tried a queening chair and it worked, but then she just went back to kneeling. May try it again.


  2. "Hungry....No Money....No Problem....Come on in"
    Sign in the window of Sweeney Todd Market....
    No shortages around here except for hobos
