Monday, November 30, 2020

Good News!! :)

 I don't have any personally mind you. I mean...its not like I found my pants or something. No. This is just to point out that, while this is a very challenging time, and the news may seem all negative, dark and dreary, and yes, there are a lot of unfortunate things happening, there is a lot of good things occurring, and a lot of happy and positive news articles about human beings being our best, there is a lot to be thankful for, and a great deal to be optimistic about. :)  

 Good News  

I'm not sure if owning this table would be considered "good news" or not. But certainly it would be an interesting conversation piece...round the old living room right? I could people sit there and not talk about it?  :)


This shirt could be considered good news....but probably not.  :)


Interesting...for those with an aversion to pine needles and sap. :)

Do you see flesh...or sand dunes?  


  Love the smartass self-deprecating snark. :)


Pretty much like...95% of all "conversations" we get online...daily.

So, do you have to take your pants off to rob the bank?


A man gifts his fiancé with her lost childhood teddy bear. You can tell...a lifetime of emotion, hopes, fears, squeezes, hugs and affection are wrapped up in this bear and the connection back to her childhood. What a sweet gift and a sweet man to do this.  :) 


Got a "few free moments"? 
Here's how to build a canoe, from a tree trunk. :)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Random Insomniac Type Stuff. :)

Reverse Cowgirl.  :) 


New apple variety discovered by Wiltshire jogger. Yes, its new, not a newly done cultivar. How many apple cultivars are there (You might find yourself asking, though, why the hell would you?), there are currently over 7,500 cultivars of the culinary or eating apple.  
And yes, I am just a little teensy tiny bit...bored. :)


Photogenic Baby elephant.

Someone's got some...unresolved issues. :)

Oh off your perfectly colored, naturally flowing, luscious tresses of gorgeous gorgeous jackass. :)


My wife's conservative religious high-school wouldn't let me take her to prom ten years ago because we're both women, so I threw her one in our home for our 5th anniversary. (Found Online.) 

What a pity all those resources can't be used for something benevolent like helping humanity...instead of being wasted on a bunch of overgrown and overpaid crybabies playing a kids game..

Wadi Rum, Jordan. 


How to "pull a train".
Er...I mean how to push a train.  :) 


Polar bear and cubs. 


This Dude...not giving a single solitary fuck about...anything. :)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Secret Code Word is....Covfefe. :)


Pregnancy test early five result day sooner pregmate? 


Stuðlagil Canyon. Iceland.


A bridge for wildlife to cross the road in Veluwe, the Netherlands.


A Sand cat and her mini meow.

Aborted Mission. 


Stunning Natural Beauty.
Grindelwald, Switzerland.


Public Hospital in Norway.


I know...Kung Fu.  :)


Komondor. Coming at you full speed...downhill. :)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

"Queening is a uniquely take-charge, femdom act which reduces the submissive's purpose to giving sexual pleasure while receiving none."

 So says the lady that wrote this...on this website wherein they profiled some of my furniture...which is nice of them as I have no idea who they are, and no idea they were going to, so thanks to them for that.  






Stevie Nicks 1978.


Italian girls in 1950.


Grand Tetons, right before sunrise. 


Seen, on a restaurant window. 

What a nice cozy looking living room.