Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fleshlight Fleshjack LoveSack? :)

And here all this time I thought "Fleshlight" was just a typo when I'd see the term online. :) 



Kudos to this Chef Father. 
He's got his priorities right. :)

Some clueless GOP twat waffle twit...lying about Sanders. Then someone called him out with...you know, math and facts, and all that stuff they hate so much. 


Plus, Bernie doesn't use effeminate Trump hairspray...so the ozone layer is saved as well.  :)

Total and complete, 100% light and visual overload. 
I'd not be able to sleep for a month after spending an hour in this room. 


Beautiful Canyon - South Coast, Iceland. 


Dentist Office showing how much sugar is in regular items.



Grunge bar in Amsterdam:  Found this guy just sitting in a rage.  :)

Lake Under the Sea 


  1. Ms. Vanessa,

    You've outdone Your magnificent Self with this one. Love it love it love it!!!


    sissy terri

    p.s. The brown-skinned Palestinian Jew is the best!

    1. Bless you...but I can take no credit for the creation of said meme...I just "Report" and you "Decide". :)
