Sunday, September 1, 2019

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Franco Columbu Salma Hayek - New Porn Laws - Memes

A guy named Franco Columbu passed away recently. He was a power-lifter, bodybuilder, Chiropractor, actor and writer. He was also the best friend of Arnold Schwarzenegger for over a half a century. The reason I'm mentioning this is twofold.  


One reason, is about having friends, good friends, lifelong friends. Having special people in your life is more important than just about anything else. Beyond family and health, good friends is a gift. A true gift. Its not something you can buy or rent, you can't order them up online, they can't be bought on a payment plan, layaway, you can't charge them to your credit card...they are something that can not be purchased. For those that are fortunate enough to have a few good friends, or even one, are blessed and gifted far more than those that don't, or can't understand it. I have some. I'd probably have more...but I refuse to wear pants so... :) 


The other reason, is one can not help but notice the difference between how people looked and acted, what was priority, what was substantive in the era of these photos...and now. These guys were bodybuilders and sure, no doubt they did steroids. Side note, notice how most of the well known steroid users, from that era, are still alive and doing just fine...contrary to what the doctors and law enforcement stated? You know, from popular culture, bodybuilders, people like Sylvester Stallone, The Hulk (wrestler guy), numerous other athletes, most of them are now in their 70s and still kicking, look great, enjoying life and are doing just fine. 

Anyway, they ate steak, drank alcohol, they smoked, some of them, some smoked cigars, some smoked weed, they did steroids, they had sex, they ran businesses, traveled, they lived and enjoyed life. All the things we are now told will kill us by the time we're 40...they did and survived. And they not only survived, they thrived. And, they worked out. Rather than spending all day photo-shopping selfies, they hit the gym, did things to make actual changes in their body and health, rather than just making photos that look good.  

The random photos below are from a site where people "out" those that thought they were swift, that thought no one would notice how they alter photos, copied/pasted their head onto other peoples bodies, whitened, lightened, brightened, sucked in fat, widened hips, puffed out lips, adding inches to their dicks, and whatever else. 

I hardly even recognize people anymore. I don't do a whole lot out in public as I've worked for myself from home most of my life. But when I do go out, if I come across people that look like this, I feel like I've discovered a new species. Hey, its fine, people can do what they want, its their life. But personally, I'll take guys and girls that have normal skin, normal teeth, imperfect smiles, that work out and have real muscle, that are "real"...any day. But that's just me.  

Doing steroids helps, but you still have to go to the gym. You still have to do the work. Getting pec implants, ass implants, calve implants, fake lips, fake tits, fake teeth, fake tan, fake lashes, facial contouring, cheek implants, tattoos, piercings, and a plethora of other implants, will not make you love yourself any better. And if someone likes you more, because you did all that, and would not have liked you before having all that plastic surgery and cosmetic work done....fuck em. You are worth more than that sort of shallow and vapid "friendship".   :) 


Salma Hayek posted this picture today.
 She turns 53 years old tomorrow.
Good genes...


Personal preference is interesting. When I look at the furniture from this Instagram site, I can't see anything, not one single thing, that I would want to own. Its gaudy, pretentious and "loud". I'll take wood, carpet and "cozy" furnishings and surroundings over this every single time. 

You know what would drive down prescription drug prices? If we had true, free market economy and capitalistic competition. What we have now is rigged prices based on a controlled environment due to lobbyists owning politicians like whoreish bitches, and not allowing the majority of countries to enter into our market where they would sell us cheaper priced prescription drugs.  

Monthly price in dollars for insulin from different countries. 


Does that include Polaroids sent through the post office? 
I just bought the motherload of postage stamps! :)


Winter in Japan.


She seems frisky.  :) 


Okay, enough out of me. Perhaps I'm feeling nostalgic, or just ruminating over how the world has changed. Its just that sometimes I feel like people like me, and the current state of people on our planet are like.....worlds colliding.  :)  



  1. Vanessa thanks for that touching article by Arnold on his friend Franco.

  2. EVERYTHING in this post is amazing....I whole heatedly agree. I'm one of those very fortunate people to have a "best" friend. From about age 8, until this very day, we are and will forever be brothers. We met in elementary school, competed against each other in little league baseball (my team won two (2) championships, back to back against his)....he's still We did everything together, and 40 years later...we talk over the phone 3 times a week. It's a special relationship...friend doesn't do it justice.....truly my brother from another....
