Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Pornhub launches Dirtiest Porn Ever campaign to clean up the world's oceans....Plus "Stuff". :)

Kudos to them for this. Its incumbent on all of us, everyone, to clean up the mess we've created the last few decades. Sure, people might say that our ancestors have been polluting since the dawn of time...but, not really. When our forefathers and mothers "polluted" it was what....leather and wood? I mean pre-industrial revolution, there were no planes, no cars, no rubber used in the way we use it now, so anything they "polluted" was just normal organic items they had to use to survive. Its only the last 100 years or so that we've even had plastic, petroleum products, and so on in readily available quantities. A bit longer where chemicals, steel and other products were mass produced, but even that was on a much smaller scale due to challenges and smaller populations. So the "mess" is fairly recent, its ours, we need to deal with it and not just leave it for our kids. 


A misty morning in Banff, Canada.


Not my puppers...found online.  :)

The whole Photoshop thing is just stupid. 
I mean, this chick (or whomever) used the same clouds for all 4 photos. 
It makes no sense. 


This video, the cows in the mountains by a crystal clear stream, the grass and flowers, the beautiful sky, the breeze, the clouds and fog...its just so tranquil and serene. 


Cuckold POTUS?
Melania surely *seems* be enjoying that kiss. And really, come on, you *know* she's getting some "D" on the side. She's what....20 years or more younger than he is. She's surrounded by young, good looking and well built Secret Service guys all day and night. She has nothing to do. She does nothing. She's on a cock rampage...trust me.  :) 

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