Sunday, August 4, 2019

MAGA: 2.0: The "Real" Thing. Be Best! Covfefe Free...but with Common Sense! :)


I don't even have to write new text. Just copy/paste most of what I wrote yesterday.

No one is asking about Green Cards, whether or not someone is Muslim, Gay, Trans, if they are "Conservative" or Liberal, or any other stupid ass nonsense...just humans beings being kind, and enjoying other human beings...the way it should be. 

By the way, this is what also...
Makes Canada Great...
Makes Pakistan Great...
Makes Mexico Great...
Makes Yemen Great...
Makes Russia Great...

You get my point.  

Its not racist dickhead dictators, a dick swinging military, greedy schmucks, saluting a piece of colored cloth, how many fucking guns you own, or how many dozens of people you kill in malls or on sidewalks, or empty patriotic jingoistic blather that make a country "great". 
Its the average person on the street, or on a dirt road, or in a ghetto, or a 3rd World "Slum".  :) 

Any racists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists or Trump fans that don't get this...


Thank God 'Murica is a "Christian" know...
 "I am my Brothers Keeper"
                                                             "Give unto Others"
"The Sermon on the Mount"
How kind people offered refugees like Joseph and Mary a place where Jesus could be born.

Oh wait....never mind. 
America as it relates to the GOP and Trump is not a Christian country.   

Side note, the people that inundate my blog with racist, homphobic, misogynistic comments that I don't approve, ergo they don't get posted...are you out of your minds? You really think I'm going to approve/post your hate-filled messages about gays and black people? You think I'm going to allow your ugly messages about transgender people, brown skinned people, women and other minorities to be seen on my blog? Seriously? Go fuck yourselves! :)



A cookie table at a wedding?
Obesity problem?
What obesity problem?  


How to "Kill" a big giant Dildo.  :) 


  1. Aaaahhhh! Another dildo got in the building!
