Friday, April 19, 2019

My No Pants Fascination....How it all Came to Be. :)

Visualize me as a wee lass of a strict, uptight and proper fundamentalist upbringing...forced to wear disgusting scratchy, itchy leotards and tights under my skirts. And by "skirts" I mean floor length dresses that swept up dust 'cuz they were so long. We can see the lasting impression this had on me by the following two examples, the "whore guide" and one of yours truly. :)

Through my early years I'd see cartoons, TV shows, and jokes about "no pants"...which would usually involve old guys with sock garters and no pants. I just thought it was hilarious. There was nothing sexual about it as that was a rather repressed era where anything "sexual" was not allowed on that never even entered my mind. The first 25 seconds of this Letterman clips speaks volumes. When I'd stay up late, hiding from my parents, sneaking into the living room when I was supposed to be in bed to watch "sinful" late night TV...and I first saw Letterman with his "Worldwide Pants" corporation, I'd stuff my face into a pillow and giggle until I just about peed myself. 


Which of course this all eventually lead to....a fascination and penchant for "No Pants" but with a different intent and purpose. 

In conclusion I would just like to summarize and emphatically state that....there was absolutely no fucking point to this entire blog post.  :) 


  1. except to see your wonderfully beautiful ass in the last pic. A not bad bod either, red Converse and all. :-) Tim

  2. Maybe there was no point to this blog post, but I got it.

  3. Maybe there was no point to this blog post, but I got it.

  4. I could anyone see your bottom and not drop to their knees to worship's so beautiful....and I think I'd really have to investigate what's going on between those might take me a few hours!!!! A few really enjoyable hours!!!!

    1. So, are you saying I should start my own "line" of altered footwear? :)
