Saturday, March 30, 2019

The share of Americans not having sex has reached a record high.

I love smart-asses.  :) 

So, the MGTOW, the Incels, the gold diggers and some hyperactive #MeTwo movements, plus "trickle down economics" and social media "beauty" standards have melded together in a confluent clusterfuck where no more cock-n-cunt meetings are taking place? :)


  1. The trend seems to be M/M and F/F, evolution maybe. The sexual game not as fun as it was. Not wanting to continue the way your parents live. There is enough out there that one can satisfy themselves and not get in trouble. Sexual sanctification is what that person feels.

  2. Looks like electing a closeted homosexual and his tranny wife in 2008 turned people off of sex.

    1. Trump and Melania were still private criminal citizens in 2008.

  3. I wonder whether the trend to young people having less sex is driven by factors such as fewer people getting married and many people not getting married at all. I'm not implying that sex doesn't happen outside of marriage. Obviously it does. But I believe that for lots of single men "getting laid" on a regular basis is not easy. As women have become economically independent, they have been empowered to have sex on their own terms. I would think they feel less pressured to find a husband than women of previous generations who needed a man to support them, due to limited career options for women. And today's single women who have sex for the pure pleasure of it (i.e. not for the purpose of finding a husband) probably tend to be picky about the men they have sex with, leaving large numbers of single men unable to get laid. That's my theory.

    1. I think there could be some truth to what you said, and possibly plus the cost of housing, college, insurance, healthcare, marriage, pregnancy, the toxic vapid shallowness of social media (swiping left or right), a myriad of other factors, really just societal pressure at large.
