Thursday, December 6, 2018

Animalistic...Animals. :)


The jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) is one of the most unusual of the New World cat species, being somewhat weasel-like in appearance. The body is long and slender, with short legs, a small, flattened head, short, rounded ears, and a long tail.



  1. As the Sissy in charge of all things house related I can uneqivocbly say that I like dandelions and have really never understood why so many people hate them.....I remember making bouquets of them for my Mom when I was a really little boy.....
    So if a couple of the little yellow beauties want to grow on our lawn......I'm actually OK with that....

  2. Hey, in my opinion, you yourself are a "little yellow beauty"! :)
