Thursday, November 1, 2018

Christmas is right around the Corner and I *do* Accept Gifts so....

Keep me in mind.  :) 


  1. Vanessa,

    Is that what you want for Christmas? A Rat Rod? Or did you want it filled with "toys"?

    Joe D. Footsniffer

  2. Vanessa,

    I agree! It's a Rat Rod, which is a concept I'm still trying to wrap my head around. If you're not into hot rods, rat rods are cars and trucks that are rebuilt but when it comes to the paint, the builder enhances the rust on the body and then he'll spray it with clear coat. They actually try to design the rust and then protect it so it doesn't ruin the car.

    I'm old school and I like the high gloss, multi colored paint jobs, with flames, artwork or pinstripes; but more and more car shows have rat rods instead of old school hot rods.

    Joe D. Footsniffer

  3. I like old cars, old music, artwork, fashion, and other aspects of that culture. As to this particular truck....not quite as much. :)
