Sunday, September 2, 2018

Pussy Birthers and Dotard Dicks... See what I did there? :)

Apparently there are still some Trump troglodytes..and the "half-man" himself, spewing on about the Obama "birther" issue. Stunning to say the least. So, forthcoming is clarification and elucidation for the jagoff jackanapes....might be some Caps involved, and some swearing, brace yourselves...

It Does NOT Matter if Obama *might* have been born in Kenya (he was not) you Fox News watching, no reading, vapid, facile, vacuous cretins...his mother was a born-in-the-USA chick from Kansas. 

In order to run for POTUS in the USA, one must be a USA citizen. What is required to be a US citizen is either being born here, to ONE or both parents of which only ONE has to be a citizen, or naturalized and then age requirements and so forth. Its in the U.S. Constitution. That document that goes along with the US Flag and the National Anthem which faux patriots pee their panties saluting and hand-wringing over...that usually the same people know nothing the fuck about.  

Since his mother Ann Dunham was a natural born USA citizen, Barack Obama automatically was born a USA citizen. If he had been born in Kenya, or the Panama Canal Zone (where John McCain was born), or on the high seas, or in Australia, or a jungle, or a desert, or on a plane, or in space, or underwater in a lake in Russia, or a tree house in Malaysia....he's still a USA citizen, and therefore legally able to be president. 

I still come across articles or shows were the religious right wants to outlaw "gays" and porn and probably topless bars etc. Occasionally one of these brain-dead, single cell organisms will posit that in a "democracy" if the majority are against something, that said majority should be able to vote for or against those other peoples civil rights. 

So as a brief edifying spectacle: In a democracy the majority rules by vote. Thankfully the USA is a Constitutional Republic. The difference is simple, in a straight democracy the majority could vote to oppress a segment of the populace. For example, the majority could vote members of a certain race into servitude or women to dwell exclusively in the kitchen, to take away the rights of gays etc. 

In a constitutional republic the rights of the individual are protected from this sort of obscenity. Sure, we have a history of far right conservative activist judges ruling otherwise (Dred Scott v Sanford for example) and we are still inundated with same (some of the speed-bumps from the conservative side of SCOTUS etc). With the exception of the aforementioned, the majority of people (who read and are informed by something other than the Bible and Fox News) know that you can't vote away other peoples civil rights.

These (the two above issues) are not a "Republican versus Democrat" agenda, nor am I implying that all GOP voters are stupid or morons....but seriously people, Cable news shows are not educating anyone, with Fox News being the worst, and next time, consider nominating an emotionally and intellectually mature and stable adult for your party. You could have nominated a boring ass glass of milk like Jeb Bush or whatever other bot the GOP put up. Its your party, take it back.  :) 

Now then, since we got that settled...back to my usual silly memes and slutty smut.  :) 


  1. Seems to me that you are the one who is obsessed with Trump.
    But, let's not address that issue.
    Maybe if you posted about femdom as much as you do about Trump, you would have more visitors to your blog.
    Just saying.
    (Go ahead and rage now, douchebag)

  2. Hi Limpy! So nice to know that a coward who won't post his name but tries to be sarcastic anonymously visits my blog. Obviously the truth and facts bother you, lest otherwise you'd go read Trump lovers blogs. But to address your insane rant, Trump himself is of no consequence to me. The damage he's done to the USA's standing, to our relations with our allies, the decimation of the our environment *does* matter.

    A fat pussy grabbing orange imbecile with small hands, a tiny brain and child-size hands who has to pay for sex, screws over every business partner he's ever dealt with, filed for bankruptcy 6 times, cowers to Putin, who had to claim 5 deferments for Viet Nam due to *bone spurs* is not someone *anyone* should admire, but of course pussy ass coward Nazis like you who are unpatriotic and disloyal to the USA...want to blow him. Make sure and suck his balls too Fluffer....and know that your ignorant diatribes are always welcome because I find the infantile way you view the world and the way your write....hilarious. And since I know how much you detest my blog posts about Trump...I will double, or even treble them. Enjoy your night at the glory-hole.

  3. I wish you wouldn’t hold back and just tell him how you really feel :)
